Visiting Speaker at Gloucestershire Hospital Education Service (GHES)
Name of Speaker
Date of Birth
Date of Proposed visit
Name of contact at GHES
Reason for visit
Please outline the information you intend to communicate in your talk/presentation to GHES pupils:
Please sign below to confirm:
  • That the information provided is true and accurate
  • That you agree with the ‘Guidelines for Visiting Speakers’ overleaf
  • That you will bring a valid photo ID (Driving license or Passport) with you on the day as proof of your ID.
  • There is no reason for you not to be working with children or young people (e.g. a person on the sex offenders register cannot work with children).

Please send this form back to your contact at GHES (the Organiser) as soon as possible.
GHES Staff use only
Signature of Organiser: / Date:
Approved by member of SLT (signature): / Date:

Gloucestershire Hospital Education Service (GHES)

Guidelines for Visiting Speakers

GHES values visits from speakers that enrich our pupils’ experience of education, providing them with information that helps them make decisions at different phases of their education, widening their understanding of world and global issues and providing motivational inspiration through the sharing of a speaker’s experience. Our responsibility to our students is to ensure that they can critically assess the information they receive as to its value to themselves, and that the information is aligned to the ethos and values of the School and British Values. GHES also has a core duty to safeguard pupils at all times.


The “Prevent” statutory guidance (The Prevent Duty: Departmental advice for schools and childcare providers”, DfE, June 2015) requires schools to have clear protocols for ensuring that any visiting speakers whether invited by staff or pupils, are suitable and appropriately supervised.

As per the “Prevent” guidance, visiting speakers are required to agree to the following terms and conditions:

1. The presentation must not incite hatred, violence, or call for the breaking of the law.

2. The visiting speaker is not permitted to encourage, glorify or promote any acts of terrorism, including individuals, groups or organisations that support such acts.

3. The visiting speaker must not spread hatred and intolerance of any minority group/s in the community.

4. The visiting speaker must seek to avoid insulting other faiths or groups, within a framework of positive debate and challenge.

5. Visiting speakers are not permitted to raise or gather funds for any external organisation of cause without express permission from the Head of Service.

6. GHES staff have the right and responsibility to interrupt and/or stop the presentation for any violation of this agreement.

Other terms and conditions related to safeguarding:

7. The visiting speaker will not give any personal information to pupils, such as mobile number or address. The visiting speaker will not share their personal email address and only provide a professional work email via teaching staff if it is necessary. Visiting speakers will not contact pupil directly either before or after their visit. Any contact, if necessary, will be via teaching staff.

8. The visiting speaker with not give information about their personal social network accounts or engage in any communication with pupils using social media networking sites either before or after their visit. Visiting speakers must decline ‘friend requests’ from pupils they may receive in their personal social media accounts.

9. GHES operates a no smoking policy and visiting speakers will not smoke anywhere near or on the GHES sites.

10. Visiting speakers will be conscious of behaving as a role model to pupils in their behaviour and communication at all times.

Any breach of these terms of conditions will be dealt with by the Head of Service and other agencies (including the police or the employer of the speaker) may be involved, as appropriate, depending on the nature of the breach of these terms and conditions. For further guidance, the school’s child protection policy can be found

Policy written: December 2015 (Annalise Price-Thomas)