1. To be completed by the nominator:
Nominator NameBCS Membership Number
Name of person nominated(nominee)
Area(s) of BCS voluntary service for which nomination is made
(e.g. Branches, Specialist Groups, CITP assessment, Academy, etc)
Briefly describe the voluntary role(s) undertaken by the nominee with approx. dates if known.
Briefly describe the nominee’s significant achievements within the role(s).
Briefly describe the benefit to BCS as a result of the nominee’s contribution.
Please state if there are other areas of BCS you think the nominee may have been involved in (these will be further investigated).
Please indicate which award you are nominating for – tick box
(see below for guidance) / Cert. of Appreciation / Meritorious Cert. / John Ivinson Award
In the appropriate box below, alongside the relevant award, please state why you think this person deserves to receive the award. (Your statement may be included in their citation)
Certificate of Appreciation
(for tangible achievements and benefits to BCS as a result of the volunteer’s personal contribution in a single voluntary role)
Meritorious Certificate
(for tangible achievements and benefits to BCS as a result of the volunteer’s personal contributions to two or more voluntary roles in different areas of BCS’s work)
John Ivinson Award
(for tangible achievements and benefits to BCS as a result of the volunteer’s personal contributions on a wide scope of BCS’s areas of endeavour, significantly furthering BCS’s strategic aims and mission)
Date sent for Review
(please send the form to Member Groups team for review)
2. To be completed by Member Groups teamin conjunction with MBBPC:
Date received
Reviewed by
Has the nominee received any previous awards? If so, please provide details with dates.
Add details of any additional voluntary roles undertaken by the nominee with dates
Add details of any additional support for this award from other volunteers or members of BCS staff
Date reviewed by Membership Board Best Practice Committee
Recommendation by MBBPC
(delete as required: if defer, reject or a different award than nominated for, please give reasons in the next box) / Cert. of Appreciation / Meritorious Cert. / John Ivinson Award
Defer / Reject
Recommend for Honorary Fellowship / External Award
(If the recommendation is to defer or reject, or if the recommended award is different from nominated award, please give reasons)
Additional comments
(Please add any additional comments from the MBBPC or specific input to the citation)
Endorsed by Membership Board
(delete as required) / Endorsed / Return to MBBPC
Date endorsed by Memb. Bd
Arrangements for Presentation of Award
(add dates and details of presentation)
Date complete
(complete this once presentation has been made)

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