I am playing in the Young Life 100-Hole Golf Marathon. Yes, I am going to risk total exhaustion, public humiliation and who knows what else, to do this crazy thing—play 100 holes of golf in one day! But the purpose is a worthwhile cause—to help raise support for a valuable program that reaches out to young people in our area.
Young Life provides a “best week of your life” summer camp experience that introduces a young person to the Christian faith. This summer kids will attend Lost Canyon and Oakbridge for a life-changing week. All proceeds from this marathon will go to reducing the cost of camp for kids and to provide an ongoing ministry when the return.
This fund-raising event is for Young Life, an organization that works with thousands of high school and middle schools kids every week. I am writing to ask you to support me in this fund-raising effort by sponsoring me on a per hole basis. Hopefully, if I’m crazy enough to do this, you will be gracious enough to support and sponsor my efforts. Your committed contribution of $.25, $.50, $1, $2 or more per hole would be a great support toward helping local teenagers. My goal is $1,000 or more.
It’s simple, just print & complete the commitment card below (send a check now if you can, and return to me). You can also email to .
Please note that all donations are tax deductible – checks should be made payable to Young Life. Young Life is a registered 501(c) (3) non-profit organization. If you have any questions, please call our local Young Life office.
Thanks for caring about young people and for sponsoring me in this event.
Your friend,
------Cut, chew or tear along line------
P.O. Box 4600
Carlsbad, CA 92018
Yes! I agree to sponsor ______(Golfer’s Name) for the Young Life Marathon Golf “Fore Kids”
First Name ______Last Name ______
Organization/Company Name ______
Street Address ______
City ______State ______Zip ______
Phone ______Fax ______
Pledge Per Hole or Pledge a Flat Sponsorship
____ $ Per Hole ____$ 25 ____$ 50 ____ $100
____$200 ____$500 ____$1000 ____ $ Other