The New York Times
October 26, 1860
We have received Hayti papers up to the 6th instant, with the latest details of Hayti news.
JAMES REDPATH, a well-known Abolitionist and friend of JOHN BROWN, was the recipient of a popular ovation at Port au Prince, on the 27th of September, on the occasion of his return to the United States. The Progres says:
"JAMES REDPATH -- such is the name that we now seek to specially honor -- JAMES REDPATH, one of the most active members of the Abolitionist Party -- JAMES REDPATH, the indefatigable emancipationist, one of the glorious survivors of Harper's Ferry -- the admirer of the admirable JOHN BROWN, and the recipient of his last words."
Thursday, September 27, was the day, and the large Hotel des Antilles the place chosen for the ovation.
M.J.M. DUVAL, President of the Assembly, opened the exercises by saying:
"GENTLEMEN: On this occasion let us give a new testimony of acknowldgement to all those who preach Liberty, Equality and Fraternity. The first toast is to him whose incessant labors aid the triumph of the sacred cause of liberty and the regeneration of the African race -- Mr. JAMES REDPATH."
Mr. REDPATH, in reply, delivered a speech in English, which was rendered in French as he spoke by a gentleman present. After thanking his entertainers for the honor done him, and alluding to the work of Abolitionists, he said:
"The groans of the slaves, the prayers of their friends, the blood of the martyrs of Harper's Ferry have been heard before the Tribunal of the Eternal. The great wrong will soon come to an end. Let us hope it will be accomplished as peaceably as in Jamaica. I trust that in a few years we shall see Slavery ranged among the things that were.
In the name of all Abolitionists who seek by peaceable means to eradicate Slavery, I thank you. Haytians, for your sympathy; in the name of my dear friends, the survivors of Harper's Ferry and the family of JOHN BROWN, I heartily thank you for your generous gifts; in the name of those Anti-Slavery men who believe that the slave ought to be delivered by force, and who are always ready to aid in such an undertaking. I thank thee, beautiful Hay[???]i, county of PETION and DESSALINES, for the lesson thy history teaches and the hope it inspires.
"Before taking my seat, gentlemen, I beg you to add to the favors you have already bestowed upon me, that of drinking with me to Liberty, Equality and Fraternity -- the liberty of all men, the fraternity of all races, the equality of all men of all races, and in all parts of the earth."
President GEFFRARD was not present, but sent to the meeting assurances of his approval of its objects.
Among the other sentiments offered during the evening were the following:
"Honor, honor, honor to THADDEUS HYATT, the fervent Abolitionist, the soldier of the great cause, the apostle of humanity, the friend of JOHN BROWN and REDPATH."
"Honor, a thousand times honor, to the memory of our well-beloved brother of our excellent friend, JOHN BROWN, the illustrious martyr of the cause of African Freedom. May he enjoy the benediction of God."
Let us drink to the Master of Thought, to the King of Poesy, to the grandest and most beautiful personification of modern democracy -- let us drink to VICTOR HUGO.
To M. DE LAMARTINE, the great Philosopher of the Nineteenth Century.
May this illustrious writer, who had already given so many proofs of his sympathy for the Haytians, always show himself to be a worthy apostle of the liberty of the blacks. Let the name of this defender of the African cause be upon our lips as it is in our hearts; his devotion to the noble cause he defends renders him more and more worthy of our admiration.
To Monsieur DE LAMARTINE, the courageous defender of the children of Africa!"
After the dinner, Mr. REDPATH was escorted by a torchlight procession to the bark Lex, and hailed with cheers.
A decree of perpetual banishment has been issued against SALAMON, the Ex-Minister of Soulouque.