November 2016

Dear applicant,

Thank you very much for your enquiry about the Office Administrator role.

At Back Up we understand a spinal cord injury can be devastating, but we believe it shouldn’t prevent anyone from getting the most out of life. Back Up is for everyone affected by spinal cord injury, regardless of age, level of injury, or background. We are here for family members too. Our services include mentoring, wheelchair skills training and activity courses as well as support getting back to work or school after an injury. All our services help to inspire confidence and independence and to foster a supportive network. We help people get their life back and achieve their goals – whether these are about family, work, lifestyle, social life, travel, or simply to feel positive about the future.

We have a staff team of 30 based in Wandsworth, working in partnership with a range of experienced volunteers across the UK who deliver services, raise vital funds and act as advocates for our work. Back Up aims to be a fun, challenging and rewarding place to work with an open, inclusive and supportive culture. We are growing, and have ambitious plans to extend our reach to a wider range of people affected by spinal cord injury, and to deepen our impact.

Back Up Finance and Operationsplay a vital rolein supporting Back Up in its mission to transform lives. You will play a critical role in supporting the smooth running of the office as well as supporting the CEO and the wider team. You will ensure day to day operations run smoothly and effectively through an effective, efficient administration service and provide administration support across the team.

Please apply by emailing 10am Monday 5th December 2016with:

  • A CV with salary information for your most recent post and two referees, one of whom should be your present or most recent employer. We will only contact them after interview.
  • A (maximum) two side A4 supporting statement (saying why you want the job and explaining how you fit the person specification). This statement is crucial; CV’s alone will not be accepted. See overleaf for guidance to help you make the most of your application.
  • A completed equal opportunities form (this is optional)

We will acknowledge receipt of your application, and then let you know if you are to be invited to interview. First interviews will be held on the 9th Dec and w/c 12th Dec. If you cannot make any of those dates, please indicate this when you apply.

I have included a job description, person specification, and a summary of terms and conditions.

Guidance for applicants on supporting statements

We appreciate the significant time and effort that goes into an application; we hope this guidance helps you to make the most of it.

  1. Say why you want the job
  • Don’t forget to start by explaining briefly why you are interested in this post.
  1. Explain how you fit the person specification
  • The person specification shows you the criteria we use to make decisions about who is shortlisted for interview, and ultimately who is offered the job.
  • Please address all the criteria in the person specification, in the order they are listed in the person specification. Deal with the essential criteria first.
  • The better you can evidence or illustrate that you meet the criteria, the more likely you are to be successful. For example, if you need to illustrate that you have ‘good time management skills’, a statement which says ‘I have good time management skills’ will not score as highly as one which illustrates some of the strategies you have used to manage your time, explains how you make decisions on how you manage your time, and gives a specific example of when you have used those strategies to achieve success.
  • Keep it clear and concise, just focus on the key points; but don’t make assumptions on what we know about you or your skills.
  1. Format and length
  • We are not too fussy about the style, feel free to set it out as a simple document; it doesn’t need to be in formal correspondence style.
  • Please don’t go over two sides of A4, and use a font size of at least 11pt.
  • Make sure your name is on it.

Do ask if you have any questions. We look forward to receiving your application.