Thank you Note to Guest after CTE Visit to your School or District
Sample is below and please include your own thoughts.
School or CTE Logo
Inside Address:
Dear ______
Thank you for taking the time to meet and visit our Career Technical Education Programs. We believe that CTE Works!!! Our students are always so ready to demonstrate the skills that they are learning in their CTE classes.
As you had the opportunity to see and participate firsthand, these CTE programs are preparing our Arizona students for workforce success and the thirst for continued knowledge and learning during their career lifetime. These students will make a significant contribution in providing the stellar talent needed in your business arenas.
We enjoyed talking with you about Career and Technical Education and the critical role that it plays in our education system in providing youth and adults the skills they need to be successful in the 21st century economy.
All students need both rigor and relevance in their education. The best education for all students is a rigorous education that blends the essential content of college prep studies with quality career technical education. The collaboration of both arenas greatly benefits our students and intensifies their academic and career achievement.
Career Technical Education is a total educational delivery system for our state which will ensure that every citizen of Arizona graduates from high school ready and prepared for the world of work and higher education.
Our students are examples that CTE is the vehicle to enter the jobs pipeline to contribute to the workforce development and prosperity in our state.
We would like to extend an invitation to you and your staff to continue to visit and experience more examples of how CTE Works.
Contact Information
CTE Website Address at your school