The mission of ElderCare of Alachua County is to be an advocate for the elderly and provide services that build capacity, maximize independence, and enrich the quality of life for seniors in Alachua County.

Dear Friends,

ElderCare of Alachua County would like to personally invite you to participate as a sponsor for the 8th Annual ElderCare of Alachua County Golf Tournament benefitting both the Meals on Wheels and Alz Place programs. This year’s tournament will again take place at Haile Plantation Golf and Country Club and will be onNovember 20th, 2015.

Now established as one of Gainesville’s mostpopular tournaments, our sponsors have a great time entertaining the golfers on the course, all while raising awareness about the number of seniors that would go hungry without ElderCare, as well as the increasing needs of those diagnosed with Alzheimer’s Disease.

All net proceeds raised that day will benefit those seniors in need of a hot meal delivered to their home or those that are in need of day care once they have been diagnosed with some form of dementia. Both of these programs are critical as the number of seniors affected increases each day. Our wait list today is well over 800 seniors. We estimate that there are 5,000 seniors at risk for going hungry!

Please take a minute and review this packet. Please consider being a sponsor for this event and fill out the attached form or contact Anthony Clarizio, Executive Director at 352-339-1127.

Thank you in advance for your continued support.


ElderCare of Alachua County Fundraising Committee


ElderCare of Alachua County is the lead agency for senior services. They receive Federal, State, Alachua County, City of Gainesville, and United Way dollars to provide the many services that are so needed to seniors. Those services include programs like Meals on Wheels, AlzPLace (Adult Daycare), Independence with Low Vision, and home and community-based services such as homemaking, personal care and respite. In addition, we also operate the Senior Recreation Center which now has more than 7500 members.

Non- Profit Status

ElderCare of Alachua County is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization (EIN #59-3051104)

8th Annual ElderCare Golf Tournament

Sponsorship Level Commitment Form

Hole-in-One Sponsorship- $5,000(due 09/19/15 to be included in all pre-event advertising)

  • 2 foursome’s plus additional dinner guests tickets
  • Recognition in all media and event related promotion
  • Premium positioning on take home items provided by the event
  • Special recognition tee sign
  • Graphic link on the event website

Eagle Sponsor- $2,000(due 09/19/15 to be included in all pre-event advertising)

  • 1 foursome plus additional dinner guest tickets
  • Point of registration display banner
  • Special recognition tee sign
  • Inclusion in all press release and pre-event advertising
  • Graphic link on the event website

Par Sponsor- $750(due 09/19/15 to be included in all pre-event advertising)

  • 2 players plus additional dinner guests
  • Recognition at registration
  • Graphic link on the event website

Golf cart Tag Recognition-$1000

Beverage Cart Sponsor (2) - $750

  • Name recognition on the beverage cart
  • Staff to ride on the cart and serve (will be escorted by club staff)
  • Special recognition on the putting green or driving range
  • Graphic link on the event website

Hole Sponsor - $300

  • Special recognition tee sign and the opportunity to set up a tent and network with the golfers
  • Graphic link on the event website

Name: ______Title: ______

Please print Sponsor/Company Name: ______

(As you would like it to appear in printed materials)

Address: ______Phone: ______

Email: ______

Please make checks payable to ElderCare of Alachua County

Send to:

3850 NW 83rd Street, suite 201, Gainesville, Florida 32606

Phone (352) 265-9206

Fax: (352) 265-9334

Registration Fee:Individual $125orFoursome $500

To confirm your golf registration, please complete the form below and return to

Anthony Clarizio at or fax to (352) 265-9334

no later than November 18th, 2015.

For questions or further information please call (352) 265-9206.

Proceeds will go towards our Meals on Wheels program

andAl’z Place, Adult Day Care.

Player #1
Name ______
Company ______
Address ______
City ______Zip ______
Phone ______
Email ______
Shirt Size: ______/ Player #2
Name ______
Company ______
Address ______
City ______Zip ______
Phone ______
Email ______
Shirt Size: ______
Player #3
Name ______
Company ______
Address ______
City ______Zip ______
Phone ______
Email ______/ Player #4
Name ______
Company ______
Address ______
City ______Zip ______
Phone ______
Email ______

Shirt Size: ______Shirt Size: ______