21 April 2017
Dear Parents,
At the end of 4th quarter, the students in English 9 will be working to produce a research paper in connection to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Country Music Hall of Fame. The basic guidelines for this project have been given to the students today on April 21, 2017. Due to Great Lakes Acting Group working with my students April 24-28, 2017, all guidelines and deadlines will be given on May 1 but will be posted on my website by April 25, 2017. It is imperative that you are aware of the overall guidelines and due dates for this extensive project. In order for your child to be successful, he/she must anticipate and prepare for these deadlines. If a student is absent, he/she will need to adhere to the deadlines since he/she will have had them well in advance. Please make arrangements to deliver your child’s work to school via an email attachment, through a friend, neighbor, etc. in the event of an absence during a due date or to send me an email so I am aware of the situation.
Major points you should note include (1) the importance of meeting deadlines, (2) the significance of following guidelines for each component, (3) the necessity to type all work submitted, and (4) the importance of following MLA (Modern Language Association) format (7th Edition). Computers and printers are available at school in the MediaCenter before and after school, as well as during study halls. In addition, many MLA resources and style guides may be found online via the English department web page: and also Purdue University’s online writing lab at
This project is invaluable to your child’s success in future high school upper-level courses as well as college courses. Please feel free to contact me via email at f you have any questions, comments, or concerns. If students need any additional assistance in this process, I am available by appointment only before school from 6:45-7:15 or after school until 3:10, as well as during periods 3, 4 (Wed-Fri), and 6A. Please return ONLY the 2nd page of this sheet, signed, by both you and your child by Friday, February 12, 2016. This signed form will be a 15 point homework assignment to ensure the importance of this form as well as the pertinence of this upcoming research/ writing project.
Thank you for your support!
Mrs. Lyssa Stonitsch
English 9 / 9 Honors
Detach and return the 2nd page only
Please have your son or daughter keep this page in her binder.
Parent Signature Form for Research Paper
I have read the guidelines and reviewed with my child. I am aware of the requirements, resources, schedule, and deadlines that will be posted on Mrs. Stonitsch’s website by April 25th but not distributed to my son or daughter until May 1st.
Parent/Guardian Signature: ______
I have read the guidelines and am aware of deadline expectations.
Student Name: ______
Student Signature: ______