Flag Day Feb 15th
Seawood School Website:
Be Safe Be Respectful Be Responsible Be Kind
Congratulations to the students whose names were drawn for the Sunshine Award
for January and to the many students who were nominated for the award. The certificates were awarded at the assembly on Friday, January 29thin the gymnasium.
Kg. Reevey/Veale – Makayla Merrick Gr. 1 TP Shanna Comeau
Gr. 1AMCody Henderson Gr. 2 Joanna Smith
Gr. 3 Jamie Sullivan Gr. 4 Marla Zaat
Gr. 5 Jared Hunter
Seawood Tigers Schedule – The following is the February schedule.
4:55 / Wednesday, February 1st / Inglewood / Vs / Seawood / Grand Bay6:25 / Wednesday, February 8th / Seawood / Vs / Island View / Grand Bay
4:10 / Wednesday, February 15th / Inglewood / Vs / Seawood / Grand Bay
4:55 / Wednesday, February 22 / Seawood / Vs / Havelock / Grand Bay
4:55 / Wednesday, February 29th / Seawood / Vs / Morna/St.Rose / Grand Bay
Valentine’s Day – Tuesday, February 14thall students are invited to share valentines with their classmates during the last ½ hour of the afternoon.
The Fundy Lacrosse Association is now accepting registrations for this spring’s lacrosse program. We gladly welcome any interested children who were born in 2007 or older to join the sport. The program runs from April to June. Information about the association and registration forms can be found on You can also contact Jaime Peacock, Novice Coordinator, for more information at . Come take part in one of Canada’s national sports!
Winter Weather– Please remember to dress your children for the weather, including hats and mitts. When the temperature gets too cold we generally keep the students indoors at recess or noontime. Also remember to listen to the radio or contact the snow line 643-7669 during inclement weather for information on late buses or school closures.
March Break – March Break for students is scheduled for March 5th – 9th. Students return to school on Monday, March 12th.
Year Book Pictures: A reminder that if you have pictures for our year book of the students during different events that you would like to send us please do so via email if possible to
Or you can send the picture and we can scan it and return to you. Pictures could be from our concert. Grade 5 students are asked to bring in a baby picture as soon as possible. Also, Harvey Studios will be here on Tuesday, March 13th to take group photos for choir, sport jamborees, drama etc….of the students for our year book.
Seawood School Web Site: Check out our website at You will find our newsletter, hockey schedule and other information relating to our school.
Teacher & Staff Appreciation Week – February 12th – 18th, 2012
The Teacher Appreciation week will follow on February 12th to the 18th.
Student Fee Funds: - In an effort to let you know where your child’s student fees are spent we have listed areas where this money is applied to.
- Buses for –Field trips
Christmas concert
-Sound system technician for our Christmas concert & rental fees
-Cost to cover Santa’s visit. Supplies needed for Santa to give to the students.
-Field Day supplies, food and treats given to students.
-Sunshine Award prizes
-Principal incentive awards
-Guest speakers
-Monthly bank fees
-Replenish first aid kit – Bandages
-Batteries for Leap Pad Program
-Donation round up – Turkey Drive, Empty Stocking Fund, Shoe Boxes
-Year End closing ceremonies
Since we are half way through this school year it is imperative that student fees get paid by all students. As listed these fees cover many different events during the school year that would not be possible without these fees.