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Volunteering for SKIP
Thank you for your interest in volunteering with SKIP.
Please return completed forms to ou may also attach a CV if you wish.
Volunteering role applied for (if known):
Personal details:
Date of birth
Current Address
Have you applied to volunteer with SKIP before? YesNo
Have you volunteered with SKIP before? YesNo
Please complete the following questions as fully as possible as this application will form a part of the selection process.
OccupationEducation / Qualifications / Dates / Course / Qualifications
Previous experience of volunteering / Dates / Role & responsibilities / Reason for leaving
Relevant work experience / Dates / Role & responsibilities / Reason for leaving
Spanish ability: / Speaking:
Other languages
About working with SKIP:
Why would you like to volunteer with SKIP?Are there any Projects that you are particularly interested in?
What do you hope to gain from the volunteer experience?
How do you feel your previous volunteer work or other work experience will help you in working at SKIP?
How long would you prefer to volunteer with SKIP, your reasons for this and planned dates of arrival and departure? (Don’t worry if these are vague at this stage).
Have you had any first aid training?
Do you have any health issues that you would like us to be aware of?
In order for us to develop our recruitment process, it is really helpful for us to know how people find out about SKIP. For this reason, could you let us know where you first heard about the Charity?
Please give the names and addresses of two people, unrelated to you, who would give you a reference, one of these should be your most recent employer. Please also indicate in what capacity you know each of the referees, in terms of manager, tutor etc. Your references will be contacted, and once we've heard back from them we willsend you your confirmation letter.
Reference 1Reference 2
Contact number:
Email: / Name:
Contact number:
Formal Disclosure:
This position involves working with vulnerable people and so we need to know if you have any criminal convictions. A past conviction will not necessarily prevent you from volunteering. SKIP reserves the right to check your criminal record, signing this document will act as consent for us to contact the relevant agencies in your Country if we wish.
Have you ever been convicted of any criminal offence?YES NO
If yes then please provide details below
The information given is to the best of my knowledge and correct.
I understand that deliberate misrepresentation or omission of factual information requested may prevent me volunteering for SKIP.
Signed: Date: