Exploring novel therapies with adaptive trials in lymphoma
Wednesday 25 November 2015
Moynihan Auditorium, Thackray Medical Museum, Leeds
Organisers: Prof Peter Hillmen and Dr Reuben Tooze
This training meeting will explore approaches to adaptive trial design in lymphoma and CLL aimed at accelerating the introduction of novel therapeutic combinations, including immune modulatory and microenvironment targeting agents. It will provide a state of the art view of adaptive trials in mature B-cell neoplasms, which will be relevant to:
· Clinicians and allied health professionals involved in enrolling patients into clinical trials.
· Academic clinicians and researchers involved in trial design and development, and the links between lymphoma pathology/pathogenesis and treatment.
The meeting will be of particular relevance to clinical trainees developing an interest in the clinical trial and experimental cancer medicine arena. The focus on adaptive trial design is aimed at developing the attendees’ thinking regarding how novel agents can be more rapidly introduced for patient benefit, and will endeavour to further stimulate engagement with clinical trials activity and the emerging precision medicine/stratified medicine agenda.
Provisional meeting schedule (titles to be confirmed)
12:00 / Registration and light buffet lunch12:55 / Introduction
13:00 / Dr Andy Davies: Adaptive trial design in diffuse large B-cell lymphoma
13:40 / Prof David Westhead: Bioinformatic approaches to lymphoma assessment in clinical practice and trials
14:20 / Prof Tim Illidge, radiation treatment and immune modulatory agents in lymphoma
15.00 / Coffee
15:20 / Prof Walter Gregory: Statistical and mathematical modelling approaches in clinical trials, and response assessment
16:00 / Prof John Gribben: Targeting the immune micro-environment in lymphoma
16:40 / Peter Hillmen: Accelerating therapeutic evaluation in B-CLL
17.20 / Conclusion & reception
18.00 / Close
Registration will open in September with a limit of 120 places. There will be no fee for registration. Please note meeting attendance will not provide access to the museum.
A limited number of parking spaces will be available at the Museum, with other parking available on the St James’s site.
If you have any queries please contact Nurse Consultant Debbie Beirne, or Dr Reuben Tooze,