Rochester Chapter / STC – Rochester Chapter 54thAnnual Conference
Spectrum 2013
March 22, 2013
Why Not The Best?
Speaker Proposal Form /
Thank you for your interest in participating as a Spectrum 2013 speaker! We look forward to receiving your proposal. Please note the following important information.
- Complete allitems in this form that are applicable to your presentation. Be sure your mailing address is complete, with apartment/suite if any, and ZIP or postal code. Include area codes with phone numbers.
- Return this form by email to .
- Submission deadline: January4, 2013.
- STC membership is NOT required to participate as a presenter or a co-presenter.
- Submit one form for each proposal you want to submit. You may submit up to two proposalsof any kind.
About You
Your name / Organization / STC member? (yes/no)Your mailing address / Streetname, number, apt/suite
City, State/Prov, Zip/Postal Code, Country
Day phone / Evening phone / Email
Co-presenters (if any)
Co-presenter 1 name / Email / STC member?
Co-presenter 2 name / Email / STC member?
Presenter biosketch – you
(up to 100 words)
Presenter biosketch – co-presenter 1
(up to 100 words)
Presenter biosketch – co-presenter 2
(up to 100 words)
Note: If you have additional co-presenters, please include their information as a separate attachment.
About Your Presentation
Title of your presentationThis title will be used in program materials.
Presentation format
Select the format that best matches your proposed presentation. See the Call for Proposals document for descriptions of presentation formats.
All presentations are 25-35 minutes long. Lightning talks are exactly 5 minutes long. / _____Presentation
_____Case History
_____Lightning Talk
Proposed topic stream
Select the topic stream that best matches your proposal. See the Call for Proposals document for descriptions of the topic streams.
Note: Although we will do our best to place your presentation in the stream you select, we might need to assignyour presentation to a different stream to provide a balance in the program. / _____The Best Leaders
_____The Best Technology
_____The Best Content
_____The Best You
If you are submitting a lightning talk proposal, selecting a topic stream is optional.
Description of your presentation
Provide a description of not more than 150 words. This description will be used in the program materials.
Intended audience
Describe the target audience for your presentation, and their general level of expertise (for example, novice, proficient, or expert).
AV requirements (check items at right)
- All presentation rooms will be supplied with a projection device that can be connected to a laptop. Progression tables will not be equipped with projectors.
- Please bring power cords, spare mice, and flipchart markers. The Spectrum committee cannot provide these materials.
- MACBOOK USERS: You must bring your own video port-to-SVGA adapter. Please be sure the device is the proper one for your MacBook.(Connectors differ depending on how old your MacBook is.)
_____Other AV needs (please describe below)
*Internet access: RIT will provide all conference attendees with temporary Internet access on the day of the conference on Friday, March 22, and during the Leadership Program on Saturday, March 23. You will need to complete a form for this access, which will provide the necessary logon information. If your proposal is accepted, you will receive a copy of this form along with the speaker instructions.
List any other AV needs below.NOTE: Although the Spectrum 2013 committee will do all it can to accommodate special AV needs beyond a projection device for your computer, we cannot guarantee that special equipment or other items will be available.
STC Rochester Chapter Spectrum 2013Call for Proposals – Submittal Form Page 1 of 2