ETHOS – Student leader internship program
LivingProof * TRBC High School Ministry
Purpose of program: give students opportunities to change their world for Christ, to grow in leadership, as well as give them an in depth opportunities to love God and love people.
Students from LivingProof will be given an opportunity, once they have gone through a semester of discipleship and leadership training, to travel to, and work at, Camp Bahamas for 3 weeks as an intern. Richard Albury will do a variety of things with them while at Camp Bahamas ranging from:
- After school activities with students that have been to CB (relationship building)
- Assist in spear heading projects for mission teams that are serving at the camp for the week.
- Labor for various work projects.
One major take away during the three weeks is each student will have an up close and personal view of how a ministry operates/functions.
How can students get involved?
- They will fill out an application that will be available in August. It is approved by Jay and Paul
- This opportunity is only available to 11th and 12th grade students.
- There will be requirements that the student will need to fill.
- Attend a weekly LP gathering – 9:15 or 11am. 2 absences permitted each semester.
- Weekly involvement in a life group.
- Organize and implement 1 serving project within their school or church by the beginning May 3, 2015.
- Monthly video conference meeting with Richard Albury (Camp Bahamas), Jay, Paul, and team going over what God has been teaching them, leadership challenge from Richard and Jay as well as sharing prayer requests.
- Read all 4 books from Habitudes package – 1 book/month.
- Monthly meeting with Jay to go through each book.
- Each student will be given an opportunity to travel to the Bahamas and work at Camp Bahamas June 6-27, 2015.
- Once team is assembled, there will be a meeting to go over timeline of when money is due along with dates for book reviews.
This program isn’t for everyone. We will accept between 6-9 applications.
What is content of Habitudes – preparing tomorrow’s leaders today:
Book #1 Art of Self-leadership: Captures the art of self-leadership, covering character issues like discipline, emotional security, integrity checks, self-esteem, relationships, personal growth, and more.
Book #2 Art of Connecting with Others: Captures the art of connecting with others. It covers character issues like humility and servant hood, encouraging and building trust, listening and communication and more.
Book #3 Art of Leading: Captures the art of leading others. We must discover how to lead and influence those around us. This book covers character issues like leading teams and organizations, such as focused vision, people skills, strategy, choosing priorities, modeling behavior, team building, initiative and more.
Book #4 Art of Changing Culture: captures the art of changing culture. We must leverage leadership skills to positively transform culture. It covers issues like contagious behavior, leadership styles, price of change, strategy, wise choices and more.
Potential results from going through this curriculum:
- Break out of the herd mentality to influence others in positive ways.
- Raise empathy and minimize bullying.
- Capitalize on personal strengths to be career-ready upon graduation.
- Develop critical thinking skills that produce better life choices, such as choosing healthy friends, improving study habits, and setting meaningful goals.
- $1,800 which covers room and board at Camp Bahamas
- Airfare and baggage fees to and from Camp Bahamas
- $150 for curriculum and dinner at restaurant last night in Bahamas
2014-15 school year we will give an option to be apart of this program and not go to the Bahamas. The cost will be $1950 + airfare.