10 October 2016


Thank you for your interest in our board vacancies.

Irish in Britain is a well-established organisation providing a range of services for our membership of Irish voluntary and community organisations. Formed over 40 years ago we are the only national strategic representative body for the Irish community in Britain. At the core of our work is a mission to ensure the wellbeing of all Irish people in Britain. Our members, current and future will always be at the heart of our work.

There are many different Irish organisations offering social care and cultural activities to the community, academics and their institutions, business and their networks. Irish in Britain is the lynchpin of the community supporting the networks, sharing excellence, offering development support and representing key issues to policy makers and influencers.

Ours is a diverse community that has contributed to all aspects of British life and enriched the social, cultural, educational, political and corporate landscape. Our board is largely made up of representatives from our membership but we are now seeking to recruit outside of the membership within the broader Irish community.

The purpose of the board is to oversee the strategic direction of the organisation and advise from the perspective of ones area of expertise. We are keen to find people who will actively champion our work in their business, legal or other sectors and who are willing to invest their time and skill to keep us moving forward.

The needs of the community are changing, opportunities to diversify our funding are limited and we need to take every available opportunity to innovate and ensure our own sustainability. We would also like to be seen as a charity of choice for CSR and other charitable fundraising opportunities within the community.

There is information about the work of Irish in Britain on our website irishinbritain.org. If you would like to find out more about our work and the expectations of the role please contact Peter McNulty CEO, or myself for a chat on 0207 697 4057.

I hope you will be inspired by our work and think about how you might actively help us further our organisational ambitions.

Yours faithfully

Patrick Morrison
