Safer Neighbourhood Panel Meeting – Cannock Chase District

Wednesday 25th March 2015

The Aquarius Ballroom, Hednesford WS12 1BT


Matthew EllisPolice and Crime Commissioner

Junaid GhardaHead of Policy, Performance and Assurance, OPCC

Jean CassGovernance and Scrutiny Officer, OPCC

Emily BladonCampaign and Public Engagement Lead, OPCC

Chief Inspector MorreyCannock Chase Local Policing Commander

Sgt. Tracy McKenzieCannock LPT, Staffs Police

Donna Meredith-WoodCCDC Partnership and Communication Manager

Adrian BowenChair of Ethics, Transparency and Audit Panel (ETAP)

Jan MatthewsCommunity Liaison Officer, Support Staffordshire Cannock Chase (Chase CVS)

Cllr. Mike HolderPanel member - Elected Chair

Laura FletcherPanel member - Staffordshire University Academy

Toni-Marie FosterPanel member - Rugeley Y.M.C.A.(Charity)

John AllenPanel member - Cannock resident

Paul WoodheadPanel member - Hednesford resident

Jenny WebbPanel member - Magistrate


Lesley HarrisonPanel member - Brereton resident

Mike TamsPanel member - Rugeley resident

Cllr. Geoff MartinPanel member – Staffordshire County Council

Patricia TamsProspective panel member - Rugeley resident

Jennie WoodmanProspective panel member - Norton Canes resident

Becki EvansProspective panel member - Nova Training (Business)

Welcome and Introductions

Introductions were made by all present.

M.Ellis – Vision of Safer Neighbourhood Panels across Staffordshire.

Matthew gave an overview of his vision for Safer Neighbourhood Panels including:

Promoting localism and the local police force; engaging with the community for local input; invigorating the Neighbourhood Watch Schemes; increasing technology for the police force; empowering local people to take part in keeping people safe; encouraging local panels to influence improvements to the current disjointed ‘ silo’ approach; improving administration systems in courts to reduce waiting times/ cancellations.Is keen to support young people.Has supported a local boxing club. Is keen to bring together local services

ACTION: M. Ellis: to ensure issues would be dealt with appropriately

J.Gharda- gave an overview of his role in the Office of Police and Crime Commissioner.

T. Foster: Explained reasoning behind why she wanted to represent the Y.M.CA. on behalf of young people. She highlighted in particular that young people sometimes felt let down by systems in place which don’t fully address issues. Stated concern around the reduction of mental health support for young people. Detailed a particular issue regarding a recent occurrence with a young person and the police.

ACTION: T. Foster and S.Morreyto discuss this occurrence after the meeting

D.Meredith - Wood – explained the role of CCDC. Is keen to work in partnership with other organisations. Has a delivery plan to support the panel including a Domestic Abuse Service for Children funded by the PCC.

P.Woodhead – commented on a recent press item regarding Neighbourhood Watch Schemes and the reduced support.MEresponded that he is keen for this service to be tailored including PCSO’S being at the core and that technology will also encourage young people to take part.The community need to be able to bring issues to the panel to pass onto SM. A discussion took place around closed SNP meetings. SM is happy for the meetings to be open to the public. It is important that work between ETAP and SNP is done in partnership and not overlapped

J.Webb– is keen to see justice done speedily, sensitively and executed by people working together.

S. Morrey – wants a transparent Police Force. Realises that sometimes things are not always quite right but is keen to work with partners in driving forward a much better service and to address cross partner issues. To bear in mind that communities have different needs. Anyone can ask to accompany the police force to see ‘behind the scenes’. It is important to realise that supporting the community is a two way process and the Police Force need engagement from everyone to raise and resolve issues. Stated that promotion for himself was possible in the future.

ACTION: S. Morrey toarrange an initial session for members and prospective to attend an initial session at Cannock Police Station on Tuesday 14th April at 1pm.

ACTION: J. Matthews to send invites out to panel and confirm attendance to S.M.

A. Bowen: Gave an overview of the role of ETAP as an independent audit committee. The role has changed over the last 12 months and consists of 9 members from different backgrounds who discuss a priorities and a plan of work which takes place between meetings e.g. Stop and Search. M. Ellis commented that the work done by ETAP caused change in tazer use and ‘Stop and Search’ and emphasised the need for ETAP AND SNP to dovetail.

L. Fletcher: Happy to be part of panel to represent young people from SUA.

M. Holder – Offered to be chairperson if panel is in agreement. Is a member of the Police and Crime Panel. Will assist and scrutinise the PCC office. Asked everyone to let J. Matthews know of any prospective panel members.Stated that future meetings will be for panel members only.Talked through items as stated on the agenda to be discussed at future meetings.

J. Cass – Handed out and talked through Terms of Reference and Code of Conduct. The panel will be expected to attend 3 out of 4 meetings

ACTION: Will collect signed copies of Code of Conduct.

J. Matthews (minutes)

ACTION: Invite panel members to Police Station session and arrange future panel meetings