Conservation Commission Meeting
Meeting Minutes
January 7, 2016
Conservation Commission Meeting
SharonCommunity Center
January 7, 2016 - DRAFT
Peg Arguimbau, Chair, Meredith Avery, Alan Westman, Linda Orel, Keevin Geller and Stephen Cremer, were the members present. The Conservation Administrator, Greg Meister, was also present.
7:45PM – Discussion: Nancy Fyler, Spectra Pipeline
A concerned group of Sharon Residents came in to speak with the Commission regarding the proposed Access Northeast pipeline proposal by Spectra Pipeline which will run through Sharon. Philip Pitha spoke on behalf of the group who refer to themselves as “No Sharon Gas Pipeline (NSGP)”. This group is opposed to the pipeline for a number of reasons including:
- Concern of the cost of the gas line to taxpayers - building of the pipeline would set back statewide efforts to meet targets for greenhouse gas reduction set forth by the Mass Global Warming Solutions Act of 2008
- Gas would be coming from fracking in the Marcellus shale, leading to concern that the gas being piped may contain traces of chemicals used in fracking, and perhaps radon
- The possibility of gas leaks which might contaminate wetlands
- Residents who heat with gas may suffer adverse health effects associated with potential contaminates
- Construction of the pipeline will disturb conservation lands in Moose Hill and wetlands located near the train tracks. Likely expansion of the existing utility easement may lead to possible use and exposure of herbicides to control undergrowth for maintenance
- Failure rate of the pipeline may lead to possible long-term danger to water and wetland resources
- Spectra is known to not commit exactly to where the pipeline will be located. The Town should ask up front where the pipeline will be placed if things do not work out for the proposed site.
- The group would like a transparent process. It is their goal to distribute information they may come across relating to the proposed pipeline. They are currently working with The proposed pipeline is scheduled to go through 10 towns. These towns are trying to work together.
- The Attorney General’s office and report commissioned by that office disputes Spectra’s claim that the pipeline will alleviate a current shortage of capacity
- The permitting process will be about a year
The group believes that the proposed pipeline is unnecessary, costly, and a danger to public safety and the environment. They believe that there are ways that towns can deny conservation permits to such projects. It is their belief that towns can and should participate in the Federal Permitting Process as well as utilizing Article 97 of Massachusetts state law.
The group would like to educate the Commission and Sharon residents on this issue.
- Website for No Sharon Gas Pipeline is:
Some comments from Commission members:
- Need to distinguish threats associated with the current pipeline and potential threats with proposed pipeline. Protection of Commission owned land and the wetlands is within the jurisdiction of the Conservation Commission.
- Meister mentioned identifying all parcels located within the proposed easement and identifying any Conservation land which might fall under Article 97, as well as possible impacts to the land.
- Concern of the Commission is that at some point they may be asked to issue Orders on this project, therefore, they cannot take a stand on this issue.
- NSGP is waiting for Audubon and its Trustees to weigh in on the pipeline.
8:00PM – Elections
Avery nominated Peg Arguimbau to be Chair, with Cremer seconding 6-0-0
Cremer nominated Meredith Avery for Vice Chair with Westman seconding 6-0-0
8:05PM – Committee Appointments
Lake Management Review Committee
Former Commission member McGrath agreed to represent the Commission at the next Lake Management Review Committee meeting. However, the Commission will need to appoint another member to replace McGrath. This committee meets as needed.
Open Space and Recreation
The last time the Open Space Masterplan was worked on was about 7 years ago. At this time, the plan needs to be updated. Previous members on this Committee were Arguimbau (Chair) and Geller. Originally there were 22 members on this committee, but they are down to 6 members. The updating of this plan is necessary in order to receive any grant money. There may be approximately 6-8 meetings the first year, then only once per year. A. Forsman from the DPW will set up an openspace spreadsheet
Community Preservation
This appointment is for a 3 year post. Not sure if term is up yet – will look into.
8:10PM – Update on meeting with DPW and Horsley & Witten
A meeting was held with Eric Hooper, DPW Superintendent, Greg Meister, Conservation Administrator, Peg Arguimbau, Chair Conservation Commission, Neil Price, Horsley & Witten (consultant for Cedar Swamp project) and Peter Fletcher, consultant for Cedar Swamp Project. The meeting took place at the DPW and was requested by Horsley & Witten and Peter Fletcher, consultants. The consultants were looking for buy-in on the Cedar Swamp Project from Hooper. Hooper was not interested.
At this time, the question is, should Horsley & Witten present to the Commission on the following:
- a summary of work to date
- their take-a-way from the meeting with Hooper (Hooper believes money would be better spent on infrastructure of pipes)
- future work
Meister will obtain a cost for the consultants to meet and present with the Commission. He estimates the cost to be approximately several thousand dollars. If it is the Commissions wish for the consultants to come in, schedule a time at one of the February meetings.
Meister believes that the Cedar Swamp Project ties into the lake and water impacts.
Funding and surveying of the wells was discussed at meeting. This will be put in scope of work to be performed; however the consultants were at a loss as to why Hooper and the Town are not interested in having that information, especially the water folks.
The Commission needs to look at the larger picture and other available choices. He believes that the Commission should:
- Work with what we have.
- If there is information to present, prepare a progress report
- Discuss whether the Commission wishes to spend money on trying to convince others why the project is important
- Would prefer to spend funding on getting things done.
Fletcher is looking into the health of the swamp. He is looking at the existing conditions and is documenting impacts to the swamp.
Approval of Meeting Minutes December 17, 2015
Correction: Avery was at the December 17th meeting.
Accept meeting minutes as amended. Geller, Avery 5-0-1
Two warrants were signed.
Next meeting Date: January 21 at 7:45pm
Motion to adjourn
Westman, Cremer6-0-0
Meeting adjourned at 8:45pm
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