Thank you for participating in Justice Connect Homeless Law.
Justice Connect Homeless Law is a specialist legal service that provides free civil law legal assistance to people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness.
Under the arrangement between Justice Connect and [Law Firm], each Justice Connect Homeless Law participating lawyer is seconded to Justice Connect in respect of Homeless Law work. This means that, when working on Justice Connect Homeless Law matters (whether attending a Homeless Law clinic, representing a Homeless Law client or acting in the role of Team Leader), you will be acting as a Justice Connect secondee and not as a [Law Firm] lawyer. The only rare exception will be where it is agreed between Justice Connect and [Law Firm] that a client matter be referred to [Law Firm] and that a firm file, not a Justice Connect file, should be opened.
The terms of your secondment to Justice Connect are as follows:
Salary and other entitlements
1 Although you will be a Justice Connect secondee when conducting Homeless Law matters, you will also, at all times, remain a [Law Firm] employee.
2 [Law Firm] will continue to pay your salary and you will continue to accrue superannuation and leave entitlements as a [Law Firm] employee.
3 You will continue to be covered by [Law Firm’s] WorkCover insurance policy.
Justice Connect policies and requirements
4 You should attend all training sessions and meetings reasonably required by your Team Leader and Justice Connect.
5 You must attend Homeless Law clinics when rostered to do so, unless excused by your Team Leader.
6 You must abide by Justice Connect’s Homeless Law policies and guidelines while conducting a Homeless Law clinic and whenever undertaking Homeless Law work.
7 You must identify yourself as a Justice Connect Homeless Law secondee lawyer in all external communications.
a. In all verbal communications on Justice Connect Homeless Law matters you must identify yourself as a Homeless Law lawyer.
b. All correspondence you send on Justice Connect Homeless Law matters must be on Justice Connect Homeless Law letterhead.
c. All correspondence and email communications on Justice Connect Homeless Law matters must be signed in your capacity as a Justice Connect Homeless Law secondee lawyer and you should ensure that all references to [Law Firm] in those communications are replaced with references to Justice Connect Homeless Law.
8 You need strictly to comply with the client confidentiality procedures of Justice Connect Homeless Law.
9 While performing Homeless Law duties, you will be covered by professional indemnity insurance arranged by Justice Connect. If you become aware of a claim or potential claim arising in respect of a Homeless Law client file, please speak with the Justice Connect Homeless Law Principal Lawyer/Manager or Senior Lawyer as soon as possible.
10 PIMS is the Justice Connect Homeless Law on-line electronic client file database. PIMS is the main record for all Homeless Law files. You must keep your PIMS Homeless Law client files up to date and record all information necessary to understand what is happening on your files, so that Justice Connect Homeless Law staff lawyers can review files and update clients who call our office.
11 You should endeavour to ensure that all [Law Firm] administrative staff working with you in respect of Justice Connect Homeless Law matters abide by the terms of this document, as applicable.
Other matters
12 Your secondment is ongoing, subject to continuation of [Law Firm’s] involvement in the Homeless Law program and your desire to remain a participant in that program. If, at any time, you wish to terminate this secondment, we ask that you give your Team Leader 4 weeks notice.
13 If you have any concerns or complaints regarding your secondment, you should raise them with your Team Leader or, if that is not appropriate, with your Supervising Lawyer and/or Homeless Law Principal Lawyer/Manager.
14 This document replaces any previous secondment agreement you have signed in respect of Justice Connect Homeless Law.
15 Finally, it is Justice Connect and [Law Firm] policy that you treat your Homeless Law clients in the same way you are required to treat [Law Firm] clients. This applies not only to the quality of the service you provide, but also to the priority you give to Homeless Law files.
Please sign below where indicated and return to your Team Leader to confirm your acceptance of this secondment. Thank you once again for participating in Justice Connect Homeless Law.
Signature of secondee: ______
Print name: ______
Date of signature: ______
Admission date: ______