-Current Students Only -

Thank you for choosing St. John’s Day School to care for your student.

All students must register every year. This helps us with our class planning and teacher schedules.

The registration fee applies to all students every year.

Current students and siblings are given priority over new students.

Our school closure/holiday schedule is attached. Please be aware of this schedule. We do post reminders on the door in the main building and Ms. Bea and Ms. Kami’s classrooms as well as on the website (

Once your enrollment is completed and your student has been assigned to a classroom, you will receive an email with classroom information. If you do not receive an email regarding your students class assignment by May 5th, please send an email to the school (). This will let me know that you have not received your class information and will alert me if I have entered your email address incorrectly.

Current students do not need an appointment to go over your paperwork.

In order to be completely registered, you must:

1. Return the Re-enrollment Form, completely filled out

2. Return the Registration Form, completely filled out

3. Return your Volunteer Choice Form

4. Return your registration fee

5. Return your Enrollment Agreement Form, completely filled out

Please check the program(s) you are registering for:

Tuition is $115.00 per week. / SUMMER PROGRAM
June 5, 2017 –
August 9, 2017 / FALL PROGRAM
August 14, 2017 –
May 25, 2018

You may request a specific teacher for the Summer and/or Fall program, however, this is not a guarantee that you will receive this teacher; but all efforts will be made. Your Request: ______

*We prefer students to be potty trained. If the student is not potty trained, tuition will increase $10.00 per week until the student is potty trained. Students, ages 36 months and up MUST be potty trained.

Is your student potty trained? YES ______NO ______

St. John’s Day School
Re-Enrollment Form – Current Students Only
FAMILY Information
Student’s Full Name:
Student’s Address:
City: / State: / ZIP Code:
Father’s Full Name:
Father’s Work Place (name and address):
Work Phone: / Home Phone: / Cell Phone:
Father’s Address:
City: / State: / ZIP Code:
Father’s Email Address:
Mother’s Full Name:
Mother’s Work Place (name and address):
Work Phone: / Home Phone: / Cell Phone:
Mother’s Address:
City: / State: / ZIP Code:
Mother’s Email Address:
Marital Status/Who Has Custody?
Special Instructions for contacting parents:
First Alternate’s Full Name:
Alternate’s Work Place (name and address):
Work Phone: / Home Phone: / Cell Phone:
Alternate’s Address:
City: / State: / ZIP Code:
Second Alternate’s Full Name:
Second Alternate’s Work Place (name and address):
Work Phone: / Home Phone: / Cell Phone:
Second Alternate’s Address:
City: / State: / ZIP Code:
Medical information
Name of Student’s Doctor:
Doctor’s Phone Number:
Does your student have any allergies? Please list:
Does your student have any health problems? Please list:
Does your student have any other problems, not already listed? These can include physical, mental, social, etc. Please list:


At least one parent/guardian from every family must volunteer at least once per year.

Below are the volunteer choices available. Please choose one and return this form with your registration form.

a. Harvest Fair – This event is scheduled for October 27th. We play games, pick pumpkins, and have fun.

_____I would like to volunteer for this activity.

b. Dr. Seuss’ Birthday/Reading Month – This event is held throughout March. This volunteer activity could include dressing up as The Cat in the Hat (costume provided), reading to the classes and/or doing a project with the classes.

_____I would like to volunteer for this activity.

c. Dia De Los Ninos–This takes place April 30th. Volunteers will be asked to help with a variety of games, face painting, and activities.

_____I would like to volunteer for this activity.

d. Teacher’s Week – Usually, the first week of May is teacher’s week. There are a variety of opportunities available. This could include making decorations and decorating the building, making teacher snacks, etc.

Parents are also needed from the hours of 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. on the Friday of teacher’s week to sit with our napping students while we have lunch. We will be in the same building with you, just not in the same classroom.

_____I would like to volunteer for this activity.

e. Olympic Week – Held the last week of May. Various opportunities will be available between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and noon, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday of that week.

_____I would like to volunteer for this activity.

More information will be provided as each event gets closer. You will receive the dates, times, and specifics of what you will be doing prior to the event.

St. John’s Day School
FAMILY Information
Student’s Full Name:
Today’s Date: / Registration Fee Paid? _____
Each family is issued access card(s) to gain entrance into the main building. If the card(s) are lost, damaged, stolen, or not returned at the end of your students’ enrollment, you are responsible for the replacement cost of the card(s). The cost to replace each access card is $20.00.
Parents’ Initials: ______
Each family must pay a registration fee, every year. The registration fee is $60.00 for the first student, $30.00 for the second. Additional fees for additional students may be found in the parent handbook.
Parents’ Initials: _____
Tuition is due on Friday. It is considered late if not received by 5:30 p.m. on the following Monday. If tuition is not received by the end of the 2nd week, your students’ space will be forfeited. Full tuition is charged even if: your student is out of school due to illness or other reasons and/or the school is closed due to a scheduled or unscheduled closure,
Parents’ Initials: _____
Two weeks of vacation time is provided each year, starting every September 1st. Tuition for students using a vacation week, is half the regular tuition. Vacation must be requested in writing, prior to the vacation.
Parents’ Initials: _____
Two weeks written notice is required if your student will be dis-enrolling from school. If proper notice is not given, you will be charged for two weeks beyond your student’s last day of attendance.
Parents’ Initials: _____
Do not bring your student to school if he/she is displaying signs of illness. If your student becomes ill at school, you will be called to pick up your student and are expected to arrive within 30 minutes. Students must be allowed at least 24 hours of recovery time, prior to coming back to school.
Parents’ Initials: _____
We close promptly at 5:30 p.m. A late fee of $20.00 will be charged for each fraction of every 15 minutes your student is at school past 5:30 p.m. Preschool is over at noon. Late fees will also be assessed for any late pick-ups from preschool. The late fees begin at 12:01 p.m. and 5:31 p.m. If your student is picked up late 3 times, your enrollment will be terminated upon the third late pick up.
Parents’ Initials: _____
St. John’s Day School, it’s employees and it’s volunteers are not responsible for lost or misplaced items. Please mark all of your student’s belongings. Do not allow your student to bring anything to school that cannot be replaced or is of an expense that you are not willing to risk. Do not allow your student to bring toys to school.
Parents’ Initials: _____
Some of the fees are as follows:
Returned Checks: $40.00
Tuition: $115.00 per week
Students not potty trained: An additional $10.00 per week
Parents’ Initials: _____
I have been given, and have read and understand, St. John’s Day School Parent Handbook. I agree to abide by the rules set forth therein.
Parents’ Initials: _____

Potty Training

We will begin potty training at school when you tell us that you are ready and have begun at home. Let your teacher know when the time is right.

Students who are potty training, or newly potty trained, should wear easy to remove/pull down clothing.

PLEASE NO: overalls or jeans with zippers and buttons (elastic is fine).

Please provide several sets of clothing including shirts, pants, underwear/pull ups, and socks.

If you are potty training with pull ups, please ensure you provide the school with pull ups that have velcro on the sides.

Students will not be moved out of the two year old class until they are completely potty trained, regardless of age. Students who are 36 months or older, and are not potty trained, will be evaluated on a case by case basis.

$10.00 per week, above the tuition rate, is charged for students who are not potty trained. When the two year old teachers inform the office the student is potty trained, this fee will be removed.

I give my permission for St. John’s Day School to place diaper rash cream, that I have provided, on my child at each diaper change.


Child’s NameDateParent/Guardian Signature

Sun Block Permission Form

If you would like sun block put on your student at school, please:


2. Put sun block on your student prior to bringing them to school.

3. Label your students sun block with their complete name.

4. Leave the sun block with a teacher. Do not leave sun block in your students lunch box, back pack, etc.

5. Leave this signed form with the teacher you give the sun block to.

We will:

1. Place your preferred sun block on your student at the following times:

a. in the morning, prior to your student’s class going out for water day.

b. in the afternoon, after nap time is over.

2. Inform you when your student is running low on sun block.

I give my permission for St. John’s Day School to place sun block, that I have provided, on my child at the designated times.


Child’s NameDateParent/Guardian Signature


Thursday, FridayJune 1st, 2ndClosed – Teacher Training/Prep

Tuesday, WednesdayJuly 4th, 5thClosed – Independence Day

Thursday, FridayAugust 10th, 11thClosed – Teacher Training/Prep

MondayAugust 14thFirst Day of School

MondaySeptember 4thClosed – Labor Day

FridayOctober 6thClosed – Staff Training

MondayOctober 9thClosed – Columbus Day

FridayNovember 10thClosed – Veteran’s Day

Wednesday, Thursday, FridayNovember 22nd, 23rd, 24thClosed – Thanksgiving

FridayDecember 15thClosed – Teacher Training

Friday, MondayDecember 25th, 26thClosed – Christmas

MondayJanuary 1st, 2ndClosed – New Year

MondayJanuary 15thClosed – Martin Luther King Day

MondayFebruary 19thClosed – President’s Day

FridayMarch 9thClosed – Staff Training

FridayMarch 30thClosed – Good Friday

FridayMay 25thLast Day of the School Year

MondayMay 28thClosed – Memorial Day

ThursdayMay 31stClosed – Staff Training and Prep

FridayJune 1stClosed – Staff Training and Prep

Monday, Tuesday, WednesdayJuly 4th, 5thClosed – Independence Day