Thank you for applying for City of Subiaco’s Community Development Grants. Please read the guidelines for Community Development Grants and speak to the community development team before submitting your application. Your application will be assessed by a panel against the criteria and considerations outlined in the guidelines for Community Development Grants. We wish you the best of luck.
- How did you find out about the City of Subiaco Community Development Grants?
- Group or organisation
Group or organisation
Contact person
Postal address
Daytime phone number
Mobile number
Email address
When is the best time to contact you?
Has your group or organisation received a grant from the City of Subiaco before?
If yes, when and what for?
What is the primary purpose of your organisation or group?
- Financial details
Does your organisation or group have an Australian Business Number (ABN)? / YES NO
If yes what is your ABN?
Is your organisation or group registered for GST? / YES NO
If no, the city will ask successful applicants to complete an Australian Tax Officestatement by a supplier form giving their reason for not quoting an ABN.
Please provide the account details into which the grant should be paid if your application is successful:
Name of account
BSB number
Account number
- Details of projectPlease refer to the guidelines for Community Development Grants when answering these questions. Please allow up to three months for processing your application.
Name of project
When will the project start?
When will the project be complete?
What are the major milestone dates in the project (ie deadlines, media, events, evaluation)?
Briefly describe the project:
What are the objectives of the project and how will they be met?
Please demonstrate that your group has access to relevant knowledge, skills or experience to meet the project outcomes:
Please demonstrate that your group has access to the necessary resources to meet the project outcomes:
Please address the considerations outlined in the Guidelines for Community Development Grants and how you project meet the city’s priorities?
- Details of budget
What is the total cost of the project? / $
How much are you requesting from the City of Subiaco? / $
How will the city’s financial contribution be spent?
Please list all financial and in kind contributions from both the organisation and other sources and all predicted expenditure of the project. Please attach a separate budget sheet if you need more space.
Income source / Details / Confirmed(yes or no) / Amount
Total Income / $
Expenditure / Details / Amount
Total expenditure / $
- Checklist and signature
I have discussed my application withthe city’s community development team
I have read the guidelines for Community Development Grants and referred to them in this application
I understand I will be required to complete an Acquittal and Evaluation Form and return it to the city within three months of completion of the project
SignedName / Date