October 2002doc.: IEEE 802.11-02/649r1
IEEE P802.11
Wireless LANs
Tge Teleconference summary for resolving Ballot Comments
Date:October 29, 2002
Author:Srinivas Kandala
Sharp Laboratories of America, Inc.
5750 NW Pacific Rim Blvd. Camas WA 98607
Phone: (360) 817-7512
Fax: (360) 834-8696
A teleconference was held on Oct. 22, 2002 to resolve Ballot comments of LB39. This document contains the summary of the proceedings of the teleconference.
October 22, 2002
1. Call to Order
Meeting was called to order at 9:00 AM PDT.
2. Agenda
Agenda of the meeting is:
- Call to Order
- Approval of Agenda
- Roll Call
- Resolution of LB39 Comments by David Bagby, Raju Gubbi and Kevin Negus
- Action Items, if any
- Adjourn
No objections to approve the agenda.
3. Roll Call
The attendees of the meeting are:
Javier El Prado, Amjad Soomro, Sai Shankar and TK Tan (Philips)
Y.C. Maa and Pat Lou (Improcom)
Mat Sherman (AT & T Labs)
Sid Schrum (TI)
Fred Haisch (Proxim)
Liwen Wu (Cisco)
Mathilde Beneveniste (Avaya)
Srinivas Kandala (Sharp Labs)
4. Resolution of LB39 Comments
LB39 Comment file was mailed by Srini to Fred, Sid and Liwen upon request.
The resolutions for the comments are described below:
Comment # / Recommended Disposition99 / Accepted. Editor has incorporated the changes.
100 / Accepted. Corrective action has been taken.
101 / Classified as editorial. Accepted
102 / Accepted the change, but the group could not agree on the rationale provided by the commenter. The group however felt that more information should be provided about the interaction of the MAC, DS and the higher layers. The editor will generate a figure on architecture and will send it to the reflector to seek feedback.
103 / Accepted. Text has been re-written so that a QSTA is one particular type of STA. Second sentence of 3.42 is replaced by "As used in this standard, "STA" applies to all stations regardless of their capabilities." QSTA definition has been modified to reflect the commenter's intention.
104 / Accepted
105 / Accepted
106 / Classified as editorial and accepted
107 / Alternate resolution: Change the definition to “A link from an AP to a non-AP STA”. The ad hoc group feels that the acronym “WSTA” serves a useful purpose and would like to keep it. If the commenter has a suggestion for an alternate term, he is invited to provide one.
108 / Accepted. The paragraph has been re-written.
109 / Action Item for the editor: The editor is instructed to search for “link” in D3.3 and suggest a replacement and possibly work on the definition of link itself and send the results to the reflector and discuss it in the next teleconference.
110 / Comment accepted. Editor has incoporated the changes. See also comment #103.
111 / Suggested Resolution: The text has been changed relative to base standard as well as D2.0. Subclause which provides the description of the servicce got deleted by an editorial mistake. Editor is instructed to restore as well as mark all changes with respect to the base stanadard and not with respect to an earlier version of the draft.
112 / The comment is declined. The text is informative and not normative and as such you can not add ambiguity to the standard. Furthermore, from the context, it is clear that the end-to-end refers to the application end-to-end and not MAC.
113 / Accepted
114 / Duplicate of 104
115 / The comment is declined. It is not clear what specific action the commenter wants Tge to take.
116 / The comment is declined. It is not clear what specific action the commenter wants Tge to take.
118 / Accepted. Editor has incorporated the deletion as suggested in LB30 response.
120 / The comment is declined. The group (looking at the comments) disagrees with the comment. QAP is a superset of AP. Similar is the case wrt QSTA and QBSS. Furthermore, it is not clear what action needs to be taken.
5. Action Items if any
- Editor will generate a figure on architecture showing the interaction between the layers and will send it to the reflector to seek feedback.
- Editor will search for “link” in D3.3 and suggest a replacement and possibly work on the definition of link itself and send the results to the reflector and discuss it in the next teleconference.
6. Adjourn
The teleconference is adjourned at 11:00 AM EST.
October 29, 2002
1. Call to Order
Meeting was called to order at 9:15 AM PDT.
2. Roll call
Larry Green
Mat Sherman – AT&T Labs
Srinivas Kandala - Sharp Laboratories of America, Inc.
3. Agenda
- Call to order
- Roll call
- Approval of the agenda
- Action items of the last teleconference
- Resolution of LB39 comments by David Bagby, Raju Gubbi and Kevin Negus
- Summary of Action Items, if any
- Adjourn
Agenda approved.
4.Action items of the last teleconference
- Srini sent out an architecture figure to the reflector seeking comments.
- Mat is not sure about the figure. He believes the DS encompasses all the layers above the MAC. Srini referred to figure 1 in 11f draft. We will try to contact Dave.
- Modification of definition of link.
5.Resolution of LB39 comments by David Bagby, Raju Gubbi and Kevin Negus
Comment # / Recommended Disposition109 / Alternate Resolution. Replace “logical” by “physical”.
146 / Alternate Resolution. Replace “user” by “MPDU”
147 / Editor has either deleted or moved the “Notes” to footnotes. The editor will explore if anything more needs to be done and report in the next teleconference.
148 / The group has voted to remove AP Mobility from the draft.
149 / It is the opinion of the committee that the direct STA to STA transfers in a BSS must be permitted to allow efficient QoS. If the commenter is aware of specific changes that need to be done to the DS or elsewhere in the 802 architecture, please make the Tg aware of those so that they can be accommodated.
150 / Alternate Resolution: WARP has been replaced by DLP. The group has also decided that an HC shall always be collocated with the AP. The commenter is invited to examine the DLP and make further comments.
151 / The subclause has been deleted.
152 / Comment Declined. This is not something different from what exists in the base standard.
153 / Comment declined. Only certain aspects of QoS do not work with Power management and they are explicitly pointed out (also through PICS). Channel access enhancements which are also part of QoS functionality can still be supported along with power management.
1521 / Comment declined. It is not true that the EDCF traffic would shut down the legacy traffic and the concept of the priorities would be at odd with fairness.
319 / Comment Declined. A TG level poll shows that there is a strong support for EDCF.
320 / Defer to the body
321 / Duplicate of 320
322 / Comment accepted. The changes in clause 9.2 have been deleted and there is a discussion of the acknowledgement options in subclauses 9.10 and 9.11.
323 / Changes to clause 9.2 have been deleted. However, what the commenter seeks is provided in clause
324 / Comment accepted. Modify the first sentence of the second paragraph of of D3.3 to, “The initial frame of a non-final frame exchange sequence sent by a QSTA within a TXOP shall contain a duration value that is sum of the remaining duration of the TXOP and aSlotTime”. Editor will also try to make them more consistent.
325 / Comment accepted. Replace DIFS with aSlotTime in the second paragraph, second sentence.
326 / Comment accepted. "Will" does not have any normative inference. However, the point is accepted and the draft is changed acordingly.
327 / The subclause has been deleted
470 / Referred to the floor of the group
471 / Referred to the floor of the group
472 / Same as 319
473 / Comment accepted. Change “The Duration, RA and TA fields follows the rules defined in section for the ACK frame.” to “The Duration field follows the rules defined in section 9.11.3. The RA and TA fields follow the rules defined in section for the ACK frame.”
474 / Comment accepted. Editor has incorporated the suggested change.
475 / Comment accepted. Editor has incorporated the suggested change.
476 / AP Mobility has been deleted
478 / AP Mobility has been deleted
481 / AP Mobility has been deleted
482 / Comment accepted and the wording has been fixed.
483 / Alternate Resolution. WARP is replaced by DLP and DLP explicitly prohibits the use of PM.
484 / The subclause has been deleted
485 / Refer it to the floor of the group
486 / The terminology has been changed. In this draft, IBSS refers to all independent BSS regardless of their QoS support.
487 / Alternate Resolution. The note has been deleted.
6. Review of Action Items
- Identify the ones that are not resolved on the reflector and seek feedback.
- Mat will get in touch with David to further discuss 149.
- Srini will examine all footnotes and determine if there needs to be any specification if the footnotes are informative or normative.
7. Adjourn
The teleconference was adjourned at 11:05 AM.
Submissionpage 1Srinivas Kandala, Sharp Labs