4 December 2018 IEEE P802.15-09-0267-00-004g

IEEE P802.15

Wireless Personal Area Networks

Project / IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs)
Title / TG4g Conference Call Minutes 2-April-2009
Date Submitted / 4 December 2018
Source / [Jana van Greunen / Phil Beecher]
[Silver Spring Networks / PGE] / E-mail:[jvangrue @ silverspringnet.com]
Re: / SUN Task Group
Abstract / TG4g Teleconference call minutes
Purpose / Conference call minutes
Notice / This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P802.15. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein.
Release / The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P802.15.

Task Group 802.15.4g Teleconference call 2 April2009

All times are in PST: April 02 2009


8:03 AM meeting starts
1) Roll Call
2) Updates from last week's call:
802.11y: A Primer on the IEEE 802.11y Amendment and
Channel Characteristics: 15-09-0263-00-004g, Steve Shearer
3) Montreal Agenda
4) Activities between now and Montreal
5) call timeslot
6) Any Other Business
Phil Beecher (PG&E)
John Buffington (Itron)
Clint Powell (Freescale)

Kuor_Hsin Chang (Freescale)
Jana van Greunen (SSN)
Kendall Smith (Aclara)
Steve Shearer
Scott Weikel (Elster)
Rick Enns Emmanuel Monnerie (L+G)
Shusaku Shimada (Yokogawa)
Klaus Meyer (Atmel)
Cristina Seibert (SSN)
Khanh Tuan Le (TI)
Hartman Van Wyk (Itron)
Daniel Popa (Itron)
Jim Raab (Oaktree)
Jay Ramasastry (SSN)
Ben Rolfe (BCA)
David Howard (On-ramp)
John Rouse (Coronis)
Paul Dixon (Hisilicon)
Phil reminds everyone that they are covered by the policy and procedures.
The discussion of the conference time slot was added to the agenda
Discussion on the two documents from 802.11y that were posted to the reflector. We can probably benefit from looking at this more. Would we like someone from 802.11 to give us a brief overview on the conference call? This might be a bit early, but we could also consider adding to Montreal meeting agenda if sufficient time available. Phil and Jim will arrange for someone to give us a presentation in Montreal if they are available and we have time.
More comments on how appropriate this might be. The idea is not to pick up the entire thing as it is, but to see if there is anything useful for our purposes.
8:22 AM Steve Shearer introduces channel characteristics doc #15-09-0263-00-004g and asks for comments/ input from group. So far, few people have had a chance to look at it. There is discussion about group adoption of document. Currently channel characteristics are missing from the PHY parameters document. 2006 channel model may be inadequate. Clint offers to coordinate activity of reviewing 802.15.4 channel models and others and assessing suitability. Clint will email the TG4g reflector to invite participation.

8:50 AM Montreal Agenda
We have 10 sessions, including 1 joint session with TG4e. We can request Monday and/or Tuesday evening sessions if we have an overwhelming response to CFP and insufficient agenda time. Phil will put together a provisional agenda soon.
8:51 AM Activities between now and Montreal
Last week we discussed the template for the PHY parameters
There is proposal from Emmanuel L+G and Steve Shearer - we should have discussions on the reflector.
Document 261 - People making proposals should keep this template in mind so that it is easier for people evaluating proposals compare them.
8:54 AM Final proposals
A proposal needs to be on the server May 1, and email Phil & Jana & reflector to let them know it is there.
8:55 AM Call time discussion
This time is ok for the US and Europe. However, this is inconvenient for people in Asia. No time is convenient for everyone.
There seems to be no objection to sticking to this time - at least not on the call...if you want to change it - send Phil an email. It will only be changed if there are a significant number of people who want to change.

9:00 AM Call adjourned

TG4g Conference Call Minutes 2-April-2009Jana van Greunen / Phil Beecher

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