Textease CT Turtle

Textease CT Turtle

·  Open Textease Studio CT

·  Open Turtle Toolbar

·  Add turtle to page

·  Clicking on the turtle to select it will allow you to move it around the page

·  Open keypad

·  Select the appropriate level

Yellow / Green / Blue
Direction arrows or direction words will move the turtle
Pen up / Pen down will not show trail/show trail
Choose the colour for the trail

Return to home
Clean trail
Record procedure
Run procedure / / /

The grey arrows next to the direction instructions (forward, backwork, left, right) will decrease or increase the number for movement.

The instructions below are based on the green level but can be used with the other levels:

To create a ‘square’ procedure

·  Click on red record button

·  Click on Repeat 4 button

·  Click on Forward 20

·  Click on Left 90

·  Click on End

·  Click Save

Insert a name for the procedure

Click on Edit to see the procedure
and to edit the procedure

NOTE: Any procedures are saved
with the document. They are
not saved on that computer to
use again.

Examples of some Turtle files can be explored. Go to file, examples and choose Textease Turtle CT

Other commands

Instructions can also be typed directly on a Textease page and then click run.

Click on Turtle on the menu bar to see other choices

New turtle will allow choice of a different turtle.

Command line will allow a more traditional logo screen for programming.

Procedures will allow you to edit procedures, copy, delete or run. You can also create a new procedure from here.

Variables will allow you to change properties of the turtle

Selecting details provides you with easy access to change the colour of the trail and the fill behind the trail. (It is changing these that will help create beautiful patterns!)

Taking procedures further

Procedures can be used within procedures to produce complex patterns such as the ‘traditional’ logo activity of creating a flower.

·  Click Turtle on the menu bar

·  Click New

·  Add a name and click Edit

Repeat 10


Right 60


Developing understanding of logo

1. Shapes

Can you draw a bigger/smaller square?
Can you draw a triangle/hexagon/circle? Circle repeat 360 [fd 1 rt 1] end

What will this create?

Repeat 6

Fd 10

Rt 120

Fd 10

Lt 60


2. Letters

Can you write your name?

Predict the letter that these instructions produce.

1) FD 90 RT 90 FD 40 BK 40 RT 90 FD 40 LT 90 FD 30

2) FD 30 RT 90 FD 20 BK 20 RT 270 FD 20 RT 90 FD 30

3) BK 60 FD 30 RT 90 FD 30 RT 90 FD 30 BK 60

Now can you draw the letter K? Now try the letter Z

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