CRCC Retreat • June 6–8, 2008
Round 1: Idealized Redesign
Groups 1 & 7: ACGME Board/Executive Committee
Context / This activity is called idealized redesign. The idea is to imagine that the CRCC does not exist and it is necessary to invent an entity that represents the RCs – and each group will do this from a different perspective. Your group will take the perspective of the ACGME Board/Executive Committee.Objective / The objective of this round of work is to:
1)take the perspective of theACGME Board / Executive Committee
2)imagine the CRCC does not exist and you are going to invent an entity that represents the RCs from your perspective as the ACGME Board/Executive Committee
3)your final product is two posters
- on one poster, develop a picture (including the new name) of what the new, ideal entity would look like
- on the other poster, develop a list of what the new, ideal entity would do (what would be the focus and role(s) of this new entity?)
Process / Introduce yourself to the other members of your group.
In your breakout area, use the white wall and markers provided to brainstorm your ideas for the idealized redesign of an entity that represents the RCs. Then, produce your final product on the two pieces of poster board provided.
You have 60 minutes for this activity, which is not a lot of time.
Exchange / Following this activity you will have an opportunity to share your work with another group.
Round 1: Idealized Redesign
Groups 2 & 8: ACGME Staff
Context / This activity is called idealized redesign. The idea is to imagine that the CRCC does not exist and it is necessary to invent an entity that represents the RCs – and each group will do this from a different perspective. Your group will take the perspective of the ACGME Staff.Objective / The objective of this round of work is to:
1)take the perspective of the ACGME Staff
2)imagine the CRCC does not exist and you are going to invent an entity that represents the RCs from your perspective as ACGME Staff
3)your final product is two posters
- on one poster, develop a picture (including the new name) of what the new, ideal entity would look like
- on the other poster, develop a list of what the new, ideal entity would do (what would be the focus and role(s) of this new entity?)
Process / Introduce yourself to the other members of your group.
In your breakout area, use the white wall and markers provided to brainstorm your ideas for the idealized redesign of an entity that represents the RCs. Then, produce your final product on the two pieces of poster board provided.
You have 60 minutes for this activity, which is not a lot of time.
Exchange / Following this activity you will have an opportunity to share your work with another group.
Round 1: Idealized Redesign
Groups 3 & 9: Program Directors
Context / This activity is called idealized redesign. The idea is to imagine that the CRCC does not exist and it is necessary to invent an entity that represents the RCs – and each group will do this from a different perspective. Your group will take the perspective of Program Directors.Objective / The objective of this round of work is to:
1)take the perspective of Program Directors
2)imagine the CRCC does not exist and you are going to invent it from your perspective as Program Directors
3)your final product is two posters
- on one poster, develop a picture (including the new name) of what the new, ideal entity would look like
- on the other poster, develop a list of what the new, ideal entity would do (what would be the focus and role(s) of this new entity?)
Process / Introduce yourself to the other members of your group.
In your breakout area, use the white wall and markers provided to brainstorm your ideas for the idealized redesign of an entity that represents the RCs. Then, produce your final product on the two pieces of poster board provided.
You have 60 minutes for this activity, which is not a lot of time.
Exchange / Following this activity you will have an opportunity to share your work with another group.
Round 1: Idealized Redesign
Groups 4 & 10: RC Chairs
Context / This activity is called idealized redesign. The idea is to imagine that the CRCC does not exist and it is necessary to invent an entity that represents the RCs – and each group will do this from a different perspective. Your group will take the perspective of RC Chairs.Objective / The objective of this round of work is to:
1)take the perspective of RC Chairs
2)imagine the CRCC does not exist and you are going to invent it from your perspective as RC Chairs
3)your final product is two posters
- on one poster, develop a picture (including the new name) of what the new, ideal entity would look like
- on the other poster, develop a list of what the new, ideal entity would do (what would be the focus and role(s) of this new entity?)
Process / Introduce yourself to the other members of your group.
In your breakout area, use the white wall and markers provided to brainstorm your ideas for the idealized redesign of an entity that represents the RCs. Then, produce your final product on the two pieces of poster board provided.
You have 60 minutes for this activity, which is not a lot of time.
Exchange / Following this activity you will have an opportunity to share your work with another group.
Round 1: Idealized Redesign
Groups 5 & 11: RC Members
Context / This activity is called idealized redesign. The idea is to imagine that the CRCC does not exist and it is necessary to invent an entity that represents the RCs – and each group will do this from a different perspective. Your group will take the perspective of RC Members.Objective / The objective of this round of work is to:
1)take the perspective of RC Members
2)imagine the CRCC does not exist and you are going to invent it from your perspective as RC Members
3)your final product is two posters
- on one poster, develop a picture (including the new name) of what the new, ideal entity would look like
- on the other poster, develop a list of what the new, ideal entity would do (what would be the focus and role(s) of this new entity?)
Process / Introduce yourself to the other members of your group.
In your breakout area, use the white wall and markers provided to brainstorm your ideas for the idealized redesign of an entity that represents the RCs. Then, produce your final product on the two pieces of poster board provided.
You have 60 minutes for this activity, which is not a lot of time.
Exchange / Following this activity you will have an opportunity to share your work with another group.
Round 1: Idealized Redesign
Groups 6 & 12: DIOs
Context / This activity is called idealized redesign. The idea is to imagine that the CRCC does not exist and it is necessary to invent an entity that represents the RCs – and each group will do this from a different perspective. Your group will take the perspective of DIOs.Objective / The objective of this round of work is to:
1)take the perspective of DIOs
2)imagine the CRCC does not exist and you are going to invent it from your perspective as DIOs
3)your final product is two posters
- on one poster, develop a picture (including the new name) of what the new, ideal entity would look like
- on the other poster, develop a list of what the new, ideal entity would do (what would be the focus and role(s) of this new entity?)
Process / Introduce yourself to the other members of your group.
In your breakout area, use the white wall and markers provided to brainstorm your ideas for the idealized redesign of an entity that represents the RCs. Then, produce your final product on the two pieces of poster board provided.
You have 60 minutes for this activity, which is not a lot of time.
Exchange / Following this activity you will have an opportunity to share your work with another group.