

Textbook:Prentice Hall Mathematics: Geometry

Online Access:

Teachers:Mariam Jumaa/Malak Fardous



Three-ringed binder with dividers and loose leaf papers.

Used for notes, practice problems, Homework, Vocabulary dictionary …

Pencils, and highlighters.

Textbook (if necessary).

Course Description:

  • This is a two semester course in which students will learn to analyze characteristics and properties of two- and three-dimensional geometric shapes and develop mathematical arguments about geometric relationships. Students will also develop the ability to apply transformations and use symmetry to analyze mathematical situations, and to use visualization, spatial reasoning, and geometric modeling to solve problems.
  • First semester topics include: transformations, parallel lines, and triangle congruence. Second semester topics include: quadrilaterals, similarity, circles, and trigonometry.

Classroom Rules

Rules are necessary to create a classroom environment where people can work cooperatively to get the job done. The consistent enforcement of reasonable rules outlined below makes for a productive and pleasant classroom atmosphere.

All students are expected to comply with the following rules:

  1. Students should follow the school’s rules, and follow the school’s dress code.
  2. At the beginning of class, students are to be in their seats before the bell rings. Students are to stay in their seats until dismissed by the teacher at the end of class.
  3. Students are to come to class each day with all necessary materials needed to participate in the activities of the day.
  4. No eating, drinking or gum chewing in the classroom.
  5. No personal electronic devices such as, but are not limited to, radios, C.D. players, ipods, gaming devices, or cell phones in class.
  6. No hats or jackets in class.
  7. You should have only the materials that belong to the subject on the desk (no backpacks, or purses on the desk in front of you.)
  8. Respect all people, their property and school property.
  9. Students must have a pass from their CURRENT hour teacher to see someone in the office (blue slips are the exception). No passes, except for blue slips or emergencies, during the first and last 10 minutes of class.
  10. Students will become a community of learners by:

a)Helping each other in class (cooperative group learning)

b)Encouraging each other to keep up and participate (cooperative group learning)

Violation of the rules will result in a procedure of progressive discipline. The basic steps in the procedure are outlined below.

  1. First Step – Verbal Warning
  2. Second Step – Hold after class for conference with teacher
  3. Third Step – Parent contact
  4. Fourth Step – Referral to the assistant principal for discipline

Students involved in serious offenses including refusal to follow the instructions of the teacher, vandalism, acts of violence or severe disrespect to the teacher will be immediately excluded from the classroom.

Homework and Class Work

Daily class work or homework assignments are very important for students’ achievement. Most of the assignments will be assigned as Class Work. Class Work will start in class and if more time is needed then the rest will be assigned as homework. The following guidelines should be followed in order to receive full credit.

  • You must show work. No Work = No Credit
  • You must show effort and try your best.
  • Homework and Class Work assignments should be done neatly and they should be readable.
  • Incomplete assignment may lose credit.

Your name, hour, and date should be written on the upper right hand of the page, and the assignment

  • Use pencils.

Missing assignments (in case of an absence) should be completed one day after the student returns to class. The website below contains resources, links, and a daily summary of our classwork. All assignments and handouts may also be found here!!

Tests, Projects, and Quizzes

Tests and quizzes will be announced a few days ahead of due dates. The absent student will take the test or the quiz the day he/she will return to class.

Grading System

Summative (Tests or projects)80%

Formative (Quizzes)12%

Formative (Homework)8%

Have a very successful and happy school year!