Science 10
Science 10
Course Outline 2017
Instructor: Ms. Wedel Room 309
Textbook: BC Science 10 replacement cost: $80
Websites: classroom: start.sd34.bc.ca/cwedel
textbook: www.bcscience10.ca
CheckMyMark: https://checkmymark.com/
Course Goals
1. To develop positive science attitudes
2. To develop a concern for safety
3. To develop the skills and processes of science
4. To demonstrate an increased knowledge of and the ability to apply major concepts, principles, laws, and facts
5. To develop critical and abstract thinking abilities
2017, Wedel
Science 10
Class Grade
Test 60%
Assignments 35%
Homework Checks 5%
Course Grade
Class Grade 80%
Final Assessment 20%
2017, Wedel
Science 10
Course Outline
1. Science and Laboratory Skills and Safety
2. Chemistry: Atoms, Elements, Compounds, Reactions, Radioactivity
3. Biology: Ecosystem Interactions
4. Physical Science: Motion, Velocity, Acceleration
5. Geology: Plate Tectonics, Thermal Energy, Climate Change
Science 10 Expectations
1. Be Prepared
· You must bring the following items to EVERY class: 3-ring binder & paper, textbook, calculator, pens, pencils, and eraser. Pencil crayons and a ruler (15 cm or more) may be required on certain days.
· Be on time and ready to work at the beginning of class.
2. Absences
It is extremely important that you are present for all classes. We will cover a large amount of information each day and it will be very easy to fall behind. In the case that you know you will be away on a certain day, please let Ms. Wedel know as soon as possible so that arrangements can be made for you to keep up with your classmates. The classroom website will be very valuable (start.sd34.bc.ca/cwedel) because all notes, assignments, study helps, and due dates will be posted there.
If you miss a class unexpectedly it is YOUR responsibility to get caught up. Extra handouts will be in the binder near the door. You need to check the website for notes, assignments, etc. when you are away so that you can try to keep up with the class from home. You can also make arrangements with Ms. Wedel to come in for extra help. In a semester course more than two absences per month is considered excessive and will have a negative effect on your grade. We encourage students to attend every class.
In the case that you are absent on the day of a test or presentation, you may receive a zero unless you bring in a note from your parent/guardian outlining the reason for your absence. In this note, your parent must state that they are aware that you missed a test or presentation. You must be prepared to write the test /make the presentation on the first day of your return. If you are truant (unexcused absence, skipping) you may receive a zero for tests, assignments, homework, labs, and quizzes given on that day.
3. Assignments
Assignments are a very important aide to help process information and gain practice using it. To do well in this course, you must complete all assignments.
There will most likely be homework every day (if none was specified, you should be reviewing notes).
Work will either be marked at the beginning of class (for assignments) or checked for completion (for homework check). Each homework check is worth 5 marks based on your attempt of all questions. If you do not understand the homework, please see me before class to avoid being penalized for a homework check. Late assignments will NOT be accepted. If you do not wish to get a zero for a late assignment, you will need to come and arrange an alternate assignment if you wish to demonstrate the learning covered in that work.
The cutoff point to hand in any assignments you were absent for, redo any Warm-Ups, or do alternate assignments for is BEFORE THE UNIT TEST!
4. Progress
Marks will be posted regularly on CheckMyMark. You are expected to check your marks frequently. Do NOT leave looking at it until the end of term! If you do not do an assignment or write a test, your mark will remain a zero. It is important for you to remember that marks are the result of basic mathematics: if you hand in an assignment you get marks, but if you do not, you don’t get marks. It is possible to fail Science 10 and if you do not hand-in assignments it becomes more likely that you will.
5. Classroom Conduct
1. Please wait to ask questions that do not pertain to the lesson or hand me forms to sign until an appropriate time.
2. Follow all safety rules! No horseplay in the lab!
3. No eating or drinking during a lab for safety reasons.
4. Use all class time fully and productively.
5. There are no washroom breaks unless there is a medical reason.
6. Do not be late for class.
7. Kindergarten rules still apply (i.e. hands to yourself, clean-up after yourself, listen while the teacher or other students are talking, raise your hand if you wish to speak etc.)
Undesirable student behaviors are serious and will be dealt with in one or more of the following ways: 1) Warning, 2) Meeting with teacher and a consequence applied, 3) Parent phone call, 4) Referral to administration, 4) Meeting with parent / student / teacher / administration.
Extra Help & Availability
Please feel free to come by for extra help. I want to be there for you. I will be available in my classroom during the following times:
Mornings: 7:30 – 8:10 am*
After school: 2:35 – 3:30 pm*
*These are general times. I may have a meeting or have to leave the classroom to go down to the office etc. If you know that you need help, please make an appointment to guarantee that I will be there for you.
I reserve the right to change the above at my discretion.
Having read the above, please fill out below.
Science 10
Student Name: ______Signature: ______
Student Email: ______*
Parent/Guardian Name: ______Signature: ______
Parent/Guardian Phone Number: ______
Parent/Guardian Email: ______*
*Email will be the primary method of communication with parents & students.
2017, Wedel