Dear Parents/Caregivers

Textbook and Resources Hire Scheme

Students over the age of 12 years on 1st January 2018who attend a Special School are eligible for the Queensland Government’s Textbook and Resource Allowance. As such our school has a Textbook and Resource Hire Scheme.

In 2018, students are entitled to the following amounts:

  • $125.00 for students who are age equivalent to Years 7, 8, 9, or 10.
  • $271.00 for students who are age equivalent to Years 11 or 12.

The Textbook and Resource Allowance is paid only once in any calendar year, regardless of the number of schools the student attends.

While this is a voluntary Hire Scheme, parents/caregivers who do not wish to participate in the Textbook and Resource Hire Scheme must return the attached form,signed, to the school administration.

However, parents/caregivers not participating, are expected to provide ALL necessary textbooks, materials and equipment for their children.

In 2017, all of parents/caregivers chose to be part of the scheme.

It is our belief that being in the scheme is beneficial for all parties however we respect individual parent/caregivers choice.

For students whose parents participate in this Scheme we will be able to provide such items as:

Textbook & Resource Allowance: yr 7 – 10 covers the following:

General Items / Cost to Participate / Retail Value
Administration of scheme / $22.00 / N/A
Student Diary / $15.00 / $30.00
Student ID Card / $12.00 / $13.00
School Calendar / $15.00 / $30.00
Access to online subscriptions
Student use varies but includes:
-Boardmaker Online
-Sunshine Online
-Reading Eggs
-Chooseitmaker / $59.00 / $130/year
TOTAL / $123.00 / $382.95

Textbook & Resource Allowance: yr 11 – 12 covers the following:

General Items / Cost to Participate / Retail Value
Administration of scheme / $22.00 / N/A
Student Diary / $15.00 / $30.00
Student ID Card / $12.00 / $13.00
School Calendar / $15.00 / $30.00
Access to online subscriptions
Student use varies but includes:
-Boardmaker Online
-Sunshine Online
-Reading Eggs
-Chooseitmaker / $65 / $130/year
Access to school mobiles
-Annual update of devices
-Mobile phone plans / $37 / $100
Resources involved to support post school transition
-Additional staffing and transport costs to cover work experience and post school service provider visits / $100 / $300
TOTAL / $266.00 / $902.95

By participating in the scheme parents/caregivers will save a considerable amount of time and money, as the combined buying power of buying the resources in bulk (for all students) means significant cost reductions.


Ches Hargreaves

(Acting Principal)

Conditions of participating in the Hire Scheme

  • Books, materials and equipment issued to students are to be kept in good condition.
  • Students may be responsible for up to the full cost of books, materials and equipment that are negligently damaged or lost.
  • School Administration to be notified immediately of the damage or loss of any book, materials or equipment.
  • All books, materials and equipment provided under the Scheme remain the property of the Scheme and must be returned when the student leaves or at the end of the school year.
  • All fees received by the school will be banked into the school’s general account, which is subject to annual audit.
  • If a student starts school after first term, the fee is reduced on a pro-rata basis.
  • If a student leaves school having paid a fee, a pro-rata refund will be made. Refunds are based on the full charge, less the cost of consumed material and/or cost of replacing lost or damaged books, materials or equipment.
  • Books, material and equipment provided under the Hire Scheme will not be issued to students whose parents choose not to participate.
  • School principals may refuse to admit a student to the Hire Scheme if there are payments overdue from the previous year.

While this is a voluntary Hire Scheme, parents/carers who do not wish to participate in the Textbook and Resource Hire Scheme must inform the school administration so they can receive a cheque to the value of the Textbook and Resource Allowance for their children ($123.00 for Years 7, 8, 9 and 10; $266.00 for Years 11 and 12). However, with these funds parents/carers are expected to provide ALL necessary textbooks, materials and equipment for their children.

Consent for this Scheme

Attached is the Parent/Caregiver consent Form (Form 1 and Form 2). Please sign either form and tick the appropriate box to indicate your wish to either be included in the resource hire scheme or youwish to make alternative arrangements for 2018school resources. Please return the form to the school office as soon as possible.

If you have any questions regarding either the Queensland Government’s Textbook and Resource Allowance or the school’s Textbook and Resource Hire Scheme, please contact the school.

G:\Coredata\Admin\Data 2018\Enrolment pack 2018\Textbook & Resource Hire Scheme letter.docG:\Coredata\Admin\Data 2018\Enrolment pack 2018\Textbook & Resource Hire Scheme letter.doc