Process for Identifying the Leadership Succession Group


This document describes the process for selecting the 2011 Leadership Succession Programme cohort and supports the Leadership Succession Strategy and the Leadership Development Strategy. These documents can be found on the SDU web pages

We are producing a policy this year becauseof the strong interest in the scheme last year which resulted in 267 nominations, we expect the same or greater interest in the scheme this year and we want to provide more information and clarity on the process.

Nomination Process and Policy

Guiding Principles

Participants for the leadership assessment centres will be selected using the following criteria:

  • The data provided by managers on the succession needs in their sections and departments. This will cover succession needs due to key staff leaving through retirement or reorganisation, any risks around key skills or knowledge being invested in just one or two individuals, likely loss of talent through external promotion or lifestyle changes, any changes to the way departments works which will require new skills or behaviours, the need to increase diversity and key skills needed to deliver the corporate plan and local business plans
  • The number of nominations received per nominee, for example those nominated more than once will be considered higher priority applicants
  • The support statements supplied
  • The need to achieve a balance of nominations across LSBU faculties and departments

Nomination criteria exclusions

To be considered for the programme staff need to have:

  • Passed their probationary periods
  • Been in post more than 12 months
  • Members of LSBU’s Senior Management Group are excluded. You can see the current membership of this group here Leadership development for SMG members is supported via separate programmes. See the Leadership Development Strategy for more details

The Process

Step 1

An electronic nomination form will be sent to all managers grade 8 and above, including Course Directors. If staff prefer they can ask for the form to be completed via a meeting with either their HR Business Partner or a member of the Leadership Succession Project Group. The nomination form can be viewed at this link.

The project group this year is:

  • Leonie Saywell
  • Lisa Wilkinson
  • Katie Guest
  • Helen Langford
  • Laura Forrest
  • Russell Kenny

Jane Houzer will provide advice to the group and be the Executive sponsor. Carol Campayne will also advise the group on diversity issues.

Simultaneously a self nomination process will also be opened so that staff can self nominate themselves to the programme.

Step 2

All nominations will be recorded on a database which will also include details of the rationale for nominations. Diversity monitoring will also be recorded as a strategic aim of the scheme is to promote equality and diversity. This year we will be asking nominees to volunteer information about their disability status (a review of diversity practice indicates this is likely to be currently under recorded), sexual orientation (not currently gathered by HR but included in equality legislation), and religion and beliefs, so we can improve our diversity monitoring. This data will remain confidential.

Step 3

All nominees will be invited to write a short personal statement to support their application. This will cover:

  • How you think your skills and knowledge can help deliver LSBU’s corporate plan and help LSBU develop and succeed
  • Any wider contributions you currently make to LSBU that go beyond the immediate requirements of your job
  • Any leadership skills developed outside of your work at LSBU
  • The key learning points of your career to date.
  • Why you would like to be included in the succession development programme and what you think you would gain.
  • Potential future roles you believe you have the skills to do

Step 4

The nominations will be filtered to select the final 40 participants to attend the Leadership Assessment Centres.

The filtering process will be as follows:

1. Remove staff who did not supply a supporting statement by the deadline

2. Priority given to nominations according to the urgency of succession needs identified by the line manager nominations

3. Priority given to applicants who took part in last year’s leadership assessment centres and who only just missed the pass score and who were otherwise assessed as strong candidates

4. Nominated more than once (not including self nomination)

5. No one support department is over represented and there are not more support candidates than academics

The outcome of this initial filter will be presented to the Executive and they will make the final decision on the 40 candidates who will take part in the leadership assessment centre. All nominees will be provided with feedback.

Step 5

The assessment centres will be run by SHL and HRD. In addition some of thisyear’s leadership succession cohort will act as assessors. SHL will provide training in the assessment process for all LSBU assessors. The assessment day will comprise of psychometric profiling (OPQ32), group work, apresentationand a short interview. The assessment centre will test the following LSBU management standards:

  • Decision making
  • Commercial orientation
  • Teamwork
  • Communication
  • Initiative

Following each assessment centre there will be an integration panel to review all evidence and assign final scores.

There will be 25 places available on the programme and if more than 25 candidates pass the centre selections will be based on the urgency of succession needs within each department. However successful candidates will be offered a place automatically on the 2012 programme.

Step 6

All participants in the leadership assessment centre will be offered a full feedback session.

Time Line

Date / Activity
Throughout October / Nomination process launched via All Staff Emailon Friday 1st October
Nomination forms sent out to all managers Grade 8 and above
Managers complete the online forms or request an interview with their HR Business Partner or other manager in HR
Information sessions offered
Support statements requested from nominees
October 29th / Nomination deadline
November 1 – 5th / Succession needs identified by Managers analysed and general themes made available on the succession web page
Diversity monitoring of nominees
Support statements returned
Initial filtering based on numbers of nominations, succession needs of each department and support statements
November 10th / The Executive select 40 candidates to attend leadership assessment centres based on the data supplied by managers
November 15th / All participants are matched to a centre and notified. Unsuccessfulnominees informed
December 1,3,6,8 / Leadership Assessment Centres and decision panels
13th December / All candidates informed of outcome
3rd -14th January / Feedback sessions for all assessment centre participants
17th January / Leadership Succession 2011 Programme begins

Leadership Succession Programme 2011 Nomination Process

Leonie Saywell September 2010