Unit 7 Syllabus

The Gilded Age

Text: The American Pageant, Chapters 23-26 (p. 497-607)

Supplemental Readings:

Zinn, Howard. “Robber Barons and Rebels.”

Primary Sources:

·  Plessy v. Ferguson, 1896.

·  W.E.B. DuBois, “Souls of Black Folk,” 1902

·  Booker T. Washington, “Atlanta Compromise Speech,” 1895

·  Ida B. Wells, “Southern Horrors and Other Writings,” 1892

·  Various political cartoons: Election of 1896

·  Party Platforms: Republicans, Democrats, Populists, Socialists (1896)

Major Themes and Topics: APUSH Period 6

The transformation of the United States from an agricultural to an increasingly industrialized and urbanized society brought about significant economic, political, diplomatic, social, environmental, and cultural changes.

Key Concept 6.1:Technological advances, large-scale production methods, and the opening of new markets encouraged the rise of industrial capitalism in the United States.

Key Concept 6.2:The migrations that accompanied industrialization transformed both urban and rural areas of the United States and caused dramatic social and cultural change.

Key Concept 6.3:The Gilded Age produced new cultural and intellectual movements, public reform efforts, and political debates over economic and social policies.

Content: Corruption during the Gilded Age and the rise of political machines, rise of labor unions and the Populist Party; general themes of industrialization, urbanization, and immigration; the institutionalization of Jim Crow, modern politics as emphasized in the Election of 1896, the growth of the west and final submission of Native American nations—causes and effects.

Timeline of Assignments and Readings:

1/3: Chapter 23: One Pager OR Two MindTaps due by class time. (Your choice!)

1/5: Chapter 25: Page 554-555 and pages 563-564; the Jim Crow Era begins

1/6: Chapter 24: Big Business and the rise of Labor Unions

1/10: ATP on Zinn: “Robber Barons and Rebels.”

1/11: Chapter 25: Life in the Gilded Age

1/13: Share Newspapers (Using LucidPress in Clever); complete your article

1/16: Chapter 26: Plains Indians and Westward Movement, Chapter 26 MindTap due, MIDNIGHT

1/17: Chapter 26: Populists and the Election of 1896

1/18: DBQ Practice OUTLINE (2013 DBQ)

1/20: Unit 7 TEST (LEQ)