Bienvenidos a español 1

Sr. Spencer Martín, Room 104

Text: Realidades 1, Prentice Hall Publishers

Bienvenidos! Spanish 1 is a beginning Spanish study course that provides a balanced focus on listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills, and fosters an awareness of the various Spanish-speaking cultures. The text contains exercises for the acquisition and practice of vocabulary and structures of the Spanish language at a novice level. However, Sr. Martín will use outside sources for classroom instruction while adhering to the Modern Languages Standards. The course is designed in compliance with the State of GeorgiaGPS standards for Spanish Level 1. The GPS standards for Spanish I may be viewed at


#1:3-ringed binder (1 inch) with 4 dividers

Dividers must be labeled: (1) Notes; (2) class work; (3) Homework; (4) Tests and quizzes.

#2:Sr. Martín will provide you with copies of the Spanish 1 workbook.

#3:Textbooks will be used in class as needed, but a take-home set will not be given out. However, you may check out a book from Sr. Martín upon availability.




Daily grades:20%

Homework 10%


All class work/homework is due on the date that Sr. Martín states. However, you may turn in class work/homework late and receive partial credit. Partial credit will be applied as follows:

Work turned in 1 day after due date: Subtract 10 points from final score

Work turned in 2 days after due date: Subtract 20 points from final score

Work turned in 3 days after due date: Subtract 30 points from final score.

After 3 days from the due date, class work/homework that is not turned in will NOT be accepted.

It is your responsibility to ask your class buddy for make-up assignments.

Quizzes and Tests can be made up ONLY if the absence is excused. It is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to provide necessary documentation for absences in order to make-up any quiz or test (doctor’s note, court note, field trip/sports event documentation, etc…). Make-up quizzes and tests will be done after school.


You will have the chance to correct wrong answers on tests once I have graded them and returned them to you. These corrections will take place in class as soon as I return the tests to you. You will receive ½ credit for questions that you answer correctly.


What will I learn in Spanish 1?

Speaking:You will be able to adapt and personalize memorized material to form basic statements, questions, requests, and commands in everyday situations in a way that is understandable to native speakers.

Listening:You will be able to understand basic spoken language pertaining to familiar situations.

Reading:You will be able to understand simple Spanish passages or dialogues on familiar topics.

Writing:You will be able to write simple questions and sentences which communicate basic needs or opinions.

Specifically, you will be able to greet others and make introductions; describe yourself, others, and places; talk about your own interests, activities and preferences; ask questions; tell time; make plans; order food and drinks. You will also be able to identify and discuss some basic cultural differences and/or similarities between citizens of Spanish-speaking countries and citizens of the United States of America.

What does Sr. Martín expect of me?

I expect that you, having chosen Spanish, will make a positive effort and do your best to learn to communicate in Spanish and learn about the Spanish-speaking culture.

I expect you to spend at least 20 minutes per day, 5 days a week, on Spanish, memorizing vocabulary and grammar and completing any Spanish 1 assignments.

I expect you to seek help quickly if you are confused or feel as though you are falling behind. I will be happy to give you extra help before or after school any day, if you make arrangements with me ahead of time. Memorizing your vocabulary is your responsibility and something you must do on your own. Vocabulary quizzes will be given in a regular basis!


To be successful this semester you must respect your classmates, yourself, your school, and your teacher. There may be a varying range of skill levels in this class; therefore, it is vital for you to be supportive and encouraging toward each other during the learning process. You are expected to behave appropriately and comply with the dress code as required by the Effingham Co. Board of Education.

Failure to behave appropriately will result in the followingconsequences:

  1. verbal warning
  2. Written warning (after 2 written warnings the student will be assigned 15 minutes after school detention.)
  3. Referral to administration

Please read the classroom rules handout for more information on what is consider inappropriate behavior.

Bullying will ABSOLUTELY not be tolerated in my classroom. If I see that bullying has occurred, there will be no warning issued. The offender will be referred to administration immediately.


You will have (3) three hall passes per grading period only! These hall passes are not transferrable. Please use them only for real emergencies. At the end of each grading period your unused hall passes will be redeemed for 6 extra credit test points.(2 points each).

I guarantee that you will be successful in Spanish 1 this semester if you do all of the above. I expect us to have an enjoyable and productive Spanish 1 class.

Syllabus Contract

Please read below and sign/date at the bottom. Please return this to Sr. Martín by Monday, August 8.

I, ______, have read Sr. Martín’s syllabus and agree to adhere to the classroom policies and procedures outlined. I understand that Sr. Martín has the right to revise the syllabus as needed.

Student Signature: ______Date: ______

Parent signature: ______Date: ______