Cleaning and Disinfection of Toys

Date Originated: February 23, 1994 Dates Reviewed: 2.23.94, 3.23.95,

Date Approved: 3.26.97, 3.22.00, 3.26.03, 3/15/06,

3/3/09, 9/10/13, 9/13/16

Approved By:


Chairman, Infection Control Committee Infection Control Nurse

I. Purpose: This policy is designed to provide consistency in cleaning and disinfecting of toys to help safeguard patients, children, and personnel from transmission of infection. This policy applies to the following areas: Pediatric Clinic, Developmental Evaluation Clinic, Family Practice Center, Child Development Laboratory, Remedial Education Activity Project, Communication Sciences and Disorders, and any other area that has a designated play area.

II. Diapered Children

A. Ideally, toys should not be shared.

B. Shared toys may be contaminated with oral respiratory secretions. Viruses such as Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) can persist on environmental surfaces for many hours, and for  hours or more on hands. Hand to mouth contact with these viruses can easily cause nosocomial infections among children and staff.

C. Only non-porous, easily cleaned toys may be used.

D. Stuffed toys or other porous toys are allowed if they are personal items which will not be shared.

E. Toys which children have placed in their mouths should be cleaned with water and detergent, disinfected, and rinsed before handling by another child.

F. All toys which are frequently touched by infants and toddlers should be cleaned and disinfected daily.

G. After cleaning and disinfecting, toys should be stored in a clean, dry area.

III. Non Diapered Children

A. Toys should be cleaned and disinfected weekly and when soiled.

B. If toys are contaminated with blood or body fluids, they must be immediately cleaned with an approved disinfectant. Refer to ECU Infection Control Policy "Cleaning, Disinfection and Sterilization of Patient Care Items" for a list of approved disinfectants. The toys will then be allowed to air dry before being used.

C. If contaminated toys cannot be cleaned/disinfected, then they must be discarded.

D. After cleaning and disinfecting, toys must be stored in a clean, dry area.

IV. Toy Cleaning

A.  Staff will clean toys using an approved disinfectant.


American Academy of Pediatrics, Report of the committee on Infectious Diseases, Red Book,

1994, pgs. 90-91 and 396-398..

Donowitz, Leigh G., MD, Infection Control in the Child Care Center and Preschool, second edition, 1993, pgs. 17-18 and 26.


Cleaning and Disinfection of Toys