Executive Committee Meeting – April 27, 2002
The Executive Committee of the Texas Community College Teachers Association met Saturday, April 27, 2002, in Conference Room A at the Love Field Terminal, in Dallas, Texas, pursuant to the notice of such meeting.
ATTENDANCE The meeting was called to order at 10:48 a.m., by President Susan Edwards. The following members were present: Ms. Susan Edwards, President; Ms. Lola A. King, President Elect; Mr. Larry C. Allen, Secretary; and Dr. Mel Griffin, Immediate Past President. Also in attendance were Dr. Richard L. Elam, 2001-2002 Immediate Past President; Richard Moore, Executive Director, and Dr. Scott A. Nelson, Associate Executive Director. Due to flight delays into Love Field, Dr. Gail M. Platt, Vice President, joined the meeting at 11:20 a.m. and Ms. Danita L. McAnally, Treasurer arrived at 11:55 a.m.
MINUTES Ms. Edwards reported that minutes of the April 1, 2002 conference call meeting were approved by email. Dr. Griffin moved and Ms. King seconded that minutes of the December 7, 2001 and February 23, 2002 meetings be approved as previously distributed with the exception of striking the last paragraph under “Executive Session” in the December 7, 2001 minutes. The motion was adopted unanimously. Dr. Platt and Ms. McAnally were absent for this vote.
REMARKS OF STATE PRESIDENT Ms. Edwards suggested that notice of the August Campus Representatives meeting be sent to all representatives in May. She also asked if early notification of the Fall Faculty Leadership Conference could be given to all campus faculty leaders.
The committee discussed possible changes to the convention format. One suggestion was a Friday night Social Hour in the Exhibit Hall from 4:30 to perhaps 5:30 or 6:00 that might include a cash bar and mariachi band. Another possibility would be to conduct the raffle, which was very popular at the 2002 Convention, during the Friday evening Social Hour. A third suggestion was to serve breakfast tacos in the Exhibit Hall on Saturday morning. Mr. Moore pointed out that printed materials to exhibitors should be sent out by at least June 1. In order to meet that deadline, Mr. Moore indicated that the printer should receive the information before the committee meets at the May retreat. Due to this timetable, the consensus of the committee was to authorize Mr. Moore to include the Friday night and/or Saturday morning suggestions in the 2003 promotional materials being sent to possible exhibitors.
The committee reviewed the proposed Appointments To Standing And Special Committees 2002-2003 which was previously distributed. Additions to the list were Ms. Kathy Cates, Tyler Junior College, as Co-Chair of the of the Membership Committee and Ms. Bernie Bruster, Panola College, as a member of the Resolutions Committee. Ms. McAnally moved that the proposed list be approved. The motion was seconded by Mr. Allen and adopted unanimously.
TREASURER’S REPORT The committee reviewed the Preliminary Treasurer’s Report for the period April 1, 2001 to March 31, 2002. The report indicated revenue for the year of $560,396.46, expenses of $553,329.36, and an ending equity balance of $386,729.66. It was noted that additional revenues and expenditures that apply to the 2001-2002 year would be posted before the financial records are closed for the period.
Mr. Moore indicated that the Association has usually authorized the President and Treasurer to sign checks drawn on the Association’s account. Dr. Platt moved and Ms. King seconded that Ms. Edwards and Ms. McAnally be authorized to sign checks for the 2002-2003 year. The motion was adopted unanimously.
REPORT OF ELECTION COMMITTEE The committee reviewed the results of the 2002 Executive Committee Election as submitted by the Election Committee. The following were elected for the 2002-2003 year:
For President Elect:
Susan Hult Edwards, Houston Community College
For Vice President:
Lola A. King, Tinity Valley Community College
For Secretary:
Larry C. Allen, Panola College
The committee reviewed the proposed Appointments To Standing And Special Committees 2002-2003 which was previously distributed. Additions to the list were Ms. Kathy Cates, Tyler Junior College, as Co-Chair of the of the Membership Committee and Ms. Bernie Bruster, Panola College, as a member of the Resolutions Committee. Ms. McAnally moved that the proposed list be approved. The motion was seconded by Mr. Allen and adopted unanimously.
TREASURER’S REPORT The committee reviewed the Preliminary Treasurer’s Report for the period April 1, 2001 to March 31, 2002. The report indicated revenue for the year of $560,396.46, expenses of $553,329.36, and an ending equity balance of $386,729.66. It was noted that additional revenues and expenditures that apply to the 2001-2002 year would be posted before the financial records are closed for the period.
Mr. Moore indicated that the Association has usually authorized the President and Treasurer to sign checks drawn on the Association’s account. Dr. Platt moved and Ms. King seconded that Ms. Edwards and Ms. McAnally be authorized to sign checks for the 2002-2003 year. The motion was adopted unanimously.
REPORT OF ELECTION COMMITTEE The committee reviewed the results of the 2002 Executive Committee Election as submitted by the Election Committee. The following were elected for the 2002-2003 year:
For President Elect:
Susan Hult Edwards, Houston Community College
For Vice President:
Lola A. King, Tinity Valley Community College
For Secretary:
Larry C. Allen, Panola College
For Treasurer:
Danita L. McAnally, Amarillo College
REPORT OF EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Mr. Moore presented a report on Association membership for the current year, pointing out that membership as of April 10, 2002, was 6,005, compared with 5,870 on the same date in 2001. Mr. Moore reported that 87 booths were sold for the 2002 convention, compared with 112 for the 2001 convention. He added that the drop in booth rentals was mainly due to the economic recession and terrorist attack of 2001 which resulted in reduced travel budgets for exhibitors. Due to the reduced 2002 booth rentals, Mr. Moore felt that 2003 rental rates should not be increased. Mr. Allen moved that the previously distributed Exhibit Rental for 2003 Convention recommendations be approved. The motion was seconded by Ms. King and adopted unanimously.
Mr. Moore discussed the Messenger Advertising (2003 Convention Issue) recommendations. Dr. Platt moved and Mr. Allen seconded that the recommendations be approved. The motion was adopted unanimously.
Mr. Moore indicated that Stephen M. Tilson has audited the Association financial records for the past four years. After a brief discussion of the positive and negative aspects of using one public accountant for an extended period of time, Ms. King moved that Mr. Moore be authorized to deliver the financial records of the Association for the period April 1, 2001 to March 31, 2002, to Stephen M. Tilson, Certified Public Accountant, P.C., Austin, Texas, for the purpose of performing a certified audit and submitting a report of the results of the audit to the Executive Committee. The motion was seconded by Mr. Allen and adopted unanimously.
Dr. Platt moved and Ms. King seconded that, for the one-year period beginning April 1, 2002, signatures of the Treasurer and Executive Director be permitted to be affixed to checks drawn on Association accounts by means of facsimile device. Copies of all checks will be provided to the Treasurer; and upon request by the Treasurer copies of appropriate documentation for any expenditure will be provided. The motion was adopted unanimously.
Mr. Moore suggested that the content and format of the Association’s web site be discussed at the retreat. He further suggested that employing an outside firm to improve the web site should probably be considered. Ms. McAnally added that a redesigned web might be effective in reaching younger faculty members who are web savvy. Mr. Moore indicated he would investigate the possibility of using an outside firm and report back to the committee on his findings.
Mr. Moore reported that six of twenty survey forms have been returned from Optional Retirement Program (ORP) providers. Concerning a related item, Mr. Moore added that he had not received a definitive answer on the government offset and windfall elimination provisions of social security. Those provisions will be addressed in the ORP (September) issue of the Messenger.
Mr. Moore reported that 26 Association members attended the 2002 Convention Session for Instructors Teaching in Texas Department of Corrections. He added that he received some good comments concerning the program and feels that it is worth continuing.
Mr. Moore reported that the Non-Profit Foundation for Professional Development has been incorporated and will be ready to write grants after it receives a tax exempt status. He indicated he will include in the 2002-2003 Association budget a line item for $3,000 to cover foundation travel expenses. Mr. Moore added that the foundation will probably rely on Association members to write the grants. Dr. Platt reported that some members of the Membership Services Committee want to work with members of the foundation to have a grant writing workshop at the convention.
Dr. Griffin moved and Mr. Allen seconded that the Executive Committee adopt the following resolution to accept amendments to the Texas Junior College Teachers Association Employees Retirement Plan:
The undersigned, being the directors of Texas Junior College Teachers Association, a Texas Association, (herein called the “Association”) hereby adopt the following resolutions:
RESOLVED, that the Texas Junior College Teachers Association Employees Retirement Plan (herein called the “Plan”) be amended and restated, effective April 1, 1997, to bring the plan document into compliance with recent tax law changes (GUST);
RESOLVED, that the Plan be amended effective April 1, 2002, to bring the plan into compliance with the Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2001;
RESOLVED, that the President and other officers of the Association be and hereby are authorized and directed to execute such forms and take such other actions as they deem appropriate to the effect and purpose of these resolutions.
IN WITNESS THEREOF, the undersigned Board of Directors have executed this Unanimous Written Consent as of the 27th day of April, 2002.
The motion was adopted unanimously.
LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEE Ms. McAnally reminded the committee that the Legislative Committee normally meets for the first time just prior to the Faculty Leadership Conference in October. Since this is a legislative year, she suggested that the committee meet before that time. She also encouraged Executive Committee members to sit in on Legislative Committee meetings when possible.
LEADERSHIP RETREAT Ms. Edwards informed the committee that she and Mr. Moore would be meeting on April 29 to discuss plans for the upcoming Leadership Retreat on May 20-23, 2002.
LIABILITY INSURANCE Mr. Moore informed the members that approximately 3,700 members purchased liability insurance coverage this year and that the Association’s cost for the coverage was increasing from $24.50 per member to $26.50.
GRIEVANCE BILLING Mr. Moore informed the committee that he conferred this year with Mr. Frank Hill, legal counsel for the Association, about an Association member who had been terminated without proper justification. Mr. Hill then visited with the member and told Mr. Moore that this was a situation where the Association should intervene on behalf of the member who did not have liability insurance. Mr. Moore indicated that Mr. Hill graciously reduced his billable time on the case. Mr. Hill also proposed to reduce his bill $2,500 if the Association would make a $2,500 donation to Ballet Arlington in the form of an advertisement in their printed program. Dr. Griffin expressed concern about possible criticism from Association members who would not be aware of the fee reduction. Following a brief discussion, Dr. Griffin moved and Ms. King seconded that a $2,500 donation be made to Ballet Arlington with a provision that the program advertisement be worded carefully so as not to offend Association members. The motion was adopted unanimously
RURAL COMMUNITY COLLEGE FOCUS GROUP Dr. Platt reported that she will be attending a meeting of the Rural Community College Focus Group in Austin on May 14. Mr. Moore and Dr. Nelson also planned to attend the meeting.
MICROSOFT Ms. McAnally inquired about an item discussed at the February 23, 2002 meeting concerning the potential for Association members to purchase Microsoft software at competitive prices. Dr. Griffin responded that she is still obtaining information on this potential member benefit.
RESOLUTION HONORING RETIRING OFFICER On behalf of the Executive Committee, Dr. Griffin read a resolution honoring the service to the Association of Dr. Richard L. Elam, whose tenure on the Executive Committee ended March 31, 2002. Text of the resolution was as follows:
WHEREAS, Richard L. Elam has been an active member of the Texas Community College Teachers Association since 1980; and
WHEREAS, Dr. Elam has held numerous positions of responsibility in the Association, serving as the TCCTA Campus Representative for Hill College since 1993; a member of the TCCTA Auditing Committee in 1990-91 and in 1995-96; a member of the Legislative Committee from 1991-94; and holding the offices of TCCTA State Treasurer in 1996-97; State Secretary in 1997-98, State Vice President in 1998-99, State President-Elect in 1999-2000, State President in 2000-2001, and Immediate Past President in 2001-2002; and
WHEREAS, Dr. Elam has distinguished himself as an outstanding member of the teaching profession, being named recipient of the NISOD Excellence in Teaching Award in 1995, and being named recipient of the Outstanding Achievement Award by the Southern Historical Association in 1993; and
WHEREAS, Dr. Elam has held many other positions of responsibility in our profession, including service on numerous faculty committees at Hill College, and has been an active participant and leader in civic and cultural affairs in his community; and
WHEREAS, in each of his positions of leadership Dr. Elam has given unsparingly of his talents and time and has executed his duties and responsibilities with enthusiasm, perseverance, dignity, diligence, patience, courage, and integrity, and in doing so has brought great credit to his college, to this Association, and to our profession; and
WHEREAS, Dr. Elam’s term of office as a member of the TCCTA Executive Committee came to a close March 31, 2002:
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Executive Committee of the Texas Community College Teachers Association that the sincere thanks of the organization be extended to RICHARD L. ELAM for his years of faithful service, dedicated leadership, and untiring efforts in behalf of the community and technical college educators of Texas; and