Texas Center for Health Disparities: STAR Fellowship Program
Resume Template
Faculty/Community Fellow: xxxxx(Applicant’s name goes here.)xxxxx
Faculty/Community Fellow, Title: xxxxx(Applicant’s title goes here.) xxxx
Name of Organization: xxxxx (Name of Organization goes here)xxxxx
{if applying as an individual, leave section below blank}
Team Fellow: XXXX (Applicant’s Team Fellow name goes here.) XXXX
Team Fellow, Title: XXXX (Applicant’s Team Fellow title goes here.) XXXX
Team Fellow Organization: XXXX (Name of Team Fellow’s Organization goes here)XXXX
This is a blank template that will allow you to upload your curriculum vitaeand your team Fellow’s CV. You may copy and paste the resume from an existing document into this template. Save your resume and then upload it following the instructions on the “Additional Documents” screen; the entire file may not exceed 15 MB. We accept .docx, .doc and pdf files at this time.
Both CV’s should be no more than 15 pages in length total. Be sure to include:
· Summary statement (≤ 50 words) that explains professional interests and/or goals and what you plan to bring (e.g., skills, experiences, etc.) to the fellowship.
· Professional experience, listed in chronological order, with the position you held and your main responsibilities.
· Education/training, beginning with baccalaureate or other initial professional education, including any graduate education.