Learning Strategies Online Database (LSOD) Project
This database is focused on strategies to assist student learning. These are strategies for students to use, teachers teach the strategy to the students, the students put the strategies into practice as they need.
Teacher candidates will leave this class with a rich source of ideas and instructionalto use in the general and special education classroom. These resources will be organized and easily accessible to the teacher candidates for future reference. A form will be given to the teacher candidate to complete for each instructional strategy.
The teacher candidate will describe where the strategy was found along with a complete description of the strategy using the form given from the instructor. The practices must be peer-reviewed (found in peer-reviewed professional journals) and not included in the textbook. The use of a strategy from a trade journal will result in a zero for the project. You may not use a book as a resource, books are typically on your shelves and this project is to demonstrate your ability to find practices that work from resources not on your bookshelves.
- You must collaborate with your peers in class. No one is to submit the same strategy. If two practices are similar and submitted, both teacher candidates will receive a zero for the project.
- Identify up to three grade levels to include consistently throughout project (e.g., pre-k-kindergarten, primary elementary 1-3, intermediate 4-6, middle school/junior high grades 6-8).
- Content area this semester for this course is Math.
- Submit hard copies. A paper copy or hard copies including the .pdf files to the instructor. Label your attachment files (the handouts/charts/graphic organizers) with your last name EDLD422 and the name of the strategy. For example: HodgesEDLD422_TICTACTOE.pdf. REPLACE “HODGES”on the names of this folder and files with YOUR LAST NAME.
- A copy of the article for each strategy must be submitted along with each strategy.
- You will submit a hard copy of two practices for the “first draft.”
- You will submit a hard copy of all four (4) practices on the last day of class prior to the practicum experience.
- After approval, you will upload your edited final copies of your practices to the Learning Strategies Online Database (LSOD). In order to receive all points for this part of the project teacher candidates must have a minimum of one (1) practice approved for uploading, the practice must be edited-without flaws, and uploaded on the database. (Placement Services has suggested that teacher candidates who have been published on the web should add this information to their resume indicating the publication.)
- You MUST include the grade sheet and criterion checklist with your hard copies.
See LSOD Handouts online, includes form description and form to use.
Learning Strategies Online Database Project (LSOD)
Special Education teacher candidatesin EDLD 422 will leave this class with a rich source of ideas and instructional strategies to use in the general and special education classroom. These resources will be organized and easily accessible to the teacher candidates for future reference. A form will be given to the teacher candidate to complete for each instructional strategy.
The teacher candidate will describe where the strategy was found along with a complete description of the strategy using the form given from the instructor. The strategies must be peer-reviewed (found in peer-reviewed professional journals) and not included in the textbook. The use of a strategy from a trade journal will result in a zero for the project. You may not use a book as a resource, books are typically on your shelves and this project is to demonstrate your ability to find strategies that work from resources not on your bookshelves.
You must collaborate with your peers in class. No one is to submit the same strategy. If two strategies are similar and submitted, both teacher candidates will receive a zero for the project.
Identify up to three grade levels to include consistently throughout project (e.g., pre-k-kindergarten, primary elementary 1-3, intermediate 4-6, middle school/junior high grades 6-8, high school 9-12).
Content area this semester is Math
- Submit hard copies. A paper copy or hard copies including the .pdf files to the instructor. Label your attachment files (the handouts/charts/graphic organizers) with your last name EDLD422 and the name of the strategy. For example: HodgesEDLD422_TICTACTOE.pdf. REPLACE “HODGES”on the names of this folder and files with YOUR LAST NAME.
- A copy of the article for each strategy must be submitted along with each strategy.
- You will submit a hard copy of two strategies for the “first draft.”
- You will submit a hard copy of all four (4) strategies on the last day of class prior to the practicum experience.
- After approval, you will upload your edited final copies of your strategies to the Teachers’ Instructional Practices Online Database (LSOD). In order to receive all points for this part of the project teacher candidates must have a minimum of one (1) strategy approved for uploading, the strategies must be edited-without flaws, and uploaded on the database. (Placement Services has suggested that teacher candidates who have been published on the web should add this information to their resume indicating the publication.)
- You MUST include the grade sheet and criterion checklist with your hard copies.
Criterion Checklist
Strategy #1 – Math
Each strategy must include the following on one page
/.5 Content Area
/.5 Strategy Name
/1 SC State Academic Standard
/1 Source
/1 Materials/Equipment
/2.5 Procedure/Steps (including grouping)
/2 Adaptation Considerations
/1 Rationale
/.5 Approved for submission to LSOD
Project Objectives and Relevant Standards
for the LSOD Project
Project Objectives
Objectives for LSOD Project
1.Incorporate the use of research-based instructional strategies in the classroom to assist teachers to improve student achievement.
2.Differentiate between trade journals and research journals.
3.Identify research-based instructional strategies for teachers to use and continue to use to improve achievement.
4.Differentiate between student instructional strategies and teacher instructional strategies and/or lesson activities.
5.Identify and correlate state standards with research-based instructional strategies (not for the behavior/classroom management project).
6.Using APA formatting, identify source, journal or website, for research-based instructional strategies.
7.State the materials and/or equipment necessary to teach the research-based instructional strategies to the class or student(s).
8.Describe age-appropriate procedures used to teach the students how to use the research-based instructional strategies.
9.Describe a disability that a student might have that would make the strategy difficult to use as it is typically taught (see procedures). Also, describe how the procedures might be adapted for that particular disability, increasing the likelihood of a student with that kind of disability accessing and using the research-based instructional strategies.
10.State a simple rationale for why this research-based instructional strategies was chosen (i.e., To improve reading fluency.)
Project Relevant
National Educational Technology Standards for Teachers (NETS)
Professional Preparation Performance Profile Standards
2. Differentiate between appropriate and inappropriate uses of technology for teaching and learning while using
5. Identify specific technology applications and resources that maximize student learning, address learner needs, and affirm diversity. (III, VI)
17. Apply online and other technology resources to support problem solving and related decision making for maximizing student learning. (III,V)
19. Use technology productivity tools to complete required professional tasks. (V)
20. Identify technology-related legal and ethical issues, including copyright, privacy, and security of technology systems, data, and information. (VI)
Learning Outcomes
AmericanCollege Research Library (ACRL)
Information Literacy Standards
Students will be able to:
- distinguish between scholarly and popular sources.
- identify an appropriate resource to use for locating scholarly, research-based articles in the field of education.
- understand the search protocols in ERIC and Education Abstracts in order to locate relevant articles.
- retrieve the full text of the article from within the database or from the print collection at Jerome Library.
- employ the knowledge gained from previous courses to discern the difference between an instructional strategy and a lesson plan.
- creatively adapt the identified instructional strategy in a way other than originally proposed.
LSOD Form Guidelines ONLY
CONTENT AREA: MathGRADE LEVEL: (USE: pre-k-kindergarten, Grades 1-3, 4-6, 6-8, OR 9-12)
STRATEGY:#STRATEGY NAME:(not the article title-a catchy name is easiest
for teachers to remember)
SOUTH CAROLINASTATE ACADEMIC CONTENT STANDARD: (list grade levels, Content Standard Number/Benchmark Indicator number/letter-if available, and state the Content Standard and Benchmark completely. Be selective and do not use all of the outcomes, they may not fit what the strategy is designed to be used for-see rationale below.)
SOURCE: (Use APA formatting for this and start on next line, not this line)
(All materials &/or equipment listed that will be needed to implement the strategy.. Number your list. Include paper and pencils in the list if students will write on a separate sheet of paper, if they are writing on something, like completing a chart, they will need the chart [should be attached as a word file until approved for uploading, then save as a .pdf] and a pencil in addition to any other materials needed for the strategy.)
PROCEDURE/STEPS:(Include grouping strategy-individual, pairs, small group, large group. This section of the form should: (a) describe the strategy clearly, and (b) demonstrate the steps for teachers to follow. Highly Recommended: Incorporate graphic organizers, charts, handouts, and visual aides to assist teachers to use the strategy-these should be titled and attached. Number the steps involved in teaching this strategy to a group [one, two, small group or large group].)
(1. Identify a student-not a person, no name-with a particular disability that you will adapt this strategy. Many strategies are researched to meet the needs of students with disabilities. You will name a category here that might include students who may not be able to access this disability due to a secondary disability. [For example: The strategy is designed for a student who is moderately mentally retarded, however you adapt it for a student who has a learning disability in reading. Therefore you will indicate: For a student with a learning disability in reading, …]
2. Most strategies are designed for students with disabilities, you will describe the adaptation as if the student has more than one disability and cannot use/access the strategy as it is currently described.) Then, describe how will youadapt this strategy so this will be able to access or use this strategy student [For example: For a student with a learning disability in reading, adapt this strategy by using words that are at an appropriate instructional level and increase the amount of words used in the directions or assigned].
RATIONALE:(What was your reason for selecting this strategy? Keep it simple and concise! (For example: It will help students to improve math fluency.) The words highlighted in the example are the types of phrases the instructor will be looking for.
Final grades will be determined by the following approximate point values.
Assignments / PtsDaily Practice Sheets (~12 x 5pts=60 pts) / 60
LSOD (Topic/Article-5; Final-10; Upload-5) / 20
Strand Lesson Plan presentations (5 x 15pts.) / 75
Thematic Unit (TWS) / 100
Quizzes ~11 / ~55
Final Exam / 30
Professionalism/Participation (Never more than 10% of possible academic points) / ~25
Total Possible Points / 365