Tests of Indastrial drug technology

Pharmaceutical enterprise is mastered by the issue of new products. In what section technological regulation original appearance and physical and chemical properties of prepared product are described :

A * Characterization of finished product

B Exposition of technological process

C Characterization of raw material, materials and intermediate product

D Characterization of auxiliary raw material and materials

E Informative materials

At crushing of medicinal plant the optimum value of humidity is (5-6%). What is it necessary to do if material hard -parch:

A *Moisten with water, mix, crushing and dry out immediately

B Mix, crush and separate a dust sifting through the system of sieves

C Raw material is processed by 70% ethanol, warm up

D Hard-parch material is considered incorrigible rejects

E Raw material is crushed utterly carefully after processing of ethanol -glycerin mixture

Specify what type of mixers it is necessary to use for preparation of saccharine syrup:

A * Anchor mixer

B Propeller mixer

C Turbine mixer

D Pneumatic mixer

E Circulation mixer

On an enterprise produce medicinal syrups. They are prepared on the basis of syrup:

A Saccharine syrup

B Cherry syrup

C Raspberry syrup

D Pieplant syrup


In the preparation of syrup should be taken 82 parts of saccharine syrup; 1 part of KI(KBr); 12 parts of liquid extract of thyme and 5 parts of 96% ethanol. What is the name of this preparation?

A * Pertussinum

B Cholosasum

C Ambroksol



Fito-chemical workshop produces tinctures. This medicinal form is:

A * Spirit extractions from the medicinal plants got without heating and deletes of extractant

B Water extractions from the medicinal plants

C Water-ethanol extraction from the medicinal plants, containing 25% moistures D Oily extraction from the medicinal plants

E Extractions from the medicinal plants got with the use ether or chloroform

On a pharmaceutical factory prepare the liquid extract of hawthorn using percolation method. Indicate the amount of the first extraction for receipt of 100 litres extract:

A *85 litres

B 25 litres

C 35 litres

D 75 litres

E 100 litres

The process of extraction consists of a few stages. Indicate the finish stage process: A* Mass-transfer

B Maceration

C Dissolution

D Wringing out of primary juice

E Washing of plants by extractant

Indicate the type of moisture which doesn’t move off at drying:

A* Crystallization

B Free

C External

D Osmotic

E Balance

A pharmaceutical enterprise produces soft extracts. Indicate technological stage which isn’t necessary at their making:


B Extracting

C Cleaning of extractions

D Evaporation

E Standardization

Pharmaceutical enterprise produces neogalenical drugs preparations. Indicate, what neogalenical drug preparation is prepared with the using of circulation apparatus of type “Soxlet”?

A *Adonisidum

B Dioxin


D Lantosidum

E Celanidum

Pharmaceutical enterprise produces extracts-concentrates. Indicate the concentration of ethanol in an extractant receipt:

A*20-40% alcohol

B 90-96\% alcohol

C 70-75\% alcohol

D 50-60% alcohol

E70-90 \% alcohol

Pharmaceutical enterprise producesdry extract-concentrate of Thermopsis. The activematters exceed a norm. Indicate a matter using for dilution of extract:

A* Lactose

B Ethyl alcohol

C Pectin

D Water cleared

E Sodium chloride

Ointment workshop produces the new ointment.

Indicate technological operation which provides an equitability of medicinal matters in basis:

A * Homogenization

B Preparation of basis

C Standardization

D Pre-packing

E Packing

The aerosol workshop uses different groups of propellents. Choose propellents which relate to the group of the compressed gases:

A* Nitrogen, nitrous oxide, carbon dioxide

B Freons

C Propane, butane, isobutene

D Vinyl- and methylchloride

E Methylenchloride, ethylenechloride

The aerosol workshop uses different groups of propellents. Choose propellents, which relate to the group of the easy flying organic solvent :

A * Methylenchloride,ethylenechloride

B Freons

C Propane, butane, isobutene

D Vinyl- and methylchloride

E Carbon dioxide

The tablets of nitroglycerine are made on a pharmaceutical enterprise.

Specify the sequence of the technological stages and operations at a production of these tablets.

A * Byworks, mixing of dry powders, moiste ning of mixture by binders, embrocation of moist mass in the perforated plates, extrusion of the chafed mass by puncheons, drying of pills, standardization, packing.

B Mixing of dry powders, moistening of mixture by binders, forming of pills, standardization, packing

C Byworks, mixing of dry powders, wiping out of moist mass through granulator, tableting, standardization, packing.

D Moistening of mixture by binders, embrocation of moist mass in perforated plates, tableting, standardization, packing.

E Byworks, granulations, tableting , standardization, packing.

Fito-chemical workshop produces liquid extracts. What amount volume parts of liquid extract get from one gravimetric part of medicinal plants in accordance with pharmacopeia?

A *1 part

B 0,5 part

C 10 parts

D 5 parts

E 3 parts

In what cases are trituration pills manufactured?

A *if it is impossible to apply pressing under pressure

B if it is impossible to dry material at a high temperature

C if it is impossible to moisten tablet mass

D if the large doses of matter in pills

E if a pill must be resorbable in the mouth

On a pharmaceutical enterprise make the different types of pills. Indicate, for what Solublettae tabbletes are used.

A * For preparation of solutions of the different pharmaceutical prescription

B For implantation

C For preparation of solutions for the injections

D For sublingual application

E For peroral application

What are diluents used in the production of pills for ?

A *For providing of certain mass of pills.

B For providing of certain chemical properties.

C For providing of mechanical strength.

D For providing of stability of pills.

E For. providing of certain physical properties

On a pharmaceutical enterprise produce granules. Indicate time of disintegration of granules covered by a shell.

A * not more than 30 minutes

B 15 minutes

C 20 minutes

D 45 minutes

E 60 minutes

At making 200 kg of dragee “Revit” got 198 kg of the prepared product. Indicate output and technological losses:

A * Output - 99\%, losses - 1%

B Output - 100%, losses - 0%

C Output - 98%, losses - 2%

D Output - 97%, losses - 3%

E Output - 99,5%, losses - 0,5%

Ampoule workshop produces the solutions for injections.

Indicate, what stabilizator is added to 1% solution Morphinehydrochloridefor injections.

A *0,1 N solution of acid chloride

B 0,1 N solution of sodium chloride

CAmino Propilenglycol

D Rongalite

E Sodium metabisulfite

At the production of fitopreparation an extractant which remained in raw material is deleted from raw material and return in a production.

What is the name of this process?

A * Recuperation

B Rectification

C Extracting

D Sublimation

E Liofilizacion

At making of injection medical forms on pharmaceutical enterprises the different methods of ampoules soldering are used.

For what injection solutions the soldering of capillaries in the stream of rare gases (nitrogen, argon, and carbon dioxide) is used:

A * Easily oxidize

B Viscid

C Heat-resistant

D Hydrolysis unsteady

E Photosensitive

Specify, what are diluents used in the production of pills for?

A For providing of certain mass of pills

B For providing of stability of pills

C For tabletting of drastic matters

D For providing of mechanical durability

E For giving the pills of certain properties

On a pharmaceutical factory the juice from a fresh plants r is made. Indicate what operation is used on the stage of cleaning of juice.

A * heating with the next sharp cooling

B absorption

C adsorption

D filtration

E crystallization

Control of quality of tablets on pharmaceutical enterprises foresees the determination of abrasion strength. Indicate how many tablets are used for a test, if the mass of tablets less than 0,65g:

A * 20

B 5

C 50

D 100

E 2

Parameter isn’t determined at preparing tablets with the covering.

A *Strength under the grind.

B Solubility

C A capacity for disintegration

D Middle mass and deviation from it.

E Homogeneity of dosage.

What temperature is used to realize the tests of tablet dissolution and disintegration ?

A * 37 ˚C

B 20 ˚C

C 50 ˚C

D 18 ˚C

E 30 ˚C

Intestines soluble covered tablets are made at the pharmaceutical enterprises. Indicate, during what time they must disintegrate in a sour environment in according with the requirements of pharmacopeia?

A * during 1 hour

B during 2 hours

C during 4 hours

D during 3 hours

E during 5 hours

One of new medical forms of industrial production, that used in child's practice and intended for little children which cannot swallow tablets is:

A* Tubatines;

B Dragee;

C Spansules;

D Medules;

E Granules.

From whichproperty of tablet mass thefilling speed of matrix dependson?

A * Fluidity (friableness)

B Closeness

C Porosity

D Humidity

E Fraction composition

At tabletting apply auxiliary matters in different amounts. Indicate the maximal amount of aerosol for tablet production environment in according with the requirements of pharmacopeia?

A * 10%

B 2\%

C 3\%

D 5\%

E 1\%

Solutions for injections of salts of weak acids and strong bases need stabilizing. Indicate what stabilizators are used for these solutions.

A *0,1 M solution of sodium hydroxide

B0,1 Msolution of acid chloride

C Trilon B

D Ascorbic acid.

E Sodium metabisulfite

Specify the features of preparation of magnesium sulfate solution.

A * Preparation the solution of higher concentration and cleaning from the admixtures of manganese and salts of iron

B Preparation of solution without thermal sterilization

C Preparation of solution of higher concentration and cleaning from the admixtures of calcium sulfate and iron

D Dissolution of medicinal matter using the heating and cleaning from the admixtures of calcium

E Preparation of solution with thermal sterilization

There are the eye drops in polymeric containers are made at pharmaceutical enterprise. Indicate the method of drop sterilization in syringes.

A * Gas sterilization.

B Radiation sterilization.

C Sterilization filtration.

D Dry-heat sterilization.

E Autoclaving.

There are the suppositories are made at pharmaceutical enterprise.

Indicate what method is the most optimum to use for making of suppositories in industrial conditions:

A * Outpouring in the forms

B Deflation

C Pressing

D Punching

E Liofilizacion

Indicate , what role propellents are played in aerosols.

A * Create the pressure in packing

B As solvents for the medicinal matters

C Stabilizators

D Emulgator

E Dispergator

The aerosol workshop uses different groups of propellents. Choose propellents, which relate to the group of the easy flying organic solvent :

A* Methylenchloride,ethylenechloride

B Freons

C Propane, butane, isobutene

D Vinyl- and methylchloride

E Carbon dioxide

Indicate the name of the prepared medical form, which shows by itself gelatinous capsules filled with microgranules.

A * spansul

B tubatin

C pearls

D pills “OROS”

E microcapsule

Multiple stratification of medicinal and auxiliary matters on saccharine granules are conducted in a dragee at pharmaceutical enterprise. What is the name of this medical form ?

A * dragee

B dragee pills

C microcapsules

D pearls

E granules

Give determination of medical form of tubatines:

A *Soft capsules with the prolonged neck.

B Capsules of spherical form

C Capsules of ovate form

D Hard capsules with a lid and microcapsules.

E Soft rectal capsules of prolate form.

Syrups without medicinal matters are used for:

A * Correct, as agglutinative matters;

B As solvents for preparation of liquid medical forms;

C As basis for preparation of unwaters medical forms;

D As emulgatori;

E As stabilizer.

The tablets of nitroglycerine are made on a pharmaceutical enterprise. Specify the sequence of the technological stages and operations at a production of these tablets.

A * Byworks, mixing of dry powders, moiste ning of mixture by binders, embrocation of moist mass in the perforated plates, extrusion of the chafed mass by puncheons, drying of pills, standardization, packing.

B Mixing of dry powders, moistening of mixture by binders, forming of pills, standardization, packing

C Byworks, mixing of dry powders, wiping out of moist mass through granulator, tableting, standardization, packing.

D Moistening of mixture by binders, embrocation of moist mass in perforated plates, tableting, standardization, packing.

E Byworks, granulations, tableting , standardization, packing.

Specify, what indexes of quality do not need to be determined for trituration tablets.

A * Elimination of pills and firmness is to squashing

B Disintegration and dissolution

C Homogeneity of dosage

D Homogeneity of content

E Microbiological cleanness

Tablets which are manufactured by method of forming of wet masses is named:

A * Trituration tablets;

B Tablets with covering;

C Tablets without covering;

D Tablets with the pellicle covering;

E Tablets with the pressed covering.

One of new medical forms of industrial production, that used in child's practice and intended for little children which cannot swallow tablets is:

A* Tubatines;

B Dragee;

C Spansules;

D Medules;

E Granules.

Specify the method of application of oriblettae - tablets:

A* peroral;

B for preparation of suspensions;

C for implantations;

D vaginal;

E for preparation of solutions.

Different types of auxiliary matters are applied at the production of tablets. Specify what matters are applied to cover the intestinal-soluble covering?

A * Acethylphtalylcellulose, schellak, caseinum

B Polyaethylenoxydum, polyvinylpyrrolidone, methylcellulose

C P – aminobenzoatum, polyaethylenoxydum

D Ethylcellulose, caseinum

E Polyaethylenoxydum, aminobenzoatum

Specify time of disintegration of tablets without covering.

A * not more than 15 minutes

B not more than 5 minutes

C not more than 10 minutes

D not more than 20 minutes

E not more than 30 minutes

Specify an apparatus are applied for packing of powders.

A * Screw and vacuum metering devices

B Dezintegratore

C Dismembratore

D Screw dosage machines

E Vacuum dosage machines

Specify a device to determine factious composition of friable materials

A* Standard set of sieves

B Microscope with a micrometrical line

C Device of VP-12А

D Device 545-Р-АК-3

E Device of HNIHFI

What are antifriction matters used in production of tablets for?

A *For diminishing of friction between the particles of powder

B For the increase of pressing

C For the improvement of disintegration

D For the removal of electrostatic charge of powders

E For the increase of strength of tablets

Specify a method to determin the concentration of ethyl spirit in spirituous solution

A *by the temperature of boiling

B by the dry remainder

C by cryoskop method

D by polarimeter

E by weight method

Specify, device to determine the friableness of powders and granulates

A * Device of VP-12-А

B Standard set of sieves

C Microscope with a micrometrical net

D Device 545-Р-АК-3

E Friabilator

Specify, what are diluents used in the production of pills for?

A For providing of certain mass of pills

B For providing of stability of pills

C For tabletting of drastic matters

D For providing of mechanical durability

E For giving the pills of certain properties

Specify time of disintegration of pills with intestinal-soluble covering according to the requirements of pharmacopoeia

A *No more than one hour in alkaline solution of sodium hydrocarbonate

B No less than 50 minutes in alkaline solution of sodium hydrocarbonate

C No less than 30 minutes in alkaline solution of sodium hydrocarbonate

D No more than 40 minutes in alkaline solution of sodium hydrocarbonate

E No more than 15 minutes in alkaline solution of sodium hydrocarbonate

Specify time of disintegration of pills without covering according to the requirements of pharmacopoeia

A No more than 15 minutes

B No more than 30 minutes

C No more than 45 minutes

D No less than 30 minutes

E No less than one hour

In what cases are trituration pills manufactured?

A *if it is impossible to apply pressing under pressure

B if it is impossible to dry material at a high temperature

C if it is impossible to moisten tablet mass

D if the large doses of matter in pills

E if a pill must be resorbable in the mouth

What normativ document is confirmed on the limited term and which sets requirements to quality of remedy and raw materials

A *The temporary article of pharmacopoeia

B The technological industrial regulation

C The article of pharmacopoeia

D The state standard

E The Industry standard

What are diluents used in the production of pills for ?

A *For providing of certain mass of pills.

B For providing of certain chemical properties.

C For providing of mechanical strength.

D For providing of stability of pills.

E For. providing of certain physical properties

Parameter isn’t determined at preparing tablets with the covering.

A *Strength under the grind.

B Solubility

C A capacity for disintegration

D Middle mass and deviation from it.

E Homogeneity of dosage.

Determination of factious composition of friable materials is made by

A * Standard set of sieves.

B A microscope is with a micrometrical net.

C Device of VP-12-А.

D Device 545-Р-АК-3.

E Device of firm “RVK”.

Give determination of medical form of tubatines:

A *Soft capsules with the prolonged neck.

B Capsules of spherical form

C Capsules of ovate form

D Hard capsules with a lid and microcapsules.

E Soft rectal capsules of prolate form.

What is method used to prepare the pills of sodium chloride?

A * Direct (simple) pressing;

B Granulation;

C Wet granulation;

D Preliminary granulation

E Dry granulation.

What requirements which are raised to materials and vehicles belong to economic:

A * Expenses on planning, making and editing;

B Accordance of temperature;

C Rate of movement;

D Comfort of exploitation;

E Supply to strength.

What are medical forms produced in granules at industry?

A * Plantaglucidum;

B Diazolinum;

C Mucaltinum;

D Revit;

E Lincomycini hydrochloridum.

The tablets of sodium chloride are made on a pharmaceutical enterprise. Specify the correct sequence of the technological stages at the production of these tablets.

A * Byworks, tableting, standardization, packing.

B Byworks, mixing of dry powders, moistening of mixture by binders, embrocation of moist mass in the perforated plates, extrusion of the chafed mass by puncheons, drying of pills, standardization, packing.

C Mixing of dry powders, moistening of mixture by binders, forming of pills, standardization, packing

D Byworks, standardization, tableting, packing

E Byworks, mixing of dry powders, wiping out of moist mass through granulator, tableting, standardization, packing

Specify the basic methods of tablets preparation.

A * Pressing, forming

B Pressing, outpouring

C Forming, granulation

D Pressing, wet granulation

E Pressing, granulation

Normative document which sets the requirements to the products and services, and regulates the relations between a supplier and user

A * Technical requirements;

B Standard;

C Technical regulation;

D Technological regulation;

E Methodical pointing.

What auxiliary matters improve disintegration or dissolution of pills in an organism?

A * disintegrating agents

B glidents;

C binders;

D diluent;

E matters to correct defects.

What group of high-quality descriptions of pills such signs behave to: form of pills, mass of pill, indexes of durability, porosity?

A * Physical indexes;

B Chemical indexes;

C Physical and chemical indexes;

D Bacteriological;

E Biological.

In what amount is Twin-80 added at the production of pills

A * Not more than 1%

B Not more than 0,5%

C Not more than 3%

D Not more than 5%


What machines do a rolling-mill concerned to?

A *squashing

B cutting

C mixing

D percussion

E grinding.

In which mixers are revolved details absent?

A *Mixers of the pseudofluidized layer;

B Drum mixers;

C Blade mixers;

D Twocone mixer;

E Centrifugal mixer.

What isn’t parameter defined for chewing pills?

A *Disintegration;

B Solubility;

C A capacity for disintegration ;

D Homogeneity of mass;

E Middle mass and deviation from it.

What kind of covering permits to manufacture the tablet and covering at the same time?

A *Pressed covering;

B Pellicle covering;

C Dragee coveraing;

D Multi-layered covering;

E Mouldable covering.

By what method are soft capsules expediently made, if gelatinous mass is prepared with the swelling stage of gelatin?

A *By a pressing method;

B By a drop method;

C By the method of immersion;

D By the method of dispersion;

E By the method of dragee using.

What method expediently to use in an order to place the medicinal matter in gaseous form in a covering of microcapsule?

A *Coacervation;

B Method of dragee using;

C Dispersion;

D Dispergation;

E Polymerization.

Plaster is medical form for external application and is produced in :

A *The hard masses and as liquids.

B Hard mass.

C Liquid and soft.

D Hard mass and as gel.

E As liquids.

What stages does the technological process of mustard plasters production consisnt of?

A * Preparation of rubber glue, preparation of mustard mass, spreading the masses on paper, drying, packing, recuparation of petrol.