
Robin ThompsonChair, Shropshire PartnershipRT

Helen Herritty
Jackie Jeffrey / Shropshire CCG
James Tozer
Rod Thomson
Kairen Francis
Mandy Thorn
Karen Roper
Paul Tulley
Barrie Sheldon
Martin Timmis
Stuart Gamble
Caron Morton
Sarah Boden / West Mercia Police
Safer Stronger Communities Board
Job Centre Plus
Shropshire Business Board
Association of Local Councils
Shropshire CCG
Police and Crime Commissioner
Shropshire Fire Service
Environment Agency
Shropshire CCG
Social Landlords Forum / JT
In attendance
Charlotte Green (notes) / Shropshire Partnership / CG
Carolyn Healy
Philip Brough / Shropshire Partnership
Shropshire Partnership / CH
Paul Tarplett
Rob Francis
Karen Higgins
George Candler
Kate Garner
Kal Parkash
Sarah Dodds / Office of Public Management
Office of Public Management
Shropshire CCG
Shropshire Council
Shropshire Council
Shropshire Council
Shropshire Council / PTa
Tom Currie
Karen Bradshaw
Mike Hyatt
Keith Barrow
Clive Wright / Probation Services
Shropshire Council
Shropshire Council
Shropshire Council
Shropshire Council / TC
Item / Action
1. / Welcome and apologies
RTwelcomed everyone to the meeting and apologies were noted (see above)
2. / Notes of the last meeting and matters arising
Notes of the last meeting were agreed as a true and correctrecord.
3. / Shropshire Compact Developments
Sarah Dodds was welcomed to the meeting to provide an overview of the compact developments. A draft copy of the Compact and the memorandum of understanding is included within the papers for reference.
SD explained that the Compact outlines how the public sector will work with the voluntary and community sector. All Local Authority areas shouldhave a compact in place and the expectation is that this should now include a wider range of public sector organisations.
The current Compact was developed in 2009 and although still relevant is out of date in a number of areas so it is being refreshed to ensure the content meets current needs.
A compact development group has been established to review the Compact and as well and making it relevant they are considering the following;
  1. Which organisations should be part of the Compact?
  2. Does the Compact fit within National policy?
  3. Does the Compact meet the requirements of the localism act?
Next Steps
The Compact development group are keen to welcome new members to join. SD agreed to share the details of the planned Compact meetings with Leaders Board members.
The timescales for the implementation of the Compact were discussed and it was agreed that the Compact group would discuss extending the timescales for implementation of the Compact to align with CCG activity.
Members were also asked to consider the following action points and respond directly to .
  • Partners to agree to sign up to the Compact Memorandum of Understanding
  • Partners to identify an officer to join the Compact group to develop the detail of the Compact.
  • Partners to provide any comment on the current draft Compact.
/ SD
4. / Locality Commissioning Update
George Candler and Kate Garner joined the meeting to provide an update on Locality Commissioning activity being undertaken in Church Stretton. A copy of the presentation is attached for information.
The work has identified three strategic outcomes for the area;
  1. Creation of opportunities to work and become work-ready, leading to an economically vibrant and work ready community,
  2. A quality public realm that people value and are proud of,
  3. People live independently in their homes for longer.
Mandy Thorn agreed to encourage the Business Board members to support Locality Commissioning by providing work experience placements for the long term unemployed.
Thanks were given to Leaders Board for their time and commitment to locality commissioning the next stage of which will be a further two day decision accelerator sessions. These are planned for week commencing 1st July and partners were asked to confirm their availability. / MT
5. / Partnership Priorities and Structure to Deliver
Paul Tarplett provided an overview of the activity and a summary of learning from the work that he has been doing with the Leaders Board and theme groups.
The groups was asked to consider the following three questions;
  1. What do Leaders Board members want to achieve as a partnership in the next three years?
  2. What does the partnership system need to do to make this happen?
  3. What changes to membership and ways of working do we need to make to the partnership system?
The members were divided into groups to discuss the three questions and feedback. The following points were made.
  • A number of strategic issues cut across partners work areas and the current Leaders Board structure enables these to be considered collectively,
  • The Leaders Board is a good networking forum,
  • Members need to consider how the meetings can be more action focused,
  • The Leaders Board has the oversight and ensures that there are no gaps or duplication in activity locally,
  • The Leaders Board has the ability to unpick areas where there are service failures and learn from these experiences,
  • The Leaders Board can plug into the wider picture,
  • Need to ensure that the right organisations are invited to contribute to the agenda to ensure that they get something out of the relationship and visa versa.
  • Need to consider how to bridge the gap between development of a chief officers group and operational activity,
  • There may be a risk that if a smaller group is established then the discussion could become exclusive to these organisations,
  • Current meetings are too large to have meaningful discussion,
  • A stronger link with the Local Enterprise Partnership is needed.
CH, PTa and RT agreed to meet to formulate draft proposals and terms of reference for partners to comment on, taking into account feedback received at Leaders Board. (attached)
Rod Thomson introduced the inequalities strategy. The strategy will be required to deal with a range of issues which are not solely identified as a health inequality (eg, crime and employment). By addressing these wider related issues the strategy will be able to improve the health of the county.
Karen Higgins joined the meeting and introduced a recording of three young people all of whose lives were impacted upon by health inequalities.
Jackie Jeffrey provided an example of a family living in poverty that are being supported by the Citizens Advice Bureau. Both parents work part time and support two children. After paying all of their essential outgoings the family have to live on £50 a week which includes buying food.
It is hoped that by developing a wider inequalities strategy that addresses areas including training, education, transport and childcare then families such as this could be supported to move out of poverty without having to rely on benefits and public sector support.
Caron Morton identified the need to address all of the services that impact on inequalities and asked partners to confirm support in principal for developing an inequalities strategy and undertake actions to deliver the strategy.
Partners were asked to identify a named person within their organisation to join a working group to develop the inequalities strategy. To prevent overloading partners this work could link into the Locality Commissioning work. / CH/RT
6. / How the physical environment can support partners priorities
This item was postponed to the next meeting.
7. / Any other business
Dates of future meetings
Partners are asked to keep these dates in diaries pending the finalisation of the Terms of Reference and revised structure.
  • 16th July 2013, 10-12noon – Severnside Housing
  • 17th September 2013, 10-12noon – Council Chamber
  • 19th November 2013, 10-12noon – Council Chamber