Test case 1: Sending 1 packet and expecting receiver to print it out. (trivial)
Test case 2: Corrupt a single byte in each packet, corrupteach byte in the packet once. (run 63 times)
Test case 3: Corrupt matching bits in 2 bytes in the packet, the corruption occurs 4bytes apart. (run 59 combinations)
Test case 4: Receiver drop packet once, expectretransmission within 0.09 – 0.11s window.
Test case 5: Hold ACK for 0.085s, expect no retransmission from the sender
Test case 6: Sends out a 11-character frame to receiver_0, check that receivers drop packets not intended for them.
Test case 7: Sends out a 100-character message, check fragmentation is implemented to split the message into frames.
Test case 8: Sends out an 80-character message, send out the 2nd frame 0.05s before the 1st frame,expecting the receiver to print the frames according to the logical order
Test case 9: Drop ACK once, expect retransmission happens only once
Test case 10: Sending 20 packets and expecting receiver to print them out in order with no more than 8 frames outstanding at any time.
Test case 11: Sending 20 packets (with corrupt probability of 20%) and expecting receiver to print them out in order.
Test case 12: Sending 20 packets (with corrupt probability of 40%) and expecting receiver to print them out in order.
Test case 13: Sending 20 packets (with corrupt probability of 20% and drop probability of 20%) and expecting receiver to print them out in order.
Test case 14: Sending 20 packets (with corrupt probability of 40% and drop probability of 20%) and expecting receiver to print them out in order.
Test case 15: Sending 20 packets (with corrupt probability of 40% and drop probability of 40%) and expecting receiver to print them out in order.
Test case 16: Sending 20 packets (drop probability of 20%) and expecting receiver to print them out in order.
Test case 17: Sending 20 packets (drop probability of 40%) and expecting receiver to print them out in order.
Test case 18: Sending 255 packets indexed from 1 to 255, expecting receiver to print them out in order
Test case 19: Out of order ACK packet arrival for long message, sends out a 640-character message, hold the first 8 ACKsfor 0.01s. Expect the output to resemble the message according to the logical order of the frames, while no more than 8 frames are outstanding at any time
Test case 20: Out of order ACK packet arrival for short and long messages, sends out a 11-character message followed bya 640-character message. Hold the first 20 ACKs for 0.01s,expect the output to print the messages according to the logical order, while no more than 8 frames are outstanding at any time
Test case 21: Multi-user test case no drops or corruption.Initialize 5 senders and 5 receivers, each sender sends a frame to each receiver, expect the receivers to print out frames intended for them