Checklist forCreative Access Residencies

A program of Idaho Parents Unlimited/ VSA Idaho

☐Complete current 2015-2016application found on IPUL website write this in conjunction with the classroom teacher. Each residency is different, so inputwill vary. Be sure to discuss residency expectations, times/ dates, student needs/ behaviors and any discipline or support requirements with the teacher).

  • Be sure to include dates/times of program and final event.
  • Be sure to complete budget page
  • Be sure to include signature of school principal
  • Submit final reports by January 1, 2016 for fall residencies and June 1 for spring 2016.
  • You will be notified by email if your application has been approved. Anywork done prior to notification will not be included in your residency hours or pay.

☐Submit resume (unless we already have a current one on file for you)

☐Complete the criminal background check ($20)

Upon application approval~

☐Provide W-9 tax form (if we do not yet have one on file for you)

☐Provide classroom teacher with teacher report form

☐Download and distribute photo release forms to students participating in residency prior to beginning date of residency. (We understand that in some cases this may not be possible for all students to get parental signatures due to homelessness, incarceration, foster care, witness protection etc). Photo release forms are also found at our IPUL website under Creative access forms.

☐Complete final event –gallery, performance, submission to contest or event.

☐Submit final report including~

  • Budget
  • 3 photos from your residency. If they include the children’s faces they must be accompanied by a signed photo release form.
  • teacherreport form

Idaho state standards for your residency must include:

  1. Communicate in humanities disciplines through creative expression
  2. Communicate in humanities discipline through application of knowledge and skills.
  3. Engage in discussions about arts and humanities.


Additional state standards for visual art, physical education, music education, science and history can be found at We highly recommend working with classroom teachers to link arts programming tocurriculum in other areas that students are studying. For example a dance residency could incorporate Native American dance for Idaho history, or a visual arts residency could incorporate grade level science curriculum on plants, animals or insects for subject matter. The common core state standards are all about linking subjects to advance students’ academic knowledge and acquire 21st Century skills of critical thinking, collaboration, creativity and communication.

During the process of applying, conducting and finalizing your residency communication with our staff is extremely important. Please let us know if you encounter any challenges or stumbling blocks in the course of your residency. Each residency is unique and we are here to support and assist you.

Should the circumstance arise that you cannot or do not complete these requirements, please relay information immediately to the Arts Program Coordinator Heather Kirk Skinner at 342-5884 x104 or heather@ipulidaho,org. Failure to do so may result in a reduction in the amount of your residency compensation.