Final Exam Review Sheet C Sc 227 Summer 2012
- Thursday 5-July 1:00 pm to 3:50 pm in our lecture room, GS 906
- Or at the arranged time with your test proctor for section 901 students who cannot attend the final in person
- The final is not comprehensive, about 9 pages, 20 questions, 200pts
- It is worth 20% of your final grade
- Closed book, closed notes, closed neighbors
- No calculators or other electronic devices allowed
- Use pencil, not pen (please)
- Main topics: The Singly-Linked Structure, Recursion, and Binary Trees
- Review session: Wednesday, 4-July 1:00-2:30 pm in 906 Gould Simpson
- You will need your CatCard to enter by 228 GS (southwest corner)
- Use the Practice Final for the scope and type of questions.
- It is linked under Tuesday Announcements next to the practice final answers
- Material: Chapters 15-19 and JavaCollectionFrameWork.pdf
The Singly-Linked Structure
- We will use the same private inner Node class shown on the practice final inside of class LinkedList<E>
- It stores these 2 things
- The parameter E type as a reference to the data. Could match any java reference type, including Integer, Double, Character
- A reference to another Node of the same type
- It will have two constructors, so feel free to use either one (or use both).
privateclass Node {
private E data;
private Node next;
public Node(E objectReference) {
data = objectReference;
next = null;
public Node(E objectReference, Node nextReference) {
data = objectReference;
next = nextReference;
- Then you can declare Node objects like this
Node ref2 = new Node(element); // element must be of type E
Node ref3 = new Node(element, ref1);
- Add two methods to the same LinkedList<E> class shown on the practice final
- Algorithms with linked structures might include
- traverse the linked structure
- find an element at a given index
- find an element using compareTo
- remove an element from a linked structure
- insert an element into a linked structure
- insert an element into a linked structure to maintain a natural ordering
list.get(0) <= list.get(1) < list.get(2),..., list.get(n-2) <= list.get(n-1)
- Show output from recursive methods
- Determine return values from recursive methods
- Write recursive methods with Strings, ints, and array processing
- Tree Terminology: root, leaf, internal node, level, parent, child
- Binary Trees
- Tree traversals: in-, pre-, and post-order
- The ordering property of Binary Search Trees
- Tree algorithms in Java, both iterative and recursive
- Add two methods to OrderedSetE
- Like the 2 on the practice final or the first 11 from OrderedSet<E>
Java's Collection Framework
- Topics are not in the book, see presentationJavaCollectionFrameWork.pdf
- Some of the methods from interface java.util.List<E>
- boolean add(E), E get(int), in size(), boolean contains(E), boolean remove(E)
- Iterator<String> itr = list.iterator() and use itr.hasNext() and
- Some of the methods from interface java.util.Map<K, V>
- V put(K, V), V get(K), boolean containsKey(K)
- Collections polymorphic messages
- sort, binarySearch, max, min
Not on the Final
- GUIs and Events
- HashTables