Apprenticeship Job Description Template

Vacancy Title* / Creative Media Traineeship
Employer Name* / Kaleidoscope TV
Employer Address & Postcode* / 42 Victoriana Way, Handsworth, Birmingham B20 2SZ
Contact Name* / Title: / Mr
First Name: / Chris
Surname / Perry
Position / Channel Director
Telephone / 0212 523 7109
Mobile no. (optional) / 0750795 2232
Email Address /
Fax no. (optional)
Preferred contact method. (email/mail/phone)? / Email/Mobile
Number of Employees / 26
Small Employer Wage Incentive / Y / Mark this box if the Vacancy is eligible for the Small Employer Wage incentive.
Vacancy Details
Vacancy Title
This should accurately reflect the job description / Creative Media Traineeship
Employer Name / Kaleidoscope TV
Vacancy Short
This needs to give a clear, concise summary of the role and what it involves.
This is the first section a candidate see’s when searching for a vacancy and needs to be eye catching. / This is a fantastic opportunity for you to learn all about the media sector and get actual work experience in a new TV channel broadcasting to the Birmingham and surrounding area. At the end of the programme if you are still interested in a career in this sector you will be given a guaranteed interview for an Apprenticeship role at this TV channel. The programme will involve spending time in college, here you will take the first steps in developing your technical knowledge and skills for a career in TV and media. During your job placement at this company you will be working alongside experienced professionals who have years of experience as TV presenters and programme makers. In addition to the technical training we will be preparing you for your guaranteed Apprenticeship interview with this company helping you with your CV and interview techniques and if necessary your English and Maths.
Vacancy Full Description
The full description should clearly identify the tasks and responsibilities involved within the role and build on the summary and short version detailed above. / To undertake training andwork experience linked to the marketing and promotion of a new TV channel. This programme will enable you to learn and become involved in the following activities:
* Interaction with the public via social media using What’s App, Instagram, Pininterest, Facebook etc
* Daily updates to websites including RSS feeds
* Hosting and moderating a forum for discussion of Big Centre TV programmes
* Creating re-versioned programmes suitable for uploading to Youtube, Vimeo or other locations
* Using and eventually creating apps that promote specific programmes
* Attending major functions to take pictures and create content suitable for social media use
* Create paper content e.g. flyers, booklets to promote the channel
Weekly Wage £
£2.68 ph (£2.73 from 1/10/14) is the minimum wage an employer can pay. The minimum wage is a guideline but a higher wage will attract more candidates. / The Training Programme is unwaged - Travel and lunch will be paid.
The Apprenticeship opportunity within this company will be salaried at National Minimum Wage rates.
Working Week
This should clearly state:
  • Working days
  • Times
  • A summary of hours
  • If further explanation is required explain it in the “Other Important Information” section.
/ 3 day placement at TV station 9.00am-4.30pm
1 day at college 9.00am -4.30pm
Future Prospects
What future prospect are there for the candidate once the traineeship they have applied for has finished/completed. / On successful completion of the traineeship you will be guaranteed an interview for an apprenticeship with this company covering all elements of creative media.
Wage Incentive
To be completed by Business Services Team / Unwaged
This should clearly describe who the employer is and what they do. / This opportunity is offered in partnership with a new TV channel that broadcasts to the Birmingham and the surrounding area
Employer Positive about Disabled Two
Ticks scheme
Is the company registered for the Positive about Disabled Two Ticks Scheme.
This registration guarantees an interview for those with a declared disability, who are suitably qualified.
Location Type
Are the job/s at one location orat multiple sites? / Locations in Walsall and Solihull
Number of Vacancies / 15 places are available on the training programme
Job Role
To be completed by Business Services Team / Traineeship Programme in Creative Media
Vacancy Type
To be completed by Business Services Team
•Intermediate Apprenticeship
•Advanced Apprenticeship
•Higher Apprenticeship / 10 week traineeship programme offering 15 people a chance to work in creative media
Training to be Provided
To be completed by Business Services Team / Creative Media and Employability Skills
Expected Traineeship Duration
To be completed by the Business Services Team / 10 weeks
Skills Required
The skills that the candidate needs to have. / Interest in TV broadcasting and creative media
Excellent ICT skills
Ability to work accurately and efficiently
Personal Qualities
The type of personal qualities the candidate needs to have / Motivated
Good Team Player
Smart Appearance
Good interpersonal skills
Excellent communication skills
Able to work in a changing and demanding environment
Be able to maintain productive working relationships at all levels within the organisation.
The qualifications the candidate should have. / Cannot hold a level 3 qualification
Reality Check
Any other requirements that the candidate should be made aware of that are specific to this particular position – for example – long hours on a computer, working outside in all weathers. / Working within the media industry involves working all around the country, sometimes in front of the camera, with unsocial hours.
Important Other Information
Further information which you have not already included in other sections of the advert.
2 x Questions
Are there any questions you would like to ask to help find a specific calibre of candidates? / Why does creative media interest you?
Where do you see yourself in 5 years time?
Closing Date
To be completed by Business Services / 19/1/2015
Interview Start Date
To be completed in consultation with Business Services / ASAP
Possible Start Date / 2/2/2015
How do you want the Candidate to Apply? Please tick the
relevant box:
  • Online – Apprenticeship VacancyMatching Service Y
  • Online Employer’s Recruitment Site
If the ‘Employer’s Recruitment Site’ box is ticked please fill out
the below section / Application on AVOL
o Online – Employer’s Recruitment
Application Instructions:
Website Address –

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