Anatomy I(1)
Course Syllabus
Terre Haute North High School
Instructor: Mr. Scott
- Treat others as you want to be treated, including the teacher.
- Be in your seat and ready to work when the bell rings.
- Bring all books and notebooks to class.
- Sit only in the seat assigned by the instructor.
- Talking without permission or passing of notes in class will not be tolerated.
- Please follow directions that are given. IF YOU DON’T UNDERSTAND THEM, THEN ASK FOR HELP!
- Leaving class is discouraged. It will NOT be allowed during quizzes or exams. You may leave three times during the trimester.
- Respect everyone’s property AND opinions.
- A three-ring binder (1 ½ inches will work).
- A notebook or paper.
- A pen (black or blue ONLY) or pencil.
- 3” x 5” Notecards
- A box of plastic or latex gloves or disposable dish washing gloves. If you don’t have them, you will dissect without them!
Assignments and Labs Guidelines
- Each assignment or lab report will have a due date. YOU ARE UPPERCLASSMEN NOW! There is no excuse to not have your work in on time. Anything that is more than one day late will result in a score of 0 points. IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO GET ASSIGNMENTS WHEN YOU ARE ABSENT AND TURN THEM IN ASAP! DO NOT EXPECT TO BE REMINDED!
- Each assignment should have the following information in the upper left hand corner:
Class Hour
Failure to have all of this information will result a loss of 5 points from the assignment.
- All lab reports should have a single title page. Prior to the first lab, a description of the lab report’s contents will be covered in depth.
- Horseplay will not be tolerated during lab procedures. Any signs of this activity will result in a 0 grade for the lab the first time. A second event will also result in a 0 grade for the lab and failure of future labs.
- If you know you are going to be absent (field trip, doctor’s appointment, etc) for a lab, exam, or quiz please make prior arrangements with the teacher. Failure to make prior arrangements will result in a loss of 25% of the grade for the exam or assignment. AGAIN, IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO KEEP UP WITH THE MATERIAL AND WORK.
6. Should you miss an exam due to an absence (and you have not made prior arrangements with me), you will need to make up the exam. You have the options of making it up before school, during class, or after school. However, arrangements must be made prior to making up the exam before or after school.
- Should you miss a lab activity, you will be given a topic of relevance to research. You will be given a due date for this project. Should you not turn in the assignment, you will receive a 0 for the lab. However, you will still need to turn in the assignment before you can do the next lab activity. You may also choose to get the information from a classmate. However, this will severely affect your grade for the assignment.
- STUDY GUIDES: There are study guides available on the class website. If you choose to do the study guide and turn it in PRIOR to the exam you will receive 5 points added to that test score. The answers do not have to be correct, but they must be legitimate.
Grading Breakdown
This class will be a total point class. Essentially, there will be an amount of points available and then the amount of points you earn. Based on that percentage, your grade will be determined as per the grading scale.
Portfolio Guidelines
Each student will use the 3-ring binder to organize all materials throughout the trimester. A various announced points during the trimester, the binders will be collected and graded based upon a rubric. There are multiple purposes for the portfolio.
- It will be a great study guide for any exam as it will have all of the material we have covered.
- If there is a question regarding a grade or missing assignment, then the student can easily reproduce the document.
- It teaches organization that is essential to academic success.
The portfolio should be organized as follows:
Section 1 – Notes
These are any notes taken during labs or lecture and should be organized by date. It may also include any study guides or additional handouts from the teacher.
Section 2 - Labs
This section includes pre-lab readings, lab descriptions, lab data, and graded lab reports.
Section 3 – Homework
This includes any assignments other than lab reports that are done outside of class.
Section 4 – Exams and quizzes
This section includes all quizzes and exams taken during the trimester.
*All items in each section should be in chronological order.
Grading Scale
A / 97-100% / C+ / 76-79%A / 93-96% / C / 73-75%
A- / 90-92% / C- / 70-72%
B+ / 86-89% / D+ / 66-69%
B / 83-85% / D / 63-65%
B- / 80-82% / D- / 60-62%
Anything below 60% will be considered failing. When figuring grades, I will round to the nearest percentage (Ex. 66.5% = 67%, 93.4% = 93%). Your grade is a cumulative body of work. The first six weeks will account for 40% of your final grade, the second six weeks another 40%, and the final exam will be 20%.
I want this class to be as enjoyable as possible. If at anytime you feel that you do not understand the material or just have questions, stop me and ask or make an appointment to see me.
Academic Dishonesty: Cheating in any form will not be tolerated. If cheating is suspected, work will be given a zero and parents will be notified. During tests and quizzes, DO NOT TALK and keep your eyes on your own work. For labs, please put explanations in your own words.6 Week Grades
§ Six week grades will be figured as described above using the above grading scale.
§ Three week grades will be posted in class according to your student ID number. You may always access your grade online and they will be updated once a week.
Final Exam
The final exam is cumulative (i.e. it covers everything we cover during the trimester). It will consist of consist of multiple choice questions from all the exams during the trimester. The portfolio will serve as an excellent resource when preparing for the exam. IF YOU FAIL EITHER OF THE SIX WEEKS YOU WILL NOT BE ELIGIBLE FOR ANY FINALS OPTION.
Course Layout
Anatomy I(1)
Chapter / Lecture / Lab* / Exam Date1 / Human Body Orientation
2 / Chemistry Comes Alive / Enzyme Lab / Chapter ½ ExamSeptember 5, 2013
3 / Cells
4 / Tissues / Cell/Tissue Drawing Lab / Ch. 3/4 Exam September 17, 2013
5 / Integumentary System / September 24, 2013
6 / Bones / October 1, 2013
7 / The Skeleton
8 / Joints / Bone and Joint Practical / Ch. 7/8 Exam Written Oct. 16, 2013
Oral Oct. 17, 2013
9 / Muscle Tissue
10 / Muscular System / Rat Dissection/Muscle Practical / Ch. 9/10 Exam October 29, 2013
*All lab activities and exam dates are subject to change at the instructor’s discretion.