Terramar Beach Community Improvement Association

Board Meeting Minutes

September 10, 2016

The September meeting of the TBCIA Board was held September 10, 2016 at the home of Bonny English. The President Bonny English, being in the chair, called the meeting to order at 10:05 am. The secretary, being in attendance, revealed a quorum.

Members Present: Bonny English-President; Mike Romeyn-Vice President; Nina Parker-Secretary; Carolyn Bebermeyer, Treasurer; Richard Wagner-Section 1; Craig Vance-Section 5; Anthony Osso-Section 6; Ben Owens- Section 8 (Marina); Scott Arnold-Past President.

Also present: Charles Anders and Kenneth Kemble – Architectural Committee

Members Absent: Paul Lucas-Section 2; Janice Hendrix-Section 3; Alice Lincecum-Section 4; Karen Mooney-Section 7.

July Minutes were approved online.

Treasurers Report: Carolyn Bebermeyer reported that liens have been filed on 10 homeowners and have already collected on four. Balance in checking account is $134,796.11.

Guests present:

Wendy Majewski

Linda Vaccaro

Charlotte Dickerman – Shared with the Board what a copy of the new Terramar Beach Directory looks like. She has printed 100 copies of the directory. We agreed to give copies to the elder residents in the neighborhood. Two copies were provided to Chad Myers with the Galveston Police Department. The funds for this project were provided by the advertisers listed in the back of the directory. Some have requested a copy of the directory. Will handle this on an individual basis. Charlotte has a copy for each board member and will bring to the next meeting.

Chad Myers, Galveston Police Department – Chad was invited by Charlotte Dickerman to talk to the Board about the Power of Attorney Forms available to all homeowners. This power of attorney will give the police the power to arrest someone on your property without you having to come in and sign a power of arrest. You can obtain a copy from the police department and they will issue you an 8½x11 yellow power of attorney to post at your house.

Jeff Ford (homeowner in Section 7 at 22904 Buena) and his representative Mike Walz. Jeff was at the meeting to request a variance. He said his building is 7-9” over in one place and 4-5” in another. This was not on the original survey. We agreed that a variance should be approved for his specific house. Charles Anders says our HOA attorney should do a document stating that we can’t have any prerequisite for somebody in the future who wants to build on the building line. Jeff Ford says he will pay for our attorney to do the document. Bonny stated this variance and documentation should be completed before our November meeting.

Committee Reports:

Architectural Control Committee: Kenneth Kemble reported three new homes are currently being built. He red tagged one which has a third story observation deck. It should have an arbor top and not a roof. Also red tagged a house on Gulf Drive. They are building a ramp on the side of the house and do not have a permit.

Marina/Pool Maintenance: Kenneth says the pool was closed for 1½ weeks with an algae problem. Ron Smith loaned him a vacuum and now he is requesting permission to purchase an Advantage Portable Vacuum System for $1,500.00. Ben Owens made a motion to purchase the system for $1,500.00; seconded by Craig Vance. Motion passed.

WGIPOA: Craig Vance reported the next meeting will have an insurance representative from Galveston Insurance Agency present to discuss zoning etc.

Section 1: No report

Section 5: No report

Section 6: Trees need to be trimmed. Will call John Saxon to get the contact information for the person he uses.

Section 8 Marina: Ben received a call from Mr. Massey who owns the empty lot by the Marina regarding mowing.

Old Business:

Mowing: Anthony Osso mentioned the palm trees along Laguna Drive and also the beds and palm trees in Section 6 are not being maintained and trimmed. Says Beachtown not doing the job. Carolyn Bebermeyer said she would email Michael at Beachtown. Says they are mowing 88 lots at $300 each. Anthony asked if we want to purchase a mower and have someone inside Terramar contract to do the empty lot mowing. It was agreed there should be more research done, crunch numbers and discuss later.

Dredging: Craig Vance said he saw the boat operating. Says they make three passes when they do a run. Reports are that the channel is currently 6 feet from the marina area past Joe Parr’s house.

Annexation: Deed restrictions have still not been approved. Ben Owns and Paul Lucas had agreed to review them and present changes, suggestions, etc. Bonny will resend it to the guys and our lawyer. They need to make another stab at it.

Private drive bids: A bid from Jim Abrams for $2,155.00 was received for the two private drives off Gulf Drive in Section 5. Motion was made by Nina Parker to accept this bid and have work done; seconded by Carolyn Bebermeyer. Motion passed.

New Business:

Walk overs: There was a site visit by several board members after the meeting.

Motion was made by Mike Romeyn to adjourn the meeting at 12:10 pm. Seconded by Carolyn Bebermeyer and passed. Next meeting November 12th.

Respectfully submitted,

Nina Parker