It is the policy of the University to provide a reasonable allowance of medical leave for all regular fulltime Faculty and Administrative Staff members who are absent due to medical conditions that prohibit the performance of one's job functions. This policy specifically excludes work-related illnesses or injuries, which are covered by the Worker's Compensation Laws. This policy will run concurrent with the State of Connecticut and Federal Family Medical Leave Acts (FMLA). The policy providing the greater benefit to the employee will prevail.

If it appears that such medical condition will extend beyond one hundred and eighty (180) days, University provided Long Term Disability Benefits may apply.

Medical Leaves will be considered to commence effective the first workday following the last day of work, unless subsequent acceptable medical documentation indicates otherwise. Acceptable medical documentation, signed by one's physician, must be provided in support of one's medical disability. The University reserves the right to require the individual applying for medical leave, to be evaluated by a physician of the University's choice. Expenses related to such evaluation will be borne by the University.

Salary continuation eligibility will be based upon an individual's continuous fulltime service with the University at the time that the medical leave commences. Full salary payment will continue according to the following schedule:

Length of Continuous Service Salary Continuation

2 months but less than 6 months...... 1 month

6 months but less than 12 months...... 2 months

12 months but less than 16 months...... 3 months

16 months but less than 20 months...... 4 months

20 months but less than 24 months...... 5 months

24 months and over...... 6 months

An employee, who has exhausted all of his/her medical leave entitlement under this policy, and who returns to work, may accumulate additional medical leave entitlement in accordance with the above schedule. Such employee will become eligible to earn the scheduled entitlement provided he/she works for the above stated length of "continuous service" after return to work without significant absences.

An employee, who has used a portion of his/her medical leave entitlement under this policy, and who returns to work, may accumulate additional medical leave entitlement based on the amount of entitlement remaining. Such employee will use the remaining entitlement as the base and add to it in accordance with the above schedule, not to exceed 6 months. Such employee will become eligible to earn the scheduled entitlement provided he/she works for the above stated length of "continuous service" after return to work without significant absences.

For example, an employee who has 6 months entitlement, at the time of the leave, uses 2 months of leave time and then returns to work. The employee has 4 months of entitlement remaining. The employee will be credited with 1 month leave after the first 2 months of work and 2 months after 6 months of work, restoring his/her original entitlement.

Extended half-day absences will be prorated appropriately.


1.For absences of five (5) or more consecutive working days, an Employee Absence Report (EAR) form must be completed by the Supervisor and submitted to the Human Resources department.

2.Acceptable medical documentation, signed by one's physician, should accompany the EAR. Should medical documentation not be attached, the Human Resources department shall contact the employee and request such documentation.

3.Failure by the employee to provide the required medical documentation may result in the discontinuance of Salary until such time as the situation is resolved to the University's satisfaction.

4.The University reserves the right to require the individual on medical leave of absence to provide additional medical documentation and/or to be evaluated by a physician of the University's choice.

5.An individual returning from a medical leave of five (5) or more calendar days must provide, to the Human Resources Department, a "Return to Work Certification" from his/her physician. This certification must include the date on which the individual may return and indicate restrictions, if any.

6.If, based on medical documentation, an employee is only partially restricted, the University reserves the right to reassign such individual to a job which he/she is capable of performing.

7.Should it appear that the medical disability will continue beyond six (6) months and should the employee be eligible for Long Term Disability Benefits, the Human Resources Department shall forward an "Application for Long Term Disability Benefits" to the employee. This application must be completed by the employee, his/her physician(s) and returned to Human Resources Department in accordance with the Long Term Disability Benefit Policy.


1)An individual's medical coverage, which was in effect at the time that the medical leave commenced, shall remain in effect until:

a) the end of the month for which the employee is paid, or

b) the end of the month after 16 weeks of leave as allowed under

the Connecticut FMLA, or

c) the end of the month after 12 weeks of leave as allowed under

the Federal FMLA,

whichever provides the greater benefit to the employee. Required copayments will remain in effect for this time period. Upon termination of medical benefits, employees shall be offered the right of continuation based on applicable Federal and State Law (COBRA).

2.An individual's life insurance coverage, which was in effect at the time the medical leave commenced, shall continue based on the University's Life Insurance Policy. In the event of termination of life insurance coverage, employees shall be offered the right of conversion based on terms and conditions of the University's Life Insurance Policy.

3.The University's contributions to TIAA/CREF, which were being made on behalf of the individual at the time that the medical leave commenced, shall remain in effect until the end of the month for which the employee is paid by the University. Voluntary employee TIAA/CREF contributions shall be continued during the same period of salary continuation, unless the University is otherwise instructed, in writing, by the individual.

4.Adjuncts, PractitionersInResidence and other part-time employees are not covered by this policy.

5.NonUnion Clerical personnel participate in the Leave of Absence Program as described in the Agreement between The University of New Haven and District 925, Service Employees International Union, AFLCIO, CLC. Therefore this policy does not apply to such individuals.

Issued: 08/03/92

Revised: 05/19/03