In the framework of its sustainable development strategy, which forms part of the strategic objectives outlined by the Organization, Grupo Nutresa carries out permanentwork with its supply chain to satisfy clients and consumers and wishes to recognize those suppliers who stand out for their contribution to the achievement of this objective and for their effort to be better each day in changing environments.
For this reason, it has developed Grupo Nutresa Exemplary Supplier, a program to recognize suppliers, which – in its second version – will take into account environmental, social and economic aspects, among others, inherent to sustainable development, seeking to generate progress for the regions.
The purpose of this contest is to recognize and promote best practices in the different business environments among businessmen, while identifying the best experiences in sustainability or in operational excellence that could be an example for other businessmen to replicate in their companies.
The criteria to enter and participate in the program have been established; these are indicated below to provide clarity and transparency in the identification, pre–selection, qualification and definition of the suppliers that are selected for recognition.
a.At the time of carrying out the assessments for the award, suppliers who no longer provide their services or who do not have a business relationship with the companies belonging to Grupo Nutresa will not be considered to continue with the qualification processes.
b.During the stage of collecting information through the assessment, the questions where suppliers do not provide the supports necessary to support the questions that require them will not be considered in the assessments and qualification.
c.Suppliers who provide direct materials (raw materials, packing material and commodities) who have information pending to be delivered or answers related to the applications of Integral Management for Suppliers, the answers to supplier evaluations, and the Complaints and Rejections (if these were generated) through the portal may be disqualified in the final stages of qualification and selection of the exemplary suppliers.
d.For effects of transparency in the process to qualify and select the winning suppliers, the entire process will have the participation of auditing and internal control personnel belonging to Servicios Nutresa.
e.The information obtained through the assessment regarding the ranking of the suppliers and their position in relation to other suppliers will not be public; it is confidential and will be used only for the purposes of the recognition program and/or supplier development programs.
f.The input keys (pre – selection of suppliers) defined annually to determine the suppliers that will be subject to qualification in the Exemplary Supplier program will be determined and documented annually together with the qualification criteria and the assessments of the technical and managerial committees previously defined, in order to provide traceability in the process.
g.The email has been set up to send out the requests and compile information on the requirements associated with the annual recognition program.
h.If the company that participates in the program is a subsidiary belonging to a multinational that has different plants in different countries, please keep in mind that:
1.If the supplies that are currently provided to the Grupo Nutresa companies come from different countries belonging to its group of companies, the information presented and the postulation to the program must be made in accordance with the sustainable management of its company as a Business Group.
2.If the supplies that are currently provided to the Grupo Nutresa companies are only produced and supplied from a single origin (production plant), the postulation to the program shall be made only for said company.