At the November 2005, Consultative Group (CG) meeting on Sierra Leone, it was underscored that the successful implementation of the SL-PRSP will depend largely on the coordinated efforts of all key stakeholders in Sierra Leone. The issue has continued to be discussed at subsequent GoSL/donor meetings after the CG. As a step toward building the framework for a well-coordinated mechanism, there is need to set up Pillar Working Groups (PWGs), which will comprise donors and Government of Sierra Leone. The categorization in the PWG is based on the sectoral/thematic MDAs within the pillar and the interest areas of the donors.

Broadly, the Terms of Reference (TOR) for the PWGs will be to provide technical and professional backup to the Development Partnership Committee (DEPAC) and other structures during the implementation of the Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (PRSP). The PWGs are based on the results or the expected outcomes from the pillar and would ensure joint learning and coordination of activities and programmes.

Each PWG will have a Coordinator and an alternate Coordinator. The PWGs would meet monthly or when necessary to perform the following specific duties:

1.  Review and validate sectoral data to ensure they are properly aligned to the pillar indicator in the Results Framework.

2.  Review sectoral progress to ensure that pillar targets are met within the stipulated timeframe.

3.  Ensure that all project related data within the pillar are submitted to DACO for inclusion in the database.

4.  Prepare concept notes on pillar related issues for discussion at the National Technical Committee (NTC) meeting, High Level Policy meeting, DEPAC, etc.

5.  Identify issues that are impeding the implementation of programmes within the pillar i.e capacity constraints, disbursement of funds, etc. and suggest agreed on strategies to overcome obstacles.

6.  Facilitate the collection and compilation of baseline data for the various sectors within the pillar.

7.  Provide technical guidance for the implementation of all activities relating to the Pillar and facilitate quality of implementation and inputs (joint reviews, peer comments).

8.  Identify cross-cutting analytical work, joint supervision missions, joint communication of activities (advocacy, citizen dialogue) and a knowledge sharing plan.

9.  Agreement on common instruments among current and new partners.

  1. Integration of new partners.