Terms of Reference for the


I Background

Real Property Registration and Cadastre Project (hereinafter called the “Project”) is a comprehensive project of the Government of the Republic of Croatia ratified with the Law on Approval of the Loan Agreement between the Republic of Croatia and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, initiated with the purpose of developing an efficient land registration system, which is under the governance of and equally implemented by the Ministry of Justice and by the State Geodetic Administration, (hereinafter called the “SGA”) and is financed from the World Bank loan, state budget of the Republic of Croatia, and grant from the European Union.

According to agreement between the Republic of Croatia and the Kingdom of Sweden, Swedish international development cooperation agency (hereinafter called the “Sida”) support a project called Capacity building for Croatia: Real property registration and cadastre project” 2005 – 2007. as integrated part in the Bank supported “Project”. Over Capacity building project “Sida” provide SGA Document Management System subproject (hereinafter called the “SGA DMS”).

The objective of SGA Document Management System subproject is to develop Document Management Systems and to implement it in the two pilot locations.Based on the analysis and project proposal from the first phase of this project further practical application of developed system is emphasized. A practical development of a SGA DMS, including definition and purchase of specific equipment, selection of DMS software solution, development of indexation model, development of storage capacity,scanning test archive material from analogue to digital form and transferring set of data in new system should be implemented in two cadastral offices as test polygon (Vinkovci and Split). General availability of those data through the central SGA DMS should be investigated.

More detailed information about the Project can be found at


The aim of this assignment is to scan archived documentsfrom analogue to digital form in two cadastral offices as test polygon (Vinkovci and Split).

It is envisaged that two (2) individual consultants for each location (Vinkovce and Split) as Operator be hired.

IIIScope of work and tasks

Specification of tasks and services provided by the engaged Operator for scanning archived documentswill include, but will not limited to, the following activities:

  1. Takeover and preparing documents for scanning
  2. Sorting documents
  3. Inputindex and meta data for scanned documents
  4. Preparation scanner for scanning documents
  5. Scanning the documents
  6. Quality control of scanned documents
  7. Preparing (compressing) and delivering data of scanned documents to the Central Office of State Geodetic Administration in Zagreb.

IVWorking conditions

The Operator will perform at the premises of the State Geodetic Administration in:

  • Vinkovci, Glagoljaška 27, or
  • Split, Bihačka 1

The Operator will be engaged until September 2008.

In his/her work the Operator for scanning archived documents will closely cooperate with the managers of the Scanning Centres and employees of the State Geodetic Administration.

Daily work for Operator is8 hours. The Operator will deliver the results of his/her work to the managers of the Scanning Centres (Mrs. Ines Sukić-Majstorović – Vinkovci and Mr. Emil Pesenti – Split).


The conditions and qualifications that meet individual consultant if engaged on abovementioned jobs are:

  • graduate secondary school technical profile,
  • experience inscanning documents,
  • experience inwork with PC and MS Office software,
  • experience inteam work,
  • an ability to communicate in English and Croatian language.


Expected results of Operator's work are:

  1. Created files with scanned documents
  2. Reports on the control of scanned documents according to the instructions of the manager of the Scanning Centre.
  3. Monthly reports on the number of scanned documents and working hours

VIIOperator’s Reporting Obligations

The Contractor is obliged to submit following reports to the Project Implementation Unit:

  1. Reports on control of scanned plans

The Operator will submit to the manager of the Scanning Centreeach week. The contents of the Report will be defined by the manager of the Scanning Centre.

  1. Monthly reports on the number of scanned documents and working hours

The Operator will submit to the manager of the Scanning Centre by the fifth day of the month for the previous month, and according to the number of actually spent working hours. The review of completed work and verification of Monthly reports are done by Mr. Vladimir Sršan, coordinator of the SGA DMS subproject at the State Geodetic Administration. Coordinator of the SGA DMS subproject at the State Geodetic Administration will deliver verified Monthly reports to the Real Property Registration and Cadastre Project.
