1. Projectannotation

Project goals:

The project goal is to get knowledge on the inhabitants of the hot springs in Bulgaria belonging to the most recently discovered and still unknown realm of life - Archaea.

The specific role of the project is limited to transfer of the experience of Norwegian scientists in cultivation and characterization of Archaea, their mechanisms for high temperature adaptation, genomics and biotechnological potential.

Terms for project performance:

The total period of the project is 16 months. The project was approved on 6.5.2015, it was funded on 03.09.2015, the ending date - 30.09.2016

Expected results:

- The project implementation will contribute the team of Bulgarian and Norwegian scientists to assist European researchers in their efforts to reveal the fundamental, environmental and biotechnological importance of Archaea.

- The project will contribute the development of new and promising research fieldat the Institute of Microbiology, Academy of Sciences, which will strengthen its leading role in the country in the area of investigation of extremophilic microorganisms.

- The planned six months working visit of young Bulgarian scientist at the Norwegian laboratory is in agreement with EEA program prioritiesfor enhancing scientific exchange, the expertise and the importance of research on Bulgarian scientists.

- Identification of novel archaeal enzymes and polysaccharides will contribute to the development of biotechnologybased on new materials and processes with genetic sources from microorganisms isolated from Bulgarian hot springs.


Beneficiary Partner- Institute of Microbiology, BAS

Donor Partner - Faculty of Biology and Centre for Geobiology, University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway, Professor. Nils-KareBirkeland


Project leader - Associated Professor, DSc Margarita Kambourova

Director of the Institute of Microbiology, BAS - Corr. Memb.DSc HristoNaydenski

Chief AccounterAntoanetaTsareva

Members of the project team:

Associate Professor DSc Margarita Kambourova

Chief Assistant Dr. Nadia Radchenkova

Chief Assistant Prof. IvankaBoyadjieva

Chief Assistant Dr. Margarita Stoilova-Disheva

Chief Assistant Dr. DimitrinaLyutskanova

Assistant SpassenVassilev

PhD student NicolettaBoteva


1: Project Management

2: Experimental work

3: Exchanging visits

4: Information and Publicity

5. Organization on an International Conference

2. Results and Publicity

Plan for publicity:

• For the purpose of conveying information to the public two press conferences will be organized - the first will be held at the start of the project, which will explain the goals and objectives of the project, stressing on the source of funding and promoting EEA grants. The second will be held during the International Seminar in which scientists from all invited countries will share their impressions of the project and the seminar sponsored by the EEA program.

• The project involves organizing in Sofia of an International seminar in which to engage leading scientists from many countries, according to the financial possibilities of the project. The seminar will demonstrateEEA BG09 financial support by inserting the logo of the EEA program and an indication of financial source according to Guideline of the Program.

• A page dedicated to the EEA program will be set up on the website of the Institute of Microbiology, BAS ( which will includes an information on:

(A) the purpose of the beneficiaries of the grant, indication of the administrative entities of the Institute responsible for the publicity of the results and contact persons.

(B) the activities енжисагед in the project,received results, collaboration with teams from the donor country, information on the work of young Bulgarian scientist at the Norwegian team, with a clear indication of the mechanism of sponsorship

(C) the role of the donor country in the project implementation

(D) information for publicity measures, including research activities and achievements and contribution of the funding program.

(E) information for press conferences with the participation of the press

(F) information for performance of the International Seminar sponsored by EEA program.

The information on the website will be updated every four months

• Implementation of the Plan for publicity foresees the installation of a billboard at the entrance of the Institute indicating the financing of the project by EEA program.

• In all public materials such as posters for participation in international and national conferences will be included logo of EEA program and an indication for funding. In scientific publications will be thanked for the financial support of the program.


StefanovaK.,Tomova I., TomovaA., RadchenkovaN., AtanassovI., KambourovaM.Archaeal and bacterial diversity in two hot springs from geothermal regions in Bulgaria as demostrated by 16S rRNA and GH-57 genes. International Microbiology (in press), IF 1.326.

Margarita Stoilova-Disheva, DimitrinaLyutskanova,IvankaBoyadzhieva, NadjaRadchenkova, Margarita Kambourova.Unusually high archaeal diversity in Vlasa hot spring, Velingrad, Bulgaria, revealed by phylogenetic analysis.Participation in Seminar of Ecology with International Participation – 2016, Sofia, 21-22 April, 2016.




Project leader:Assoc. Prof. DSc Margarita Kambourova

Tel.:+3592 9793176


Director of IMicB, BAS:Corr. Member HristoNajdenski

Tel.:+3592 8732754
