To be eligible to live in the residence halls each trimester, you must be registered for classes or enrolled in a special Thunderbird program for that module and/or term. Only one room can be rented.

Termination Prior to Start of Trimester:
1. Official cancellation or deferral of the request for

housing must be received by the Housing Office no later than 30 days prior to the opening of the residence halls for that trimester for which on-campus housing was requested.

A. Room and meal plan fees are subject to change.
B. Housing fees for registered students are payable at financial registration.
C. Graduated students must pay fees for dorm extension by the last day of dorms being open for current trimester.

Students may check into their dorm early if a dorm is available. Early arrival fees of $15 per night must be paid at time of check-in.

D. Early arrivals and late checkouts-rate is $15/night, which includes early arrival due to bootcamps or language class.

E. Each student is assigned one key per trimester. If you lock your key in your room – call your RA first, then Security. Should you lose your key, go to the Executive Inn for replacement. If key is lost more than 4 times in a trimester, there will be a $5 charge for each key replacement going forward.


A. Your Room/Suite--The following actions are prohibited:

1. Gluing, taping or tacking anything to the inside or outside doors within your room/suite

2. Gluing anything to your walls or using large nails that can damage the walls

3. Painting of your room/suite or furniture

4. Removal or re-positioning of wall mirrors

5. Do not hang items on the fire sprinklers or door handles

B. Furniture

1.Furniture may not be removed from your room. Personal beds are not permitted.

2. Under no circumstances will a waterbed be permitted.

C. Cooking in Residence Halls: Cooking is not allowed in the residence halls. Toasters, toaster ovens, grills, woks, frying pans and full-size refrigerators, are not permitted. Low heat items are tolerated if they do not cause a problem with residence hall maintenance of bathroom drains, etc. If high heat cooking appliances are found in your room/suite, the following penalties will be enforced:

1.First Offense:Confiscation of appliance/returned

2. Second Offense:Confiscation of the appliance

3. Third Offense:Termination of your housing contract without refund.

D. Pets are not permitted in the residence halls or on the grounds of the campus at any time. Service animals will be approved with the correct paperwork and documentation.

E. Firearms, of any kind, are not allowed in your room or on campus.

F. Bicycles may not be stored in the residence hall lounges or hallways. Please use the bicycle racks provided around campus.

G. Hammocks are not permitted on campus. Lawn furniture must be kept in your room/suite when not being used.

H. Consideration for Others

1. As a consideration of suitemates and surrounding residents, you should play your stereo/television at a reasonable volume. You should not use a loud voice (yell) around the residence halls. Remember, that residents may be sleeping or studying.
2. Quiet hours are generally observed after 10:00 pm during the week (Sunday-Wednesday) and after 1:00 am on weekends (Thursday through Saturday). The following penalties will be enforced for non-compliance to the above:

a)First Complaint: Warning from security. Housing Coordinator will be notified and will follow up with student to ensure they are aware of policy.

b)Second Complaint: Security will give second warning and a referral will be issued and handed to the student. A copy of the referral will also be provided to the AVP of Student Affairs and the Director of Administrative Services.

c)Third Complaint: If required, Glendale Police will handle the complaint escorted by Campus Security. This represents an offense and a formal incident report will be sent to the Academic Director of the Program or designee for appropriate action in addition to any action taken by the local authorities. The referral will be filed in the student academic records.

d)Please note that after a first complaint has been made, the process will automatically escalate to a Second Complaint or Third Complaint as appropriate if another incident happens during the term

e)Should a student receive 3 formal incident reports at any given time during the course of a trimester, they will automatically receive a notice of eviction.

f)In addition, if it is determined that a student’s condition or behavior and continued presence on the Thunderbird campus pose an immediate threat to any individual (including the student in question), school property or school function, the Vice President of the appropriate program or designee may take immediate action to withdraw or restrict the student’s access to the Thunderbird campus, Thunderbird services, and Thunderbird activities, as appropriate, for an interim period prior to a final determination of the matter.

Definition of a Complaint: A “complaint” is any call to the Security Office by another student or from the surrounding community or a formal incident report resulting from disrespectful behavior toward Campus Security or Housing personnel whether or not the individual in under the influence of a drugs or alcohol. Three or more complaints in a single 24 hour period is defined as an “offense” and will initiate a formal referral by the campus security officer.

If a resident receives three offenses, at any given time during the trimester, the residents housing contract will be terminated and the resident evicted effective immediately without refund and the individual may receive disciplinary sanctions up to or including suspension.
I.Rooms are single occupancy. Overnight guests are not permitted

J. Suitemate Consideration – As consideration for your suitemate, refrain from having guests in your dorm after 10pm. Shower-use should be for suitematesonly.

K. No personal routers in rooms.


A.All residence halls are Non-Smoking areas. “Smoking is prohibited inside and within 20 feet of entrances, open windows, and ventilation systems of enclosed common areas .”Arizona Smoke Free 20 foot rule. Please visit for more information.


A. Thunderbird Housing Services reserves the right to move you

from one room to another, if necessary, due to maintenance or the need to consolidate room occupancy.

B. Entry into Residence Hall Rooms

1. Thunderbird personnel reserve the right to enter residence hall rooms at any reasonable time for safety inspection, maintenance, cleaning, inventories, emergencies, pest control, occupancy verification and/or general repair.

2. Reasonable effort will be made to notify you in advance.

C. Loss or Damage to Property

1. Thunderbird Housing Services holds you responsible for all loss and damage to institutional property in the assigned room/suite, with the exception of normal wear and usage.

Thunderbird cannot and does not assume responsibility for personal accident, injury or illness by residents, guests or visitors, or for damage, theft or loss of personal property, and the student hereby releases Thunderbird, it’s officers, agents, and employees from any liability on account of any accident, injury, illness, property damage, theft, or loss not caused by Thunderbird’s gross negligence or intentional act or omission. Thunderbird does not reimburse students or parents for damaged, lost or stolen property. Students are encouraged to protect themselves from loss by purchasing appropriate insurance. In that regard, you should review any homeowner’s policy that you or your family might have to determine whether the contents of your dorm at Thunderbird are already covered or could be covered with a relatively inexpensive policy rider. If your current insurance does do not cover your personal property, you should consider purchasing a renter insurance policy for the duration of your residency. When you consider this insurance protection, keep in mind the replacement cost of item such as computer, jewelry, television, VCR, DVD player, musical instruments, stereo and other electronics, books, calculators, clothes, and shoes, and sports equipment. For information regarding damage to personal property, refer to the “Safety and Security” site on

Residents are responsible to assist in their own personal safety. Residents must:

  • Not leave dorm doors propped open when not in the room
  • Keep windows locked and screens in place when not in the room
  • Never loan their dorm key to others
  • Not tamper with Safety and Security Equipment as this may result in a fine

For your convenience, the following renter’sinsurance companies may be considered however, Thunderbird does not endorse either company.

* Theft, Fire, Flood and Other Disasters: 1-800-620-2885

* Theft Fire and Breakage: 1-800-256-6774


All campus residents will be required to make a non-refundable buy-in to the meal plan each trimester. A declining balance card system will be in use.. Upon graduation any remaining dollars are forfeited. In the case of graduating after Winterim or Summerim and classes are not located on campus, any remaining dollars are forfeited upon the most recent trimester graduation.


C. If the housing contract is terminated less than 30 days before the

Opening of the residence halls for that trimester, or after the trimester has begun, the following policy applies:


1. In the event that your room cannot be assigned to another student, you are liable for the full housing fees, room and meal plan buy-in, for that trimester.

2. If the room can be assigned to another student, a daily rate of $15 a night will be charged for any nights that the room was occupied.



A. The housing contract is binding as soon as it is signed.

B. The housing contract is binding for the entire academic trimester.

C. Failure to abide by the terms/ conditions of the housing contract is grounds for immediate termination of the contract, without refund.
