5thGrade Math Expectations
To Parents and Students:
I am very excited about this school year. I know that we are going to have a lot of fun and learn many new challenging mathematical concepts. This year we are going to discuss rational numbers, proportional reasoning, algebra, geometry, measurement, and statistics. We will even be completing a unit called financial literacy where the students will learn necessary skills in order to become successful consumers and investors. I am very optimistic on what we are going to accomplish and that the students will leave my classroom with a deeper understanding of the processes of mathematics.
Jennifer Dunn
Conference Periods: 7:45-8:30 daily
Phone Number: 940-464-4105
School Webpage:
Grading Procedures:
Major Grades: 40%
- Major grades include tests and projects.
Minor Grades: 60%
- Minor grades include daily work, quizzes, and homework.
Needed Materials: pencils, notebook paper, composition journal,
Major Grades: There will be at least 2-3 major grades (test or projects) per 9 week grading period. A review sheet will be provided to assist in studying. Students will NOT be given an opportunity to make test corrections. This is in accordance with our student handbook policy. Therefore, it is very important for students to be well prepared prior to taking a test.
Quizzes: Occasionally students will be given a quiz, which will consist of no more than fifteen questions. The questions will be reflective of what we have been covering. Students must finish the quiz in the allotted time. Quizzes are considered a minor grade so students will be allowed to retake quizzes. In order to bring their quiz grade up they need to come in during a designated tutorial time and take an alternate quiz.
Homework: Typically homeworkassignments will be given each week. It will be given on Friday, and due the following Thursday. Homework is due at the beginning of the class period. If a student does not have the required assignment, then they will receive a zero. If the student turns in the missing assignment the next day, then they can earn up to a 70. If they turn in the assignment two days late, then they can earn up to a 50. If the assignment is turned in on the third day or later, then it will remain a zero. If the student chooses to redo the assignment because of a failing grade, then they are allowed to correct the assignment and bring that grade up to a 70. They may only redo each assignment one time. Students will no longer be able to redo assignments once they have been tested or completed a project over that same content. (If an assignment is turned in and little or no work is shown, then it will not be accepted.)
Absences: If the student is absent, I will have makeup work available. Students shall have a time equal to days absent from class to complete all missed assignments. If the student does not turn in the work by the time allotted by the teacher, then they will receive a zero. If the student is absent for a test or quiz, then they will need to schedule a time before or after school to take the test or quiz.
Tutorials: If problems in the classroom occur, then I will schedule a time before, during, or after school to go over the material. I am available Tuesdays and Thursdays before school at 7:15 and Mondays and Wednesdays after school until 3:30. My schedule does seem to change from time to time due to meetings and other unforeseen circumstances, so please check with me for updated tutoring times.
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