Term Planner:Grade 5, Term 2015
Unit of Study: Human Body Essential Question: What are the body systems and what aretheir roles?
Focus questions:
- What are the changes that occur during puberty, why do they occur?
- How many types of health are there, what does it mean to be healthy?
- What are the five food groups and how are they used by the body?
English / Maths / Integrated studies
- Writing using a variety of writing styles. Narrative on the digestive system, free writing, using the 6 traits of writing.
- Read, interpret and respond to a wide range of literacy, everyday and media texts in print and multimodal formats.
- Rehearsal of presentations with attention to variation of pace, volume, pitch and pronunciation to enhance meaning.
- CAFÉ reading comprehension strategies.
- Spelling, grammar & punctuation sub topics.
- Using units of measurement
- Data representation and interpretation
- Chance
- Shape
- Patterns and Algebra
- Human body – as above.
- Learn and present dance and songs in Musical format.
- Children develop a sense of their bodies abilities through dance and song.
- Science incursions from Monash University: States of Matter and Renewable Energy.
- SEPEP competitive sport tournament amongst gr. 5/6 students.
- iPad integration as a learning resource.
- First Aid training from St. John Ambulance
Personal and Interpersonal Skill Development
Protocols of dispute management.
Effective teamwork.
Communication skills, effective oral and written forms of communication to a wider audience.
Developing time management skills.
Girls with Attitude (SYFS) / Parental Support: please assist with the following
- Please ensure your child has the opportunity to access Mathletics and Study Ladder.
- Maths Mentals Friday test needs to be completed at home, books to be returned to school every Tuesday.
- Listen to your child read and ask questions about the text to ensure comprehension.
Recommended Websites & Programs.
Belgrave South website
All staff/Level Teams/Parent Planner Proforma