„A precise fault report is half way to removal“

Fill in the following fault report in detail to ensure the quickest possible removal of failure:

Please complete a separate report for each failure!

Service hours:Mo to Fr from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. CET with the exception of public holidays in Hesse.
Please send the fault reportto or fax it to +49 (0) 6157-800686.

Emergency service for customers with a 24/7 service contract outside our business hours:
Please send the fault report to AND call our hotline +49 (0) 6157-800688

1. General informations / Customer number:
a / Customer address: / Institute Name:
b / Person writing report: / Name:
Available: / Time of day from to
Position: / Please chooseUserDoctorIT-Administratormiscellaneous
If you would like to receive a text message when the case is closed, please give us your mobile phone number.
c / Did you discover the failure: / yes / no
If you did not discover failure, who did: / Name:
Available: / Time of day from to
Position: / Please chooseUserDoctorIT-Administratormiscellaneous
d / Has the system administrator been informed of the failure: / yes / no
Who else should be informed about the progress of the failure removal: / Name:
Available: / Time of day from to
e / Which type of service agreement / contract is in place: / Please chooseA-ContractB-Contractnone / 24hrs./7days a week
2. Priority
a / Is patient security still guaranteed after a system failure: / yes / no
If no, please enter the reason for this here:
b / Can Patient data still be acquired and saved into the central database: / yes / no
c / Is it possible to call up patient data on other stations out of the central VIS / PACS database: / yes / no
d / What priority level would you assign to the failure removal: / Please chooseEmergencyHighNormal
e / We hereby approve the remote trouble shooting: / please chooseimmediatelymorning of next business day afternoon of next business day
a / Choose your diagnosis of the failure: / HardwareSoftware PACSSoftware VISAndere
b / Detailed description of failure:
If possible, please upload a screenshot of the problem here:
(to do this press the “Print” button, then press key combination CTRL + V to insert the screenshot)
Doc no.: 316 / Page: 1/3
*D316* / *P1-3*
/ Fault Report / Revision: 2.4 / Verify that this is an up to date version before use!
Author: H.G.Roth / Released through: A.Lantzberg / Released date: 4/6/2009 / © VEPRO AG 2009
[ ]
Doc no.: 316 / Page: 1/3
*D316* / *P1-3*
/ Fault Report / Revision: 2.4 / Verify that this is an up to date version before use!
Author: H.G.Roth / Released through: A.Lantzberg / Released date: 4/6/2009 / © VEPRO AG 2009
c / System/device of equipment where you discovered the failure:
(The PC identifier is located on the PC housing, the serial number is located on the rear side of the PC) / PC identifier
or serial number:
Other stations where you observed this failure: / PC identifier
or serial number:
d / Have you ever reported this failure before: / yes / no
If yes, please fill out! / Enter case no.:
Who at VEPRO processed the case:
What new information could be helpful for solving the problem:

Complete the following information, if there is a new case!

e / When was the last time that the system was running faultlessly: / Date: time:
f / When was the failure first detected: / Date: time:
g / What system changes had been made between the last known faultless operation and the failure:
(updates, new software, hardware changes etc.)
h / What has been done up to now to remove the failure on your behalf: / Please chooseNothingThe following:
i / Was this attempt successful: / yes / no
If yes, how long could you continue to work unaffected afterwards: / Days Hours
j / How often did the failure occur before it was reported the first time: / Please choosenonrecurringSporadicallyContinuous
k / When was the last time you noticed the failure: / Date: time:
What patient data was being processed (study, date) when the failure occurred: / Patient name:
Patient ID:
Date of Study:
Study description:
l / Please give a detailed description of the user activities that led to the failure:
The failure can be reproduced by repeating the following activities / work steps:
m / Are other functions / programs affected by this failure: / yes / no
If yes, which functions / programs are affected:
n / Did you observe further irregularities: / yes / no
If yes, please describe the irregularities:
Doc no.: 316 / Page: 1/3
*D316* / *P1-3*
/ Fault Report / Revision: 2.4 / Verify that this is an up to date version before use!
Author: H.G.Roth / Released through: A.Lantzberg / Released date: 4/6/2009 / © VEPRO AG 2009